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I'm literally telling myself, 'If you think that, you know, you gonna pass out, guess what? Think again!'

Zachary "Zach" Womack was a contestant on Season 11 of Hell's Kitchen. He ranked in 6th place.

Season 11[]

Episode 1/2[]

Main article: Episode 1101 - 20 Chefs Compete Part 1
Main article: Episode 1102 - 20 Chefs Compete Part 2

When he got on the Hell's Kitchen bus, Zach was super excited to finally compete in Hell's Kitchen. However, Ramsay surprisingly told the chefs to meet him in Las Vegas. Arrived there, they were greeted by showgirls, got on a double-decker bus for a tour of the city, and eventually got tricked in believing they would go on a Las Vegas 4D experience, which he was ready to enjoy and get a VIP treatment, while jokingly guessing that Jacuzzi bubble baths would be next. However, the chefs arrived in front of a live audience, where Ramsay was waiting for them.

During the Signature Dish Challenge, Zach was the last person from the blue team to have his dish judged by Ramsay, and went up against Jacqueline. He served a grilled pork chop, which was flavorful despite having dry pork. During deliberation, Ramsay said that his pork could have been done with two minutes less. In the end, he lost the round to Jacqueline by an edge, and the blue team lost the challenge 4-5.

They were punished with an eight-hour school bus ride from Las Vegas to Hell's Kitchen, in the desert, without air conditioning. During the punishment, because it was really hot, Zach considered saving his sweat and drink it. Later, he was annoyed by Sebastian's constant talking, even asking for a time out and suggesting to play the quiet game. When the bus stopped in the middle of the freeway, he noticed it was pitch black outside, while waiting for the Wile E. Coyote to come out and attack. When he entered Hell's Kitchen, he declared he was tired and exhausted, but was ready to get down to business as he was belonging in there.

The next day, during prep, the men were really focused and working as a team.[1] During dinner service, Zach was on the fish station with Dan. When Sebastian was ready with his first risotto, he brought his scallops to the pass. However, despite Ramsay praising him for cooking the scallops to perfection, they were rejected because of Sebastian's unacceptable risotto. On their second attempt, they were finally accepted, and he said that the blue team was on a roll and finally coming together. On the next ticket, he brought his scallops to the pass, along with Sebastian's capellini, but Ramsay rejected them once again despite being cooked beautifully because of Sebastian's mistake. He was annoyed as he felt it was déjà vu in this motherfucker, and Ramsay asked him how much times he perfectly cooked scallops without serving them, which he answered twice. After that, he was called "Zachy Wacky" by Sebastian who was trying to communicate with him, and after the latter's ejection, he managed to serve all the appetizers to the dining room, along with Jon. Immediately before Michael and Barret were kicked out, he called both of them "dumb and dumber", and later, he was annoyed by the minor fire erupted on the garnish station, stating that Jeremy was not able to cook kale, and could see it literally catching fire and getting burned. He tried to help Jeremy on garnishes, but Jeremy angrily told him to mind his own business, shocking him, who called Jeremy a motherfucker, before he was amused when the latter was kicked out. When Dan sent unacceptable garnishes to the pass, he tried to convince the latter to not mess up as they were only five remaining in the kitchen, and he was determined to complete service no matter what. After Jon and Dan were kicked out, he revealed that for each person being kicked out, it was putting more and more pressure on him. After Ray was kicked out, he compared the blue kitchen as being in the middle of a natural disaster. Also, he really started to feel the pressure, and was not feeling good as it was very hot. He told Anthony that he just needed to breath, and after Anthony was kicked out, leaving him as the last man standing in the blue kitchen, he felt a lot of pressure and something in his stomach, as well as his body shutting down. He went to the back store as he was about to throw up, and Sous Chefs James went looking for him, but he felt dehydrated and that he was about to lose consciousness, before throwing up in a garbage bin. Then, he put a wet towel over his head to cool himself down, and threw up again, while telling Sous Chef James what he was doing. After, he was feeling better, and said that one must think again when thinking they were about to lose consciousness. He called himself a monster, and with the help of Christian, and Sous Chefs James and Andi, he worked on the next ticket, while motivating himself to finish strong. He served acceptable bass, and the blue kitchen was finally serving their entrées, while stating that something that would not kill him would make him stronger. Then, he revealed to Christian that he just put ice on his chest, and succeeded to send his last table, while being very proud of himself, concluding that Chef Zach was the man that night.

