Hero Fanon Wiki

To vote for the Pure of Heart Proposals of the day, see:

  1. None at the moment.

To vote for the Pure of Heart Removal Proposals of the day, see:

  1. None at the moment.


Hero Fanon Wiki
Hero Fanon Wiki

These are heroes who use their rage unto their foes and is what gives them unstoppable power. These heroes will actually use their massive strength to lay huge damage to their foes. They are the opposite of Barbarians.

NOTE: Berserkers can't qualify as Pure of Heart nor Near Pure Good because they let their rage get the best of them, habitually lashing out dangerously at anything and everything with powerful and destructive effect, thus possibly endangering everyone around them. Pure of Heart heroes and NPGs have total control of their anger and know very well to control themselves.

In rare cases, Pure of Heart instead go under Wrathful.

As for Near Pure Good, they also go under Wrathful, as well as Heroic Jerks, Brutes, Fighters, or Lethal.

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