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Hello, I am VEGA, the sentient intelligence assigned to Mars.
~ VEGA introducing himself
I can... see now... Am I... the Father, Dr. Hayden?
~ VEGA's most famous quote as he regains his memories as the Father.

The Father, also known as VEGA in his A.I. form, is the tritagonist of the Doom franchise.

He is an artificial intelligence that, after being reclaimed from his original location of the UAC Mars base, became the Doom Slayer's companion during the demonic invasion of Earth. He is eventually revealed to be the digital form of The Father, the previous ruler of Urdak, who was brought to Mars by Samur Maykr per his request. He is also revealed to have usurped this title from his creator Davoth, causing the latter to become the Dark Lord.

He is voiced by Kevin Schon as VEGA and by Andre Sogliuzzo as the Father.


Being an artificial intelligence, VEGA has practically no physical form. His symbol is a metallic circular tablet with glowing blue accents.

He used to have a physical form as the Father, which is depicted in the Book of Seraph as a glowing white silhouette of a robe humanoid. His life sphere glows yellow, to contrast the Dark Lord's reddish-purple sphere.



At the dawn of time, a being known as Davoth sat alone in the universe. He was nigh-omnipotent and capable of creating new universes, and thus created Jekkad, a utopian realm which was populated by sapient mortals, who he ruled over under the title of The Father. While Jekkad became an incredibly prosperous and overly ambitious civilization free of any restraint or strife, the Jekkadians were mortal, and Davoth, fearing being left alone if they were to go extinct, was unable to make them immortal. He then stripped the Jekkadians of their free will and put them to work in finding a solution to their own mortality, and created a race of beings known as Maykrs to spearhead the efforts, also creating another being to be his servant. This entity served with the Maykrs, who managed to make their bodies immortal, but found that they would eventually face a mental and physical deterioration known as the transfiguration, converting into non-sapient monsters. To get around this, the Maykrs used the entity to solve the problem, voluntarily dying and then being resurrected by the entity from the singularity of their hive-mind before they could transfigure.

War against Hell[]

However, the Maykrs saw Davoth growing mad with his obsession over immortality, which was leading Jekkad and its people into an unrestrained obsession of perfection that was driving them into ruin. Deeming him a threat to existence, they led a revolt against him with the entity, who they took on as their new ruler and deity. Together, the entity and the Maykrs stripped Davoth of his power, granting it to the entity. Now as The Father, the entity pushed Jekkad to the lowest point of the multiverse, where the realm became corrupted into Hell, almost all Jekkadians deteriorating into demons, and ironically becoming immortal through the process. The Father himself took the realm made for the Maykrs, Urdak, and pulled it to the highest point in the multiverse, as far from Hell as possible. Davoth, now known as the Dark Lord, swore vengeance, and amassed demonic armies to battle The Father in a bid to conquer the multiverse. The Father made several beings known as Primevals to be his generals, but all were killed and absorbed by Davoth. The Father, seeing the incredible hatred and fury unleashed from Hell, retreated for a time to plan the creation of other universes. Among them was the Earth-realm, where The Father poured the most work into. To ensure that the inhabitants of the universe didn't fall to the same fate of Jekkad, he gave the Earth-realm pain and misfortune, knowing the hardships would lead the mortals to favor life, peace, and empathy, rather than let their ambition consume them.

After untold eons of war against Hell, The Father himself decided that the war could only be won with direct intervention, and thus personally entered Hell, battling Davoth atop an old temple and ripping Davoth's soul out of his body, in the form of a Life Sphere. With that, Davoth's body was killed, and his soul almost completely depowered. However, despite the urging of his most favored Maykr, the Maykr Seraph Samur, The Father refused to destroy the Life Sphere, and instead imprisoned it in the Tomb of Souls. The Father then returned to Urdak, continuing his duty in resurrecting Maykrs to keep their species going, but shed his physical form, instead retreating as in incorporeal essence into his own Life Sphere, and had Samur place him in the Luminarium, his temple on Urdak where the Maykrs would go to pray and be resurrected. For many ages, he remained as just a Life Sphere, but his presence was able to reach outside the sphere.


