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Aeril Vi Arcadia is a supporting protagonist from Undefeated Bahamut Chronicle.


Aeril resembles a slender young girl with long silver hair tied into a braid. When she posed as Coral, she took on a different appearance to resemble the opposite gender. At one point, she dons a white dress with her hair let loose.

Powers and Skills[]

One of the weapons Aeril carried when she attacked with Zahhak was a whip.


Volume 5[]

Aeril's name was mentioned among several individuals from the 13 generation of Arcadia family members.

Volume 12[]

When Coral seemingly died, Lux cannot help but think that not only was he alive, he also was really a girl after having some hazy memories. It was also discovered that Coral was never part of the family line "he" supposedly came from. When she shows her true appearance, she knocks out both Lux and Griefer, revealing that Coral was a false identity.

Volume 14[]

Aeril equipped herself with Zahhak when she faced off with Fugil only for him to erase her whip when she was in the middle of using it. However it soon was restored to existence much to Griefer's shock. Magialca proceeds to send a communication with Aeril receiving it.

