Gamepedia Help Wiki
Gamepedia Help Wiki

Following the successful migration of 38 wikis to confirm the search engine optimization (SEO) impacts of the new platform, we are commencing with the full migration of the remaining Gamepedia wikis onto the Unified Community Platform (UCP), beginning on Monday, October 5th.

As of Monday, October 19th, all Gamepedia migrations to the Unified Community Platform have been completed. Thank you so much for your patience!

Changes to expect

  • Search will change to use UCP search. Search reindexing will be required, for up to 24 hours after a migration, search may be inconsistent. Contact us below if you see search issues more than 24 hours post-migration.
  • Global blocks are now locked to staff, due to scope of impact
  • Some standard MediaWiki preferences will not carry over, due to conflicts with your unified accounts
  • Global abuse filter is replaced with the Phalanx system. Local abuse filters are unaffected.
  • Autoconfirmed on Gamepedia will require confirming your email address.

The remaining look and feel of Gamepedia should be largely unchanged. Gamepedia is already very close to its UCP counterpart, on account of it being up to date with MediaWiki and having fewer customizations than legacy Fandom. As such, the migrations should be quite smooth. For duration context, most Fandom migrations have been completed within hours.

Given the complexity of certain one-off configurations within the Gamepedia network, there is the possibility that some things will not migrate correctly. When this happens, DO NOT PANIC. The data is safe on the legacy copy and can be brought back over. Just reach out to us with all relevant details to help ID the missing data and we'll work to get it sorted.

How migration works

  • When your wiki’s turn to migrate comes up, it will go through the following steps:
  • Your wiki will go read-only
  • A backup of your content will be made
  • A copy of that backup will be made and will stay on the legacy platform
  • We will spot check for critical errors
  • The wiki domain will then point to the version on the UCP and your wiki will no longer be read-only

The time from start to finish depends on how much “stuff” there is to migrate and how complex it is. Wikis with lots of pages will take longer than wikis with fewer pages. Additionally, wikis with extensive Cargo use may take longer than others. During the migration process, we are able to switch back to the old platform copy if critical errors are detected.
