"Batgirl" may be referring to two or more different heroes. If you're uncertain which one you're looking for, take a wild guess. If you came here from a link, please go back and correct the link for one of the heroes listed below. |

- Batgirl (Batman vs. TMNT)
- Batgirl (Batman: The Killing Joke)
- Batgirl (Burton/Schumacherverse)
- Batgirl (DC Animated Universe)
- Batgirl (DC Super Hero Girls 2019)
- Batgirl (DC Super Hero Girls)
- Batgirl (DC)
- Batgirl (DC vs Vampires)
- Batgirl (Harley Quinn TV Series)
- Batgirl (Matsudaverse)
- Batgirl (Teen Titans Go!)
- Batgirl (The Lego Batman Movie)
- Batgirl (Zero Hour)
- Barbara Lee Gordon
- Oracle (DC)
- Oracle (Arkhamverse)