The blue team lost the service, and they were asked to nominate two people for elimination, but Zach was praised by Ramsay for his commitment, and giving all he got. While going back to the dorms, he felt that his team let him down, but added that the biggest dead weight would be penalized. During deliberation, he confirmed that Sebastian came back in the kitchen three times after being kicked out, and then, a little argument erupted between him and Jeremy over the latter's tone of voice used to tell he got it after the kale incident. Then, he said Jeremy was reminding him of a young punk with a lot of mouth without something to back it up, and a violent argument erupted between the two of them one more time when he told Jeremy he could not cook, which really angered the latter. That argument finished with him saying that Jeremy was not knowing what he was doing and that he could fuck off home.

Zach was not nominated for elimination, and while going back to the dorms, he declared he could not carry the team any longer, and wondered who would be the next motherfucker of his team to go home, as only himself could be the winner.[2]

Episode 3[]

Main article: Episode 1103 - 19 Chefs Compete

Back in the dorms, Zach was upset that Jeremy was still around as he got a lot to prove and would not be so lucky next time, concluding that next time, it would be "sayo-nara". Finally, he requested to his team to win next time.

The next morning, some soldiers from the US army came in Hell's Kitchen, went to the dorms, and gave a very brutal wake up call to the chefs by screaming and yelling to get up. When the teams were challenged to climb up the wall, at one point, Zach lost his balance when he landed, and fell over Jacqueline. When time was over, he fell on the ground one more time. The blue team managed to get 37 lobsters in their bucket, compared to the red team's 31, but did not win anything as that was only the first part of the challenge.

During the Lobster Cleaning Challenge, Zach was paired with Dan. Together, they scored at least one point, and near the end, he was motivating his team. The blue team lost the challenge 8-11, and they were punished by taking a delivery of thousands of pounds of halibut and branzino, prepping them for the next service, and eating fish head soup for lunch. When he learned the red team's reward, he declared that he wanted a massage as well, as his back was hurting, and during the punishment, he declared the fish were stinking like a motherfucker.

The next day, during prep, Zach reminded his teammates they could not fuck up, and approved Jeremy's idea of grabbing some water. During dinner service, he was on the appetizer station with Anthony. He did not serve his first attempt at the risotto because of Christian's overcooked scallops. Later, he had communication issues with Christian as he told he needed five minutes on his risotto despite the latter having already cooked his scallops without his approval. He continued having trouble communicating with Christian because of the latter's mistakes, but they eventually succeeded to sent acceptable appetizers to the dining room. Later, his capellini was not served because of Christian's mistake once again, and then, the blue team was kicked out of the kitchen after a lot of mistakes. While going back to the dorms, he acknowledged it was not called Hell's Kitchen for nothing and that nobody wanted to be there.

Both teams were named joint-losers, and they were asked to nominate two people each for elimination. While going back to the dorms, Zach was disappointed at his team, and asked himself who was the next motherfucker he would get out of there.

Zach was not nominated for elimination, and when Jeremy was ordered by Ramsay to stay while everybody was dismissed, he did not care if Jeremy would go home.[3]

Episode 4[]

Main article: Episode 1104 - 17 Chefs Compete

The next morning, all the chefs went outside for the next challenge, and saw Ramsay, dressed in a running suit, and a lot of runners waiting in front of a start/finish line. He introduced the HK3K Service Challenge, and Zach was on the fish station. When Ramsay discovered an already cooked tray of salmons, he corrected by saying they were only seared. He brought the tray to Ramsay, and revealed he cooked them, much to Ramsay's dismay who reminded it was not a fish that could be cooked twice, and that they were not a fast food chain. Jon asked if he was kidding, and Ramsay ordered him to start over. Despite his mistake, salads and smoothies were going to the dining room at a good pace. Near the end, Barret sent his wraps to the pass, but he was still not ready with his salmons. He declared they were coming, and finally sent them to the pass with the help of Dan. However, the salmon was raw, and Ramsay berated him, while ordering him to start over. Then, he went to the back of the kitchen, picked an old piece of salmon declaring that it looked perfect despite Ramsay ordering him not to use it, and put it in the pan to finish it off. That infuriated Ramsay, who asked him if he was using it, which he answered he was not. Ramsay asked him if he told the truth, which he answered he was, but Ramsay did not believe him. Ramsay asked him the same question for a second time, but he still answered he did not use it, leading Ramsay to push him off the salmon and asking Jeremy to cook the salmon for him.

The blue team eventually lost the challenge, and Zach was accused of being the main reason of the loss by Dan. They were punished by cleaning the HK3K course, including erasing the paint, breaking down the checkpoints, picking the trash, and finally, prepping both kitchens ahead of the next service. During the punishment, he declared that scrubbing the arrows off the concrete was the worst, and that the blue team scrubbed the road all day long. When the women came back from their reward, he asked them to get the fuck out of the kitchen, while giving an air kick with his left leg.

