This article's content is marked as Mature Wyman Manderly contains mature content that may include coarse language, sexual references, and/or graphic violent images which may be disturbing to some. Mature articles are recommended for those who are 18 years of age and older. If you are 18 years or older or are comfortable with graphic material, you are free to view this page. Otherwise, you should close this page and view another page. |
“ | My son Wendel came to the the Twins a guest. He ate Lord Walder's bread and salt, and hung his sword upon the wall to feast with friends. And they murdered him. Murdered, I say, and may the Freys choke upon their fables. I drink with Jared, jape with Symond, promise Rhaegar the hand of my own beloved granddaughter ... but never think that means I have forgotten. The north remembers, Lord Davos. The north remembers, and the mummer's farce is almost done. My son is home. | „ |
~ Wyman to Davos Seaworth |
“ | The best pie you have ever tasted, my lords. Wash it down with Arbor gold and savor every bite. I know I shall. | „ |
~ Wyman offering pies made with Freys to Roose Bolton, Aenys Frey, and Hosteen Frey. |
“ | Stannis: Wyman Manderly. Lord Too-Fat-to-Sit-a-Horse. Too fat to come to me, yet he comes to Winterfell. Too fat to bend the knee and swear me his sword, yet now he wields that sword for Bolton. I sent my Onion Lord to treat with him, and Lord Too-Fat butchered him and mounted his head and hands on the walls of White Harbor for the Frey to gloat over. And the Freys ... has the Red Wedding been forgotten? Theon: The north remembers. The Red Wedding, Lady Hornwood's fingers, the sack of Winterfell, Deepwood Motte and Torrhen's Square, they remember all of it. |
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~ Stannis Baratheon and Theon Greyjoy discussing the loyalty of Wyman and the northern lords. |
Lord Wyman Manderly of White Harbor is a major supporting character in the A Song of Ice and Fire novel series and a minor character in the television series Game of Thrones. He is the head of House Manderly, Lord of White Harbor, Warden of the White Knife, Shield of the Faith, Defender of the Dispossessed, Lord Marshal of the Mander, and Knight of the Order of the Green hand.
He is the richest man in the North, ruling the only true city and great port in the north. He has the largest northern naval fleet, and due to his Andal heritage his city includes buildings of worship of the Seven and many anointed knights. His house is the third most powerful in the North, surpassed only by the Starks and the Boltons. He is one of the fattest men in the Seven Kingdoms, and can no longer ride a horse and must be carried in a litter.
He has two sons, Ser Wylis and Ser Wendel, and has been a widower for eight years. Due to the Starks allowing their ancestors to live in the North after being exiled from the Reach, Wyman and his family are one of the most loyal vassals to House Stark of Winterfell.
Because of his physical appearance, Wyman is mistaken by many as a foolish craven, and underestimated. Wyman likes to let people believe this, cleverly behaving as a person easy to treat with as a front. In reality, Wyman is shrewd, calculating, capable of deceit and even ruthlessness, intelligent, and knows how to play politics. While he is seemingly loyal to the Boltons, this is an act and he is planning to destroy them and the Freys as revenge for the Red Wedding.
In Game of Thrones, he is portrayed by Sean Blowers.
A Song of Ice and Fire[]
Wyman Manderly is the head of House Manderly. He has two sons, Wylis and Wendel, and has been a widower for eight years. His titles include Lord of White Harbor, Warden of the White Knife, Shield of the Faith, Defender of the Dispossessed, Lord Marshal of the Mander, and Knight of the Order of the Green Hand. He has participated in the Battle of the Trident during Robert's Rebellion.
Wyman is so fat he can no longer ride a horse and must be carried in a litter, leading to the nickname Lord Too-Fat-to-Sit-a-Horse. He is nearly sixty years old, with a massive belly and fingers the size of sausages.
Wyman is amiable and has a loud, booming laugh. He is mocked by his own people as Lord Lamprey. By his own admission, and because of his physical appearance, Wyman is seen by many as craven and foolish, however, this is a clever front; he is shrewd, calculating and intelligent. He is also staunchly loyal to House Stark.
