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And now time resumes!

They broke my comedy mask...
~ Gangle's first words in the Pilot.
Zooble: How's it feel?
Gangle: It feels... normal. Like, in a good way.
~ Gangle's reaction to her new mask.

Gangle is one of the tritagonists (alongside Zooble and Kinger) of the indie animated web series The Amazing Digital Circus.

She is a humanoid made of ribbons trapped in the Digital Circus along with five other people Pomni, Kinger, Jax, Zooble, and Ragatha.

She is voiced by Marissa Lenti.


Gangle appears to be made up of four candy red ribbons that form a humanoid shape. Her face is a white porcelain mask with black eyes and mouth. Her body consists of the main mass of the ribbons that curl, making a spring shape that spirals four times, two ribbons that form her legs, and a single ribbon for her arms (one end is the right arm, while the other end is her left arm). Whenever her comedy mask gets damaged, her next mask appears, switching to a discomforted or sad version of the former, clarified by Gooseworx as her tragedy mask.


When Gangle is wearing her comedy mask, she seems to be fairly reserved and cheerful. When her comedy facade breaks, she becomes very sad, depressed, and overly emotional. Her tone of voice changes as well, becoming more scratchy and high-pitched like she's on the brink of tears. As shown in Episode 4, her depressed state is her true personality, and trying to "mask" her more pessimistic aspects for too long causes her to become manic, controlling, and temperamental from the stress, to the point she will occasionally willingly take off her happy mask to regain her equlibrium. Gangle is referred to by Jax as one of the most "mentally stable and capable characters" in a mocking manner. Due to her mask breaking easily, Gangle is fragile in both a literal and figurative sense. Although the digital circus has more masks, some yet to be shown, as evident by zoobles body parts pile in her room. Including a “normal everyday” one that’s seen in episode 4


The Amazing Digital Circus[]


Gangle is introduced in the opening theme song, but Pomni knocks over Jax, who falls onto Kinger, who in turn tumbles into Gangle. She lands face-first, which causes her comedy mask to break, making her cry and showing her next, sadder, mask. Jax is seen stepping on her comedy mask, cracking it even more, making Gangle sob in response.

Gangle later pipes up during a conversation quietly saying, "What about Zooble?" Showing her concern for the other performer. Gangle gets paired up with Kinger to find Zooble and deal with the Gloinks. Later in the episode, Gangle reappears with Kinger, as they're gazing down a pitch-black hole, where they can hear Zooble distantly screaming. Gangle has to remind Kinger that they saw one of the Gloinks carry Zooble's pieces down there, seemingly startling Kinger.

She then asks Jax how Kaufmo is doing, saying that she hopes he isn't mad at her for not laughing at his jokes. Jax then throws a bowling ball at Kinger, who smacks against Gangle, pulling her down. Jax goes down the hole with them, and they all tumble down a long and fun-shaped slide, entering the Gloink Queen's Nest.

After Jax states that he doesn't want to help Zooble anymore, Kinger and Gangle play rock-paper-scissors to see who will go and save Zooble. Gangle loses, saddening her, while Kinger looks ecstatic about getting to help Zooble. After the Gloink Queen is defeated, Gangle shows confusion and is surprised when she learns that Kaufmo was abstracted.

On their way out, Jax offers to let Gangle go first, but changes his mind immediately after muttering: "No, wait, why would I say that?" and shoves Gangle onto the floor, and she enters last. At the end of the episode, she can be seen eating the digital feast with the other performers discussing compost with the rest of the group. She appears to be eying Pomni with worry, asking her if she is feeling alright (even though the dialogue is inaudible).

Candy Carrier Chaos[]

Gangle is seen at the Tent with the rest of the crew (except Zooble) getting pushed into the portal by Caine although she doesn't say anything much. In the Candy Canyon Kingdom when they are walking into the castle she says how wonderful this place is right before a mannequin charges into her and breaks her comedy mask.

