Heroic Benchmark Wiki
Heroic Benchmark Wiki

Note: This Page is about the manga and novel versions of Yuichiro Takiguchi, as the film version is not a hero and doesn't do anything heroic.

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“ So sad, so full of care and...trust like if you were looking for something. I know that truly bad people...don't have eyes like yours. Because I think you're a good girl. I think that maybe you're just lost, and lost people...sometimes do bad things. I hope that you find what you're looking for soon, Mitsu. I really do. „
~ Yuichiro's most famous quote as he comforts Mistuko and tries to convince her that she's not really bad.

Yuichiro Takiguchi is a minor, but pivotal protagonist in the novel and manga Battle Royale. He was a student of the program, who was the only person to sympathize with Mitsuko Souma, which is what got him and his friend Tadakatsu killed.

His Good Ranking[]

His Heroic Acts[]

  • When he saw Mitsuko and Tadakatsu trying to kill each other, he was able to stop them and convince Tadakatsu to keep Mitsuko alive, saving his life as a result.
  • He comforts Mitsuko, telling her that she wasn't really bad and that she was just lost deep down, while also saying that he hoped she found what she wanted in the end.
  • When Mitsuko ran into Yuichiro half naked to make it look like Tadakatsu tried to rape her after she failed to kill the latter, Yuichiro tried to protect her from Tadakatsu.
  • He tried to convince Tadakatsu to give him his gun so they could figure things out and stop him from killing Mitsuko.
  • After Tadakatsu tried to shoot Mitsuko, Yuichiro took the gunshot to save her life, although this lead to both his and Tadakatsu.
  • In the manga, Yuichiro told her that she believed that she was still a "good girl" deep down, despite her being about to kill him and having killed Tadakatsu.
  • Overall, he's the only person to sympathize with Mitsuko in the whole story to the point that she genuinely cared about him, even if it's subverted in the manga after he rapes and kills him.

Why he doesn't stand out?[]

  • Despite how admirable he is, he still fails the admirable standards far too much in comparison to Noriko, who has risked her life to protect the people she cared about, and was the one to give Shuya the idea to save as many people in the program as possible, saving several people in the process, all with similar rescourses to Yuichiro.


  • Only the manga and novel versions qualify, as the film version doesn't do anything heroic and has little to no screentime, with it also being implied that he is a pervert as his body is seen alongside Tadakatsu's with Mitsuko naked, implying that she had a threesome with him and Tadakatsu before she killed them.