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Charlene Baker, also called Charlie, is one of the main protagonists of Crossing Souls. She is he temperamental, undaunting and only girl of her gang as well as the only daughter of Christopher Baker.



Years Prior[]

Crossing Souls[]

After the night of a strange thunderstorm, Kevin calls his older brother, Chris Williams, to check out a discovery he'd found by the river, even asking him to gather his friends too.

Oh his way to the treehouse with Matt and Biggy, Chris goes to pick up Charlie from her home, only to be stopped by her drunken father when she tries to leave. The boys are then pitted against a few inhabitants of the trailer park for his own amusement until Charlie intervenes, unable to take her father's scheme any longer, and proves she can handle herself in a fight.

The four friends soon reach the treehouse where Kevin reveals that he found a dead body while doing wheelies on his bike, and once at the lake, the whole gang was shocked to discover that he wasn't actually lying like usual.


Charlie is a temperamental girl, getting mad at her foes, her father for his shenanigans and such. She's also undaunted, even mentioning that nothing scares her. However despite this, Charlie does show she cares about her friends and her father, especially at the darkest of times

Powers and Abilities[]


  • The skipping rope-like whip Charlie carries around could be a reference to Indiana Jones.


Heroes Wiki has a collection of images and media related to Charlie Baker.