When the crew goes to the truck Jax runs to it saying "I call shotgun" before ironically forces Gangle to drive after he is not pleased by the sound of the horn. While driving, crew finally reaches Gummigoo, Chad and Max, Jax throws Pomni out of the truck, so she would catch both of them. Pomni's arms are stretched, but before Jax can cross over to the bandits' truck, Pomni loses her grip and lands on top of the bandits' truck, much to Jax's frustration. The purple bandit sees Pomni and tries to grab her, but can't because his arms are too short. He is then hit by a shoe, shot from a bazooka by Jax, and falls off the truck. Luckily, he manages to catch a rope that was connected to the truck, and later on, he climbs back up. The boss bandit decides to shift the truck's path onto a rocky road. The main truck made it to the rocky road. Later, the crew's truck rams into the bandits' truck. The bandits' truck activates another feature, adding spikes on the side of their truck. Kinger throws an anchor with a very long rope at Pomni, but the rope flies for a long time, causing Jax to ask if the anchor was tied to anything before the rope gets pulled back and pulls the truck over to the bandits' truck. Ragatha is impaled by one of the spikes. While the bandits try to move their truck, it moves both trucks until they collide. The collision made the crew's truck fall down to a fudge river, to which Jax blames Gangle for the wreck, while the other truck along with Pomni gets glitched into the ground, until said glitched truck gets pulled up high into the sky, leaving Max and Chad on the ground while Pomni and Gummigoo clip under the map.

Back at the group, fudge bubbles pop, revealing the group's truck. The Fudge emerges from the river and looks at the truck with surprise. Thinking it was food, he takes the truck and tries to eat it with the entire crew. Ragatha stops the Fudge from eating the group by explaining that they aren't candy. The Fudge politely apologizes and talks about its past. He explained that he had been banished by Princess Loolilalu because he kept eating the mannequins, claiming that it isn't murder if it's delicious. Jax agrees with The Fudge's opinion, much to Ragatha's annoyance. Jax then offers a deal to the fudge, saying that if he helps catch the bandits, he will let him back into the kingdom. As he somehow took the key from Ragatha, suddenly the bandit's tanker crashed into the river, to which Max claims he saw the grim reaper wink at him—all of this to Ragatha's confusion. Soon they both get transported back to the kingdom by monster, and Jax explains his disappointment about the adventure, thinking it would have extreme violence and blood. Max and Chad, who are both tied up, explain to Ragatha that Pomni and Gummigoo just disappeared. Kinger says if they don't find Pomni in time, Caine will have to find her. Ragatha expresses her worries that Pomni is having another horrible experience like the last adventure and that she doesn't like her. Kinger says it's a lot for everyone to go through, like when Ragatha first joined the circus.

The replica tanker with Pomni and Gummigoo shoots out of the ground and lands right into The Fudge, flattening him. Pomni and Gummigoo end up vomiting after the impact. A concerned Ragatha goes up to Pomni, asking if she's alright, to which she says yes and that she and Gummigoo are friends. Gummigoo hugs Max and Chad, happy to see them again. Jax expresses all of his disappointment again about the adventure, and Ragatha informs him that there might be violence and blood in the next adventure. The rest of the crew sees an another tanker, which also is full of maple syrup. Gummigoo asks the crew if his bandits can take that tanker back to their village. Ragatha agrees that it's no problem if there are two of them.

The crew returns the tanker to the kingdom, Princess Loolilalu thanks them for returning the syrup, and she opens the portal back to the circus, where she thinks Gummigoo will be executed. A large explosion is heard, and Jax realizes he didn't leave the gate unlocked for nothing, letting The Fudge back into the kingdom. To Ragatha's concern and confusion because she thought he was dead, Princess Loolilalu asks Jax what he did, but only for the crew to enter the portal back into the circus as The Fudge is heard attacking the mannequins.

