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Hien is one of the 11 Striders who have died in battle against Grandmaster Meio in the 2014 Strider game. As opposed to his arcade counterpart, he remained loyal to the Striders to the end.


If the outfit Hiryu can wear is any indication, Hien wore a primary white outfit.

The emblem on his attire was apparently En (燕, lit. "Swallow") instead of Hi like in the arcade games.


The English version described him as arrogant, but the Japanese version described him with a gentle demeanor, a rarity among Striders.

Combat Capabilities[]

His primary weapon is a three-stage Cypher called a Geometrical Cypher that takes three forms, which presumably take the forms from the arcade games. He’s also said to have been skilled as part of being a Special-A ranked Strider.


Prior to the events of the game, Hien worked with Hiryu on several missions prior to being summoned to assassinate Grandmaster Meio.

He succeeded in infiltrating Meio’s Tower, but was slain by Meio himself.


            Strider logo Heroes

Strider Organization
Hiryu | Cain | Sheena | Director Kuramoto | Ryuzaki | Navigator | Hinjo | Hiyou | Hoen | Jingei | Koja | Ouga | Rouga | Shinden | Shouyo | Kuga and Raiga | Hien |

Other characters
Rebel Army | Resistance | Black Marketeer | Prisoner |
