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Geoffrey St. John is a major character in the Sonic the Hedgehog comic book series by Archie Comics. He was a member of the Royal Underground before reforming into the leader of the Royal Secret Service, an organization that serves under King Acorn.

He is also the arch-rival of Sonic the Hedgehog and ex-boyfriend of Sally Acorn, and the husband of Hershey St. John.

He used to be a ally of the Freedom Fighters, but had betrayed them when he started working with their archenemy, Ixis Naugus, who wanted to be king of New Mobotropolis.





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            ArchieSonicLogo (Archie Comics) Heroes

Freedom Fighters
Amy Rose | Antoine D'Coolette | Big the Cat | Bunnie Rabbot | Cheese the Chao | Cream the Rabbit | Froggy | Miles "Tails" Prower | Nicole the Holo-Lynx | Omochao | Rotor the Walrus | Sally Acorn | Sonic the Hedgehog | T-Pup
Arctic Freedom Fighters
Augustus the Polar Bear | Erma the Ermine | Flip the Penguin | Guntiver the Arctic Wolf | Sealia the Seal
Downunda Freedom Fighters
Barby Koala | Duck "Bill" Platypus | Guru Emu | Wombat Stu | Walt Wallaby
Forty Fathom Freedom Fighters
Bivalve Clam | Bottlenose Dolphin | Fluke the Blue Whale | P. B. Jellyfish | Ray the Manta
Dark Freedom Fighters
Blockbuster Polar Bear | Cutlass Depardieu | Dagger Walrus | Demo Duck | Jani-Ca | Payback Fox | Scarlette Rabbot
Secret Freedom Fighters
Elias Acorn | Harvey Who | Larry the Lynx | Leeta and Lyco | Shard the Metal Sonic | Silver the Hedgehog
Desert Raiders
Sonar the Fennec | Spike the Porcupine | Trevor Burrow the Mole
Shijin Warriors
Bunker the Tortoise | Cinder the Pheasant | Dulcy the Dragon |Jian the Tiger

Kingdom of Acorn
Elias Acorn | King Acorn | Sally Acorn | Alicia Acorn
Council of Acorn
Dylan the Porcupine | Hamlin the Pig | Penelope the Platypus | Rosemary Prower | Rotor the Walrus | Sir Charles Hedgehog
Amadeus Prower | Sir Connery | Armand D'Coolette
Ash Mongoose | Ben Muttski | G-merl | Mina Mongoose | Rosie Woodchuck | Tommy Turtle | Vanilla the Rabbit

Angel Island
Chaos | Knuckles the Echidna | Relic the Pika | Fixit the Robot | Tikal the Echidna

Chaotix Detective Agency
Charmy Bee | Espio the Chameleon | Vector the Crocodile
Heavy and Bomb | Mighty the Armadillo | Ray the Flying Squirrel

Abraham Tower | Amanda Tower | Hope Kintobor | Madonna Garnet
Team Dark
E-123 Omega | Hope Kintobor | Rouge the Bat | Shadow the Hedgehog

Time and Space Travelers
Sol Dimension
Blaze the Cat | Marine the Raccoon
Future Timeline
Gold the Tenrec | Professor Von Schlemmer | Silver the Hedgehog
Zone Cops
Warden Zobotnik | Zonic

Light Mobius
Future Freedom Fighters
Belle and Jacques | King Sonic | Lara-Su the Echidna | Manik and Sonia | Melody and Skye
Miles "Tails" Prower | Knuckles the Echidna

Coral the Betta | Crusher the Chao | Echo the Dolphin | Pearly the Manta Ray | Razor the Shark

Bernadette the Hedgehog | Chip | Cyborg Sonic | Doctor Ivo Kintobor | Doctor J. Kintobor | E-102 Gamma | Fiona Fox | Geoffrey St. John | Hershey St. John | Honey the Cat | Jules the Hedgehog | Julie-Su the Echidna | Lupe the Wolf | Maria Robotnik | Mega Man | Moss the Sloth | Professor Pickle | Remington | Saffron Bee

See Also
Sonic the Hedgehog Heroes