During dinner service, Zach was on the meat station with Dan. At one point, he told that Ray should watch his motherfucking self after a risotto came back, and that he should not make any more mistakes. Later, he gave the approval for Michael to cook his garnish by calling him baby, and after, he acknowledged that Dan's lamb was still undercooked. Moments later, Dan asked him Michael's question about a time on the lamb, which infuriated Michael. The blue team eventually won the service for finally showing some progress.[4]

Episode 5[]

Main article: Episode 1105 - 16 Chefs Compete Part 1

During the Protein Identification Challenge, Zach was paired with Dan, and they were the second pair to compete for the blue team. They landed on the chicken tacos, and he boasted on how much he trained his palate and on how he knew right away it was chicken. They succeeded to get chicken correctly on their first attempt, and he concluded by saying it was not rocket science. During the red team's turn, he suggested them to take their time, but the blue team lost the challenge 10:33-6:37, and they were punished by taking deliveries of wheat flour, grinding it and making bread from scratch, which made him very disappointed as he wanted to win and go on the beach.

After the punishment, when Jeremy came back from the hospital, Zach laughed when he revealed that he was not eating enough. At 4 am, while baking the bread dough, he was still really tired, stating at that time, the roosters were not even up yet, and that he was in his third dream, before yawning out loud. When he learned that they would have a breakfast service for emergency workers, he felt honored as those people were saving lives constantly, and that they should treat them with the outmost respect.

During breakfast service, Zach was on the scrambled eggs station with Ray. He was not seen much, but motivated and rallied his team at some points. The blue team won the service as they served all their tickets before the red team, and celebrated by hugging each other.[5]

Episode 6[]

Main article: Episode 1106 - 16 Chefs Compete Part 2

After Jeremy was eliminated, Zach told Ramsay that the blue team were stronger without him. Later, during the prep break, he congratulated Mary for fighting back when being nominated, while saying that it was great seeing that. After Mary declared that the red team was loving her, he told her to not believe that, but that angered her and she asked him to shut his mouth and not talk to her anymore. She left, went back to the bedroom with her teammates while slamming the door behind her, making him laugh. Then, Nedra went to see him, told him to not go and attack people who were weak, and added that he could suck a big dick. After Nedra said that she was Mike Tyson, he mimicked a ringing bell, and Nedra declared that it was really on. After she went back to her bedroom, he declared that he was not giving a fuck as he was not there to make friends. He also added that Nedra was trying to take the house down, and that he could guarantee a win for the blue team, so it was really on.

During dinner service, Zach was on the garnish station. He was not seen much, except when he expressed disappointment over the fish station's mistakes as there was two of them there, and near the end when Ray sent raw halibut for the third time, which was the mistake that caused the blue team to be kicked out. Before they were, he stated that the Titanic was not having shit on them as they were going down hard.

Both teams were named joint-losers, and they were asked to nominate two people each. During deliberation, Zach convinced Dan not to argue with Ray, and later, he calmed down the argument between the two of them.

Zach was not nominated for elimination, but during Dan's plea, he said that Dan was giving smart remarks while cooking, and mentioned that he gave Zach the middle finger behind his back. He ended by explaining to Ramsay that the blue team was sick of Dan's attitude.[6]

Episode 7[]

Main article: Episode 1107 - 15 Chefs Compete

The next day, both teams went in the dining room, where Ramsay introduced the Chinese Dish Creation Challenge, along with the Samurai statue that was placed there. Zach declared that he loved Chinese food as there was a small Chinese restaurant on the other side of his street, and when the countdown began, everybody ran to the plate of fortune cookies that was in front of the statue, but when they arrived, it started moving, making everybody flinch and laugh. Then, Sous Chef James brought the blue team's basket of giant fortune cookies that would be carried with chopsticks, and during the first part, he was not seen much.

During the second part, Zach worked with Barret on the spring rolls course, and when everybody started plating, he was not confident as the blue kitchen was a hot mess. He did not present their dish, but they won the round over Nedra. The blue team won the challenge 4-3, and they were rewarded with a paintball activity. During the reward, he immediately targeted Dan, and when they succeeded to shoot him, he called it therapeutic.

During dinner service, Zach was on the dessert station. He was not seen much, but he was dedicated to serve the chef's table, and he acknowledged that it was important to Ramsay, so he wanted to give the best service possible with a smile. Later, he wondered if Barret was trying to kill people by serving parchment paper with the halibut, and reminded that if it was swallowed, Jean-Philippe would already be on the floor doing CPR maneuvers. Eventually, he served the remaining tables while apologizing for the delay, and the service was completed. Both teams were named joint-losers, and they were asked to nominate their two weakest chefs each.

