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Greys, sometimes known as Grey Aliens, Grays, or simply Greys, are by far the most commonly reported species involved in UFOlogical cases. Named for the coloration of their skin, these sapient humanoids have gathered fame and attention from researchers thanks to such infamous incidents as the Roswell UFO crash of 1947 and the Barney and Betty Hill abduction case in 1961; and their image has found its way into popular imagination and mass media to represent the archetypal, flying saucer-using, memory-erasing alien visitor who abducts subjects to study them.


In Fortean theories, the relationship between Greys and other Alien Races, is usually more complex, although it's frequently believed that the Greys themselves in origin, and that they're employed; or in some sources explicitly enslaved; to act as a researching workforce and do the other race's bidding. Conversely, alternate ideas abound, including some picturing the Greys as benevolent, time-traveling Beings whose main purpose is to monitor and guide the development of their ancestors, but they're not evolved from humans because they're completely different species.

In the majority of UFO cases, the Greys have been consistently described as short, thin humanoids with grey and hairless skin and a conspicuously large cranium. Their eyes are large, black and almond-shaped, and their facial features are restricted to a pair of small slits in the place of the nose, and a small mouth. Their fingers are usually long and dexterous. Their bodies are proportionally small, and they don't appear to have genitals, which is noticeable due to the fact that they don't wear clothes. In some cases, they have been reported as capable of telepathy.

The body of Greys are more or less considered a vessel for higher dimensional beings to act in a lower density environment like the earth. An Is-Be in a Grey body can leave or invade this vessel according to their will much like an avatar. It is mostly designed to be a tool for example to steer spaceships, like an interface between an Is-Be and a machine. An Is-Be can control none, one or even more Grey vessels at the same moment. There are a couple of different alien races who use Grey bodies to focus energy in lower densities.


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Folklore, Religions, and Myths
Adad | Ae-oyna-kamuy | Ahura Mazda | Amaterasu-omikami | Anahit | Anansi | Angels | Aliens | Aradia | Baal | Bastet | Baron Samedi | Beowulf | Bes | Black Sam | Bunjil | Catrina | Christkind | Coyote | Cú Chulainn | Dazbog | Dragons | Dhampirs | Dwarves | Easter Bunny | Elves | Enki | Enlil | Fairies | Fionn mac Cumhaill | Gargoyles | Ghost Hunters | Ghosts | Glooscap | Gnomes | Genies | Golems | Greys | Grim Reaper | Hanuman | Horus | Huitzilopochtl | Hunor and Magor | Inanna | Indra | Isis | Jack the Giant Slayer | Jarilo | Kaang | King Arthur | Knights of the Round Table | Krishna | Lancelot | Lauma | Lugh | Leprechauns | Madremonte | Maidens | Marduk | Merlin | Merpeople | Mother Nature | Mrs. Claus | Mulan | Nanabozho | Nezha | Ninurta | Perkūnas | Osiris | Perun | Piers Shonks | Pincoya | Qat | Quetzalcoatl | Revenants | Ra | Rama | Raven | Robin Hood | Sandman | Santa Muerte | Santa Claus | Santa Claus's Reindeers (Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer) | Sea Serpents | Shiprah and Puah | Shiva | Sun Wukong | Susanoo-no-Mikoto | Teshub | Thoth | Three Wise Kings | Tooth Fairy | Truelove Eyre | Ukanomitama | Utu | Unicorns | Vampire Hunters | Vahagn | Veles | Vishnu | Viracocha | World Turtle | Yu Huang | Ziz

Abrahamic Religions
Abel | Abraham | Adam | Elijah | Esther | Eve | God| Holy Spirit | Jesus Christ | Joseph | Joshua | Samson | King David | Mordecai | Moses | Muhammad | Noah | Saints (Saint Lucy | Virgin Mary)
Archangels (Michael/Mīkāʾīll | Gabriel | Raphael | Azrael | Uriel)
Angel of the Lord | Cherubim | Dominions | Guardian Angels (Angel of Portugal) | Powers | Virtues

Greek mythology
Eros | Hercules | Nymphs | Odysseus, King of Ithaca | Pegasus | Perseus | Theseus| Argonauts (Jason)
Olympian Gods
Elder Gods (Demeter | Hades | Hera | Hestia | Poseidon | Zeus)
Aphrodite | Apollo | Artemis | Asclepius | Astrea | Athena | Eos | Hecate | Helios | Hermes | Janus | Leto | Persephone | Triton

Roman mythology
Roman Gods
Diana| Jupiter | Neptune| Cupid | Venus | Minerva |
Trojans |

Norse mythology
Gods of Asgard
Balder | Freya | Freyr | Nanna | Odin | Sif | Skadi | Thor | Tyr | Ullr | Idunn

Finnish mythology
Ukko | Väinämöinen

Arcturians | Andromedans | Butterfly People | Nordic Aliens | Yeti | Pérák

Urban Legends
Don Pedro Jaramillo | El Cochero sin Cabeza | El Camionero Fantasma | The Gray Man of Pawley's Island | La Pascualita | La Planchada | La Niña de Las Monedas | Sally Williams

Possessed Objects
St.Louis Ghost Train | La Pascualita | Gargoyles

See Also
SCP Foundation Heroes | Trevor Henderson Heroes | Cthulhu Mythos Heroes