Caine welcomes the crew back; he notices Gummigoo and immediately deletes him, much to Pomni's confusion and dismay. Caine claims that if he loses track of who's human and NPC, something bad could happen. Once again, she begins to maniacally laugh as Caine goes away to drink water. Zooble appears again and is relieved to see Caine going away, and Ragatha asks Pomni if she'd like to attend Kaufmo's funeral, as it's the least she can do to honor his memory. The entire group (excluding Jax), is shown later at his funeral, each telling about how much Kaufmo was to them. Gangle shares her memories of having fun with him before starting to sob, while Pomni begins to see that she has friends to take care of her, and she feels a little more relaxed about the circus.

The Mystery of Mildenhall Manor[]

Gangle was seen on the couch taking notes on Pomni's special power when she holds her breath, it is revealed at Gangle's mask spins when she holds her breath, she enters the Mildenhall Manor with the rest of the crew (except Zooble). Jax throws her Comedy Mask into a door which turns out to be the scary door, causing her to be disappointed, she follows Ragatha and Jax into the normal door and meets Martha Mildenhall, who invites them to have tea, after the tea the group heads to the main entrance of the mansion where they learn they have to wait for the others before they can leave and she asks Ragatha how long that would be. After Pomni and Kinger reunited with the rest of the group Gangle asks if they remember to retrieve her Comedy Mask causing both of them to realize they forgot.

Fast Food Masquerade[]

Gangle is seen in the tent playing catch with Jax and Ragatha, which results in Jax accidentally breaking her comedy mask. While Jax and Ragatha argue, Zooble pulls Gangle aside to show her something in their room. In Zooble’s room, Zooble pulls a plastic comedy mask from the ‘Zooble’ box, containing all of Zooble’s pieces. Zooble explains that the plastic comedy mask may be more durable, as it isn’t made of a glass-like/fragile material. Gangle tries on the comedy mask, to which she says in reply to Zooble’s question of how it feels, she says; “It feels… Normal.”

Caine pulls Pomni, Jax, Ragatha, Zooble, and Gangle to the center of the tent to share that day's adventure, to which Zooble and Pomni dislike the idea, and tell Caine to check the suggestions box instead. Gangle suggests that they pick a more ‘normal’ adventure, to which Caine pulls out a suggestion for the cast to spend the day working at a fast food restaurant. Gangle agrees, and Caine deems Gangle as the shift manager, to which Gangle mentions she was a shift manager at some point, possibly before she entered the circus.

At the ‘Spudsys’ restaurant, Gangle starts up the shift for everyone, and gets into ‘manager mode’.

Jax throws Ragatha into a fryer, to which Gangle calls Caine and suggests a punishment for bad employees, to which Caine agrees, with a vague answer to what the punishment will be.

At lunch hour, Gangle asks Jax to clean the bathroom, which she describes as a ‘biohazard’. Jax refuses, and says that he prefers Gangle when she’s sad, to which the sound of breaking glass is heard, and Gangle drags Jax to an empty room with a dated ‘employee training video’. In the employee training video, Gangle says “Now I know what you’re thinking, ‘I don’t want a career in fast food. I wanna be a comic artist and eventually launch my own manga-inspired webcomic!’ and it’s cool to have dreams, but you also need to remember that they’re completely unrealistic, and you need to stop trying!”, implying that Gangle could’ve been an aspiring webcomic author/artist before entering the circus.

In the employee training video, Gangle asks if the viewer is smiling, to which Jax replies “no”, before the music stops, and Gangle asks, “Why not?” while cartoonish extendable arms tie Jax to a chair, and a mind-control/hypnosis-type video plays, flashing between Gangle’s comedy mask and sad mask.

Gangle approaches Ragatha to request she does her work properly, and help her with her work, to which Ragatha says “Why are you even the boss anyways? I feel like I’m way more responsible than you- -”, which Gangle replies by suggesting Ragatha just does as she’s told so she doesn’t end up hurt, and attempting to motivate Ragatha. Ragatha replies with “No offence, but you’re kind of annoying when you have your happy mask.”, which is followed by a close-up of Gangle, and the sound of glass cracking, and Gangle asking Zooble to help with Ragatha in a depressed tone, while heading to a corner.