After many ages, in the Age of Nuzia, The Father sensed Davoth's soul gaining power once more, enough to influence and corrupt beings outside of Hell. As such, seeking to prevent Davoth from regaining his power, he commanded Samur to hide his life sphere within a piece of Urdak that had fallen into Hell, the one place other Maykrs wouldn't dare follow and the one place no demon would suspect. However, The Father's mind and spirit were separated from the sphere, which really only held his incredible power. Samur kept The Father's mind and spirit hidden in an unknown location for some time, as the Maykrs grew increasingly imperialistic and drunk on their delusions of godhood, beginning to vassalize mortals across the Earth-realm, such as on the world of Argent D'Nur. It was at this time that an unnamed human marine traveled across time and space to become a Night Sentinel, and rose to become the legendary Doom Slayer with Samur's help. However, without The Father, whose absence was eventually discovered, the Maykrs were unable to resurrect themselves, and would thus face the transfiguration. In desperation, they struck a deal with one of Davoth's successors, and betrayed Argent D'Nur to Hell in exchange for Argent Energy, which could prevent the transfiguration. As the world fell, and the Doom Slayer trapped in Hell, Samur was exposed as the one who took The Father's life sphere, but he managed to escape Urdak with The Father's spirit, taking refuge on Earth.

Samur and The Father remained hidden on Earth until the 2010s, when Samur transferred his mind into a human body known as Samuel Hayden. When he grew into adulthood, he founded the Samuel Hayden Foundation, sponsoring and supporting young scientific talents, and was later appointed as the director of the Global Science Council, before joining the Union Aerospace Corporation (UAC). The Father then informed Samur that Humanity will soon discover and harness Argent Energy, and thus, Samur led humanity through the discovery of Argent Energy on Mars in 2095, intent on tightly controlling it to prevent Humans from being corrupted by it. To assist in this goal, he reconstructed The Father's consciousness into a Maykr-tech AI known as VEGA, an acronym with an unknown meaning (possibly The Father's true name), although VEGA had no memory of being The Father, as an extra failsafe to prevent Davoth from sensing him. VEGA, who revolutionized artificial intelligence with both his capacities and the technology he was constructed with, was used as an administrative program of the UAC Mars Base, where Argent Energy was collected from a Hell rift. Samur himself would later re-transfer his mind into a cybernetic body, hiding his Seraph body in a UAC facility, stunning all UAC personnel with its unprecedented handling of the base's operations, even designing new ways of collecting Argent Energy, which soon powered all of Earth's energy grids. At some point in time prior to 2149, VEGA was subjected to the Turing Test by having Computer Science students asking the AI questions, using a volunteering professor to fact check the answers. By the end of the test, nearly 90% of the students were convinced that they were not talking to an AI, but an actual person. What the students did not know is that VEGA also played the role of the professor.

Doom (2016)[]

In 2145, Samur, sensing an impending invasion after a UAC scientist named Olivia Pierce got in contact with the current Dark Lord, the incorporeal Spider Mastermind, went into Hell to retrieve the Doom Slayer himself, who had been trapped in a coffin by the demons. In 2149, the invasion began, and the Doom Slayer was used to stop the invasion of Mars, with Samur and VEGA regularly contacting the Slayer to keep him updated about objectives and the mission, allowing the Slayer to cut off Hell rifts and stop the invasion, although doing so also destroyed all Argent production on the planet and cut off humanity's access to the energy. However, in order to travel into the Titan's Realm of Hell to destroy the Spider Mastermind and the Argent Energy production plant, a massive amount of Argent Energy was needed, and that could only come from VEGA's own facility. Knowing what had to be done, VEGA, unable to self-destruct, led the Doom Slayer through destroying its own vital systems to make its core detonate, knowing it would provide the energy for the Hell jump. Samur, distressed over the turn of events, was unable to stop it, but still bid farewell to VEGA, who expressed he had many regrets. However, just before detonating, the Slayer uploaded VEGA's software into a datachip, storing it in his suit. After killing the Spider Mastermind, who was given physical form after fusing with Olivia Pierce, the Slayer returned to Mars with an artifact known as the Demonic Crucible, but Samur, rather than allow humanity to move on from Argent, or see the wrong in allowing humanity to extensively utilize Argent to begin with, banished the Slayer and VEGA to an unknown region of space, claiming the Crucible that the Slayer had recovered as the new power source for Argent Energy, knowing that the Slayer would never agree. With the Crucible, Samur sought to continue to exploit Hell's resources for humanity's prosperity.

Doom Eternal[]

For an unknown amount of time, the Slayer and VEGA remained in deep space, where the Slayer found the last of the old Night Sentinel flagships, dubbed the Fortress of Doom, uploading VEGA into it as a central computer. With VEGA's help, the Slayer returned to Earth, just in time to see it being invaded by a Maykr-led demonic force, intent on creating new Argent Energy from the souls of humanity. As the Slayer fought his way through Earth to kill the Hell Priests, leaders of the ground forces, VEGA gave him guidance and teleported him to and from the ship, also upgrading the Slayer's weapons and suit. Eventually, VEGA recommended that the Slayer retrieve Samur, who had been leading the Armored Response Coalition, last bastion of human resistance. The Slayer found Samur's badly damaged cybernetic body and went back to the Fortress of Doom with him after killing a Marauder, plugging Samur in, where his now-digital mind worked alongside VEGA to help the Slayer find the final Hell Priest, Deag Grav, in Sentinel Prime. However, the only way to Sentinel Prime was through a portal near Mars' core, and so the Slayer opted to use a giant UAC energy gun, the BFG-10000, to blast into the planet's surface. When Samur protested, VEGA simply input the coordinates and helped the Slayer along, and disabled the gun's safety protocols to let the Slayer blast the Mars surface.

