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Heroes Wiki
Heroes Wiki

¡Hola! They call me El Goblino.
~ El Goblino to the player.

El Goblino Peque Carmine IV, or simply El Goblino, is a supporting Protagonist in the 2022 Roblox horror game Doors. He is a red goblin creature who's only purpose is to interact with players.


El Goblino is red, goblin-like creature with gold ear piercings, brown shorts, spiked armbands on both arms. He has three-digit hands on each limb, sharp ears, a long beak and large yellow eyes. Two fangs can also be seen from the left part of his mouth.


All we can know is that El Goblino seems to be a charismatic and Good-hearted entity. He has good manners and never seems to act rude. He seems to also have a friendship with Bob.


After the player escapes from the library and the Figure, the player will enter Jeff's shop and which El Goblino will greet the player. He is capable of speech and talking to the player, usually speaking between languages of English and Spanish.

Other Media[]

Tower Heroes[]

El Goblino appears as a major character in the Roblox game Tower Heroes, serving as the deuteragonist and unlockable tower of the Doors x Tower Heroes event.


  • El Goblino's mannerisms, quotes and personality is a reference to xQc, a popular live streamer.
  • According to El Goblino, Bob wants to be friends with Timothy.
  • He is confirmed to be in a relationship with an unknown entity.
  • When Rush or Ambush pass through Jeff's Shop, El Goblino's eyes will glow.
  • During the 2024 April Fools Day event, he was voiced by Thinknoodles.

External links[]


DOORS LogoHeroes

The Hotel
El Goblino | Glitch | Guiding Light | Jeff | Louie
The Rooms
Curious Light | Glitch


The Player

Wizard | Chef | Scientist | Voca | Hot Dog Frank | Kart Kid | Stella | Spectre | Byte | Balloon Pal | Discount Dog | Lemonade Cat | Maitake | Dumpster Child | Keith | Soda Pop | Quinn

Unlockable Heroes
Slime King (Slime King's Minions) | Fracture | Yasuke | Branch | Beetrice | Nuki | Volt

Event Heroes
Bunny | Hayes | Lure | Wafer

Crossover Heroes
Beebo | Sparks Kilowatt | Protagonist | El Goblino

Tutoro | Mother Nature | Cap | Tryu | Rein | Carol

Template:Roblox Heroes