Jax asks Gangle if the clock is broken, to which Gangle replies; “Is it broken? Or are we the broken ones? How long has this shift really gone on for? Six hours? 8? 24? A week? A year? Does time even move in here? Will we ever go home? Will we ever achieve our dreams?” Before being cut off by the sound of her watch beeping, and replying “Oh wait, yeah that clock’s broken.”

At dinner time, Gangle walks into an alley alone, takes off her plastic comedy mask, sighs, and screams into her hands, before being caught by Pomni taking out the garbage, who asks if she’s okay. Gangle replies “My comedy mask is usually broken by now…” Pomni asks if she has anyone to talk to, and suggests talking to Ragatha, to which Gangle replies “Heh. Oh, Ragatha. I love her, but… After a while, it gets kind of hard to tell how genuine she’s actually being.”, before putting back on her plastic comedy mask and saying “Aaanyway, we can’t spend all night out here talking about our feelings. We’ve got work to do!” followed by a weak laugh, before she walks back into the building.

After Ragatha, Jax, and Zooble leave, Gangle is depressingly walking around the building after standing there for roughly an hour, before Pomni offers to close the restaurant for Gangle, before Gangle leaves, and stares at the road on the street, before throwing her plastic comedy mask into the sky, smiling, and running onto the road, dancing and staring at a street lamp, before tripping, and staring at the truck racing towards her.

The scene then cuts to an office with Caine going over Gangle’s performance review, and said she did a good job, but ‘cut her own shift short, went a little kooky, and ran out into oncoming traffic.’. Caine then offered that she could put the blame onto Pomni, Jax, Ragatha, or Zooble, to which Gangle takes responsibility.

At the tent, Zooble approaches Gangle, who’s drawing an anime/manga character on a notepad, and asks why she’s so far away from the other cast members, to which Gangle replies with a sniff “I messed everything up… The mask didn’t work. And now I don’t think anybody wants to talk to me anymore.” And Zooble replies “I still like talking to you. Look, the new mask was a bust. So, what? I’m sure we’ll find something that works eventually.” Before taking Gangle to hang out with the rest of the cast, and says to bring Gangle’s art.




  • Gangle is said to enjoy drawing, specifically anime.
    • Gangle's favorite anime is Azumanga Daioh.
  • Gangle's mask is based on a Sock and Buskin, which are theater masks that represent comedy or tragedy, which are the 2 of the 9 Muses (daughters of Zeus and Mnemosyne).
    • The comedy mask is known as Thalia, and the Tragedy mask is known as Melpomene.
    • Her tragedy mask appears to be more durable than her comedy mask; while the latter broke after a single fall, the former endured two similar hits with no visible damage.
    • Gangle has a place where she stores her broken comedy masks.
  • Gangle's name is a play on the words referring to her gangly body.
  • It was confirmed by Gooseworx on Tumblr that Gangle has a body pillow with an unspecified character on it.
  • It was mentioned by Gooseworx in a Tumblr post that Gangle and the others were talking about compost at the table at the end of the pilot episode.
  • In one of the TADC photos published by Glitch, Gangle wearing a Dorceless mask is intended as an easter egg.
  • Her favorite One Piece character is Chopper.
  • According to Gooseworx on GLITCHX 2023, Jax came up with her name. (revealing that Jax was in the Digital Circus before her)
  • The word gangle is a verb for moving ungracefully. I.e. "Gangle gangled down Gangle street."
  • It was stated by Gooseworx during GLITCHX 2023 that Gangle only has two masks.
  • Gangle is inspired by Kedamono from Popee the Performer.
    • Thanks to his rabbit-like design, it's also possible that Jax is based off the titular Popee, hence why he keeps tormenting Gangle, mirroring Popee and Kedamono's relationship in the original show.
  • In "Candy Carrier Chaos", it is revealed that Gangle has a figurine thing that she doesn't want Ragatha to know about.

External Links[]


           TheAmazingDigitalCircus logo Heroes

Pomni | Ragatha | Gangle | Kinger | Zooble
