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The Fairy Council, also known as the Fairy Elders, are the overarching protagonists of the Fairly OddParents franchise.

They are the government body of Fairy World, as well as the creators and enforcers of Da Rules.


In their initial apperances, the Fairy Elders were made up of four robed figures with a build similar to that of Jorgen Von Strangle, being tall and musclar in appearance, though their faces are obscured by their hoods. Each of the four members are differentiated only by the color of their robes, being pink, turqouise, blue, and purple.

From Season 9 onwards however, the Council leadership was seemingly reduced to three members instead of four, consisting of a red, turqouise, and blue member. Additionally, instead of having the same build as Jorgen, each member has a different build, one being of average build, another being tall and lanky, and the third being short and portly. It is possible however that these may be additional members of the Coucil that were previously unseen.

Regardless, the Elders, like all other fairies, have small crowns that float above their heads. Unlike all of the other fairies, however, the Elders do not need wands to use magic, instead using their hands to cast it.



Though they don't appear in the made-for-TV movie, this is the first time they are mentioned. They are mentioned when Jorgen tries to take Timmy's fairies away following him revealing their existence.

Fairly OddBaby[]

It is mentioned that the Fairy Council had created a new rule against the existence of new fairy babies following the birth of Cosmo. Jorgen had written this rule on a sticky note, but had forgotten to actually write it down in Da Rules.



  • The episode "Man's Worst Friend" seems to imply that the Fairy Council also has some degree of control over the Anti-Fairies, as they ordered Foop to swap pets in Dimmsdale.
  • In their initial appearances, none of the council members seemed to lead the others, with each of them having an equal amount of power. In later seasons however, where they were seemingly reduced to three members, the blue robed member is always portrayed as the leader.


           The Fairly OddParents Logo Heroes

Timmy Turner | Mr. Turner | Mrs. Turner | Chloe Carmichael | AJ | Chester McBadbat | Trixie Tang | Tootie | Flappy Bob

Hazel Wells | Jasmine Tran | Winn Harper | Dev Dimmadome | Antony Wells | Bary

Cosmo | Wanda | Peri | Sparky | Tooth Fairy | Jorgen Von Strangle | Fairy Council | Ancient Fairy Warrirors

The Crimson Chin | Crash Nebula | Catman

Turbo Thunder | Mark Chang | Bippy the Monkey

Jimmy Neutron | Hugh Neutron | Judy Neutron | Goddard | Carl Wheezer | Sheen Estevez | Cindy Vortex | Libby Folfax | Bunsen | Mikey Munroe

Video Games
The Wise Old Crab | Chad-bot