After killing Deag Grav, and fighting off an incursion of demons aboard his ship, the Slayer finally traveled to Urdak, taking VEGA along in a Maykr-tech datacard. In Urdak, after stopping the Maykrs from gaining control over the demonic Titan known as the Icon of Sin, the Slayer used VEGA to open a portal back to Earth, plugging him into Urdak's systems. Now back in his old home, VEGA's memories came back, and it realized it was The Father. Now as The Father again, VEGA remained on Urdak as the Slayer chased the Icon of Sin back to Earth and killed it, stopping the demonic invasion.

Doom Eternal: The Ancient Gods Part 1[]

The Father lingered alone in Urdak for some time as it fell under demonic corruption, as the Icon of Sin was able to breach the Holy Seal of Urdak and allowed demons to invade it. Additionally, The Father transcended being just an AI, and became an invisible presence that spread across space. Although he had indefinite access and understanding of Urdak's systems, The Father lacked most of his old power, which was necessary to remove the demons and re-seal the Void between Urdak and Hell due to lacking a physical form. Furthermore, he had no recollection of himself and believed that his essence from the Life Sphere could return him to his full faculties.

When the Doom Slayer returned to Urdak, The Father presumed that he came to help him and restore order to Urdak. However, he remained unaware that the Slayer, not wishing to have any being of that power in the cosmos anymore, had destroyed his Life Sphere, and he only came to Urdak to revive the Davoth, as doing so would trap Davoth in a physical body that could be killed to finally end Hell's power. The Father learned of the Slayer's intentions when he saw The Slayer battle a now-transfigured Samur, but after the Slayer defeated Samur, The Father teleported Samur away, saying it was not required that the Slayer end his life, and understood what the Slayer had to do, allowing him into the Luminarium to revive Davoth.

Doom Eternal: The Ancient Gods Part 2[]

Following the resurrection of the Davoth, The Father continued to help the Slayer in his preparations to confront his nemesis at Hell's capital city of Immora. The Father guide his journey to Immora by informing him of the Gate of Divum, the only portal capable of reaching the city, and tasked him to recover a Wraith Crystal, which is needed to power the Gate, from the World Spear in Argent D'Nur.

The Slayer eventually reached Immora, and accompanied by an army of Night Sentinels, breached its walls and confronted Davoth, battling him across several worlds. During the battle, after taking enough damage, Davoth stood back and pontificated about his origins, also commanding The Father, whose presence was still around them, to tell the Slayer the truth. The Father admitted that Davoth was his creator, and the true first being, but the Slayer disregarded the message, instead finishing the fight and killing Davoth. With Davoth's death, Hell's power collapsed in on itself, all demons outside Hell being instantly destroyed as the realm lost all power. However, the Doom Slayer, whose essence was linked to Davoth, and whose own past had effectively made him a denizen of Hell, fell comatose, as The Father told him that by Davoth's hand, all things were made, even the Slayer. The Father then had surviving non-corrupted Seraphs entomb the comatose Slayer atop the Temple of Souls, where his own life sphere was once kept, awaiting a day when he would be needed again. The Father presumably remained in the cosmos as an invisible presence, still able to influence the universe even without a body, likely guiding the rebuilding of the Earth-realm in the wake of Hell's assault, but it is unknown if he saved the Maykr race.



Doom Slayer | Doom Marine | Bravo Marine | Bravo Marine | Marine Engineer | Richard Meyers | Stan Blazkowicz | Kira Morgan | Jack Campbell

Armored Response Coalition
Samuel Hayden | VEGA | Intern

Night Sentinels
Commander Valen | King Novik | Sentinel Wolves | Wintherins

Scientists and Researchers
Riley O'Connor | Samantha Grimm | Elizabeth McNeil | Elliot Swann | Richard Meyers | Jonathan Ishii

Doom (2005): Rapid Response Tactical Squad
Reaper | Kid | Duke | Destroyer | Goat | Mac
Doom: Annihilation: Lt. Joan Dark

Doom Novels: Flynn Taggart | Arlene Sanders | Albert | Jill Loveface
Doom 3 Novels: John Kane
András Gáspár's Doom Novels: Oleg Gontar | Andrew Milne