Wyman's heir, Ser Wylis, is captured by The Mountain in the battle of the Green Fork, and is held prisoner at Harrenhal. His second son, Ser Wendel, is killed at the Red Wedding.
Wyman wishes to get even with those who are responsible for Wendel's death, but cannot act against them openly as long as Wylis is held by the Lannisters. It does not mean he has given up vengeance, because "the North remembers".
Prior to the battle of Castle Black, Stannis Baratheon sends Davos to the White Harbor, to gain the support of the Manderlys. Davos is accepted with open hostility at the court of Lord Manderly. He reminds Wyman the death of his son, but then one of the attending Freys, Ser Jared, tells the Freys' version of the Red Wedding: Robb and his followers have warged into wolves, and the Freys acted in self defense. Brazenly, Jared claims that Wendel was killed as he shielded Lord Frey with his body. Davos is stunned at the enormity of the lie, which Wyman seems to believe.
Wyman's younger granddaughter Wylla supports Davos: she states that Robb Stark was their king, the Freys murdered him, and if Stannis is ready to avenge him - they should join him. She also reminds what Ramsay Snow (she deliberately calls him that, even though he was long legitimized) did to Lady Hornwood, and she will never accept as as Lord of Winterfell. Lord Wyman hushes her, and her mother drags her away. Then Wyman orders Davos arrested to be executed.
Davos is thrown to jail, where he is kept for days. Unbeknown to him, Wyman executes a criminal who generally resembles Davos, and reports to King's Landing. Cersei is convinced that Wyman has proven his loyalty sufficiently and orders Wylis released and sent to the White Harbor. Jaime, on his way to Riverrun, escorts Wylis to White Harbor.
Davos is surprised when Robett Glover comes to his cell and takes him to a secret room where Wyman and a mute youth are standing. Wyman apologizes for his rudeness but explains to Davos that is was all a show - to fool the Freys and Lannisters - but he is totally loyal to the Starks. Now that Wylis is back home safely, he can take action against those who are responsible to Wendel's death. He introduces the mute as Wex, who was among the ironborn in Winterfell but was not killed or captured by the Boltons. Wex followed Rickon Stark and Osha, and once he discovered their destination - he made it to the White Harbor and told Wyman. Wyman tells Davos he is willing to join Stannis, on condition that Davos rescues Rickon.
Some time afterwards, Wyman travels to Winterfell, where Ramsay's wedding to "Arya Stark" (a disguised Jeyne Poole) is held. The three Freys who attended his court - Jared, Symond and Rhaegar - disappear without a trace. Wyman claims that he gave them guest gifts (then they were no longer protected by the guest right) and they parted ways. He brings to the wedding three huge pies, and serves them first to Roose Bolton and his wife, then to Hosteen and Aenys Frey, before devouring large pieces of each pie. Then he asks Abel the bard (actually a disguised Mance Rayder) to play the song about the Rat Cook.
Tension grows at Winterfell as a result of serial murders, especially between Wyman and Hosteen Frey, who suspects that Wyman is responsible for the disappearance of the three Freys. After "Little" Walder Frey is murdered, Hosteen accuses Wyman openly that he had the boy murdered. Wyman denies but comments that that boy's death "was a blessing. Had he lived, he would have grown up to be a Frey.” Ser Hosteen loses his temper at that taunting, charges at Wyman and injures him. A bloody brawl erupts, resulting in eight casualties and thirteen injured. Roose orders Wyman and the Freys to take their troops and head to the village where Stannis's host is. After Wyman is given medical treatment, the two parties leave Winterfell. The Freys are delayed due to the trap pits Mors Umber and his men dug, which gives Wyman an opportunity to join Stannis.
Unfortunately, Stannis believes that Davos has been executed by Wyman, which raises serious doubts by Stannis that Wyman is on his side.
