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Whatever life holds in store for me, I will never forget these words: "With great power comes great responsibility."

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Bianca is a major character in the Spyro the Dragon franchise.

She initially served as The Sorceress' right-hand until discovering the latter's true intentions involving the newborn dragons. Since then, she has remained a supporting character for the remainder of the original series, as well as Hunter's girlfriend.

She is voiced by Pamela Hayden who also voiced Milhouse Van Houten in The Simpsons. In the reboot, she is voiced by Melissa Hutchison.


Her attire consists of an orange short-sleeved dress with light green markings on the sleeves and a burnt orange belt with brown and orange-trimmed boots. She also dons a purple cloak which conceals her whole body.


At first glance, Bianca starts off as hostile, as she repeatedly threatens Spyro early on in his quest, but even then she'll slip up and reveal that she's nowhere near as nasty as she's trying to make herself look. Even after thanking Hunter for saving her life in Midday Gardens, she quickly tries to establish herself as an enemy. She's a lot nicer to Spyro when he arrives in Evening Lake, begging him and Hunter to turn back before they have a chance to fall for the Sorceress' trap and promising that she'll take good care of the remaining eggs once they hatch, and all hostility is gone when she finds out the Sorceress's true nature.


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           Spyro Logo Heroes

Dragon Realms
Spyro | Sparx
Hunter | Moneybags | Zoe | Professor | Elora the Faun | Handel | Greta
Forgotten Realms
Bianca | Sheila | Sgt. James Byrd | Bentley | Agent 9 | Bartholomew
Blink the Mole

The Legend of Spyro
Spyro | Cynder | Sparx | Guardians (Ignitus) | The Chronicler | Hunter

Crash Bandicoot | Dr. Neo Cortex | Aku Aku | Coco Bandicoot | Crunch Bandicoot

See Also
Skylanders Heroes