- In the television series Game of Thrones, Wyman and his family, House Manderly, are oddly not important to the story, despite the fact that they are supposed to be the wealthiest and third most powerful house of the North and rule White Harbor, the largest northern settlement and only real city. The Manderlys are the only northern house with a real large naval fleet, while the others have only small fleets. And they have the largest cavalry, with wealth to hire more armies. In the novels, Tywin Lannister constantly wrote to Wyman to negotiate peace with him and convince him to reopen White Harbor's gates to restore naval trade.
- During the end of the sixth season Game of Thrones, Arya Stark murders Black Walder Rivers and Lothar Frey and somehow bakes them into pies to feed them to Lord Walder Frey. In A Song of Ice and Fire, it is not Arya who bakes Freys into pies, but Lord Manderly during A Dance with Dragons, and Arya's act in the TV show was based on Wyman's revenge.
- After long negotiations, Wyman manages to prove his "loyalty" to the Crown by arresting Stannis Baratheon's envoy and Hand Davos Seaworth, then staging a false execution with a criminal body double, and deliver Davos's head to the Iron Throne envoys, who in turn send it to Cersei Lannister in King's Landing, leading her to allow the release of Wyman's captive son, Wylis Manderly, from Harrenhal. During the travel to join Roose Bolton's host, Wyman has the three envoys - Ser Jared Frey, Symond Frey, and Rhaegar Frey secretely killed, and then has his bakers add their bodies into huge pie. The pies are brought to Ramsay's wedding at Winterfell and presented by Wyman as pork pies, which are eaten by guests and by Roose Bolton's wife, Walda Frey.
- The Freys correctly suspect that Wyman murdered the three missing Freys, and toward the end of the fifth book, after someone murders Little Walder Frey at Winterfell, a fight between White Harbor men and Frey men breaks out, resulting in Ser Hosteen Frey injuring Wyman and promising to have his head after dealing with Stannis.
- After long negotiations, Wyman manages to prove his "loyalty" to the Crown by arresting Stannis Baratheon's envoy and Hand Davos Seaworth, then staging a false execution with a criminal body double, and deliver Davos's head to the Iron Throne envoys, who in turn send it to Cersei Lannister in King's Landing, leading her to allow the release of Wyman's captive son, Wylis Manderly, from Harrenhal. During the travel to join Roose Bolton's host, Wyman has the three envoys - Ser Jared Frey, Symond Frey, and Rhaegar Frey secretely killed, and then has his bakers add their bodies into huge pie. The pies are brought to Ramsay's wedding at Winterfell and presented by Wyman as pork pies, which are eaten by guests and by Roose Bolton's wife, Walda Frey.
- In TV series, Lord Wyman Manderly fought in the War of the Five Kings for Robb Stark. However, after his son and heir Wendel Manderly was slain during the Red Wedding, he decided to take no part in the Bolton and Stark conflict and stayed at White Harbor to ensure no more Manderly lives would be at risk. After the Battle of Bastards was over, Lyanna Mormont persuaded him to join Jon Snow and vowed his loyalty.
- In the TV series, Wyman's revenge and role was entirely omitted, and his assassination of Freys was given to Arya Stark. Instead, Game of Thrones screenwriter D. B. Weiss described Wyman as a "flip flopper" during his commentary of season 6's finale. This is entirely unlike George R. R. Martin's portrayal of the character in the original source.
- The Manderlys in general were given near zero involvement with the TV series' story, unlike in the novels, where they are the northern house that concern Tywin Lannister the most. The books' northern storyline involving Wyman, Stannis Baratheon, the Freys, Mance Rayder, a presumed conspiracy of the northern nobility, and the ironborn was removed completely from the show in favor of a simpler and shorter plot.
- It is believed by some people that Wyman was replaced by Lyanna Mormont, a minor character in A Song of Ice and Fire, as among the anticipated major castings during the making of season 6, one character with the description of a fat lord loyal to House Stark was included. Since Wyman's rebellion and role in the campaign against the Boltons was omitted, and instead he was portrayed as neutral and loyal to the Iron Throne, it is likely that he was replaced by Lyanna during the making of the sixth season.
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