He was not nominated for elimination.[7]

Episode 8[]

Main article: Episode 1108 - 14 Chefs Compete

While going back to the dorms, Zach warned his teammates that Dan's behavior would be worse than ever, wondered how he kept dodging bullets, and thought that Ramsay could not have been further from the truth when he said that he could cook.

The next morning, both teams went to the dining room, and they were taken outside by Ramsay, who introduced the Farm Animal Challenge. During the first part of the challenge, Zach was the fourth person from the blue team who entered the pen, and he chose a lamb and potato combination. During the second part, he was annoyed by Michael giving him suggestions as he did not need some. He was the third person from the blue team to have his dish judged, his lamb and roasted potatoes was really appreciated by John Shook, and he won the round over Mary, before laughing about it and telling that Mary should get it together. When Michael's dish was not appreciated, he told that the latter should have given suggestions to himself instead of others.

The blue team lost the challenge 2-3, and they were punished by putting together a petting zoo, and making sure that the animals would be comfortable, for the next service. During the punishment, Zach declared that he was a city boy as he was from Philadelphia and that he was ashamed about becoming a farmer.

During the Family Night dinner service, Zach was on the appetizer station. On the first ticket, he was communicating well with Anthony, and when the blue team was serving Ramsay's family, he acknowledged that a lot was in stake at that moment, but was happy that the blue team was coming together, even comparing it to a symphony, which he called a beautiful thing. After Ray served a cold burger, he motivated him by telling to keep pushing, and later, he told that even though lamb was difficult to work with, Barret needed to go with it. After a lot of mistakes, the blue team received help from the red team, and the service was completed.

The blue team lost the service by a mile, and they were asked to nominate their two weakest chefs. During deliberation, Zach agreed with Barret for considering Dan because he did not do anything during prep, and after, he told the latter to wake the fuck up.

He was not nominated for elimination.[8]

Episode 9[]

Main article: Episode 1109 - 13 Chefs Compete

The next morning, both teams went to the dining room, where Ramsay introduced the Steak Creation Challenge, and during the challenge, Zach wondered if Barret would have an orgasm because the latter was enjoying rubbing his meat too much. He was the second person from the blue team to have his dish judged, served his Chinese peppercorn crusted filet mignon with lemon zest and mustard seed, and he continued to describe his dish for a long period of time. The dish was cooked perfectly, but Ramsay asked if it was supposed to be that sweet, which he answered it was, and he tied the round with Nedra and Susan, which he was very proud about as he cooked his ass off, even dancing about it.

The blue team lost the challenge 3-4, and they were punished by taking a delivery of a giant cut of beef, and prepping it for the next service. During the punishment, Zach was annoyed by Ray's way of telling how to cut the beef. When the red team came back from their reward, he was annoyed by them rubbing their win in their face, before declaring that he wanted to beat their asses, and during the prep break, he targeted Michael for fucking up the blue team for the second consecutive challenge. After declaring that they had to get weak people off the blue team, he continued by targeting Barret and saying to him that it would only get harder, much to the latter's annoyance. Then, he continued by saying that his teammates did not want to work or win challenges, much to Ray's annoyance, who told him it was enough, but he continued his arrogant behavior, and when Ray got up to confront him, both of them calmed down, and they shook hands.

During the Steak Night dinner service, Zach served prime rib tableside. He was not seen at all, the blue team won the service, and while being dismissed, he acknowledged the journey that was Hell's Kitchen, and was determined to keep his head in the game so the blue team could keep winning.[9]

Episode 10[]

Main article: Episode 1110 - 12 Chefs Compete

The next day, a picture of Zach was shown as a teenager, with Anthony explaining about his hair swapping places. After seeing Ray's picture, he called the latter a mobster. When the chefs question Brianna on her likes and dislikes, he got annoyed by the women’s questionings, even arrogantly asking what Brianna and her family know about food as they should let the chefs do the cooking. He was not seen cooking or serving a dish during the Quinceañera Planning Challenge, and the blue team lost the challenge 2-3. They were punished with decorating the dining room for the Quinceañera under Josette’s instructions.

During prep, Zach was amazed at the job the blue team accomplished during their punishment, and was ready to knock it out the ballpark. During the Quinceañera dinner service, he was on the garnish station. When he brought up his garnish, Ramsay noticed less potatoes that required, but he got his refire accepted. Later, Ramsay noticed that he served potatoes enough for one portion than the two required, and he told Ramsay to chill out as he had more cooking, the latter called him a smartass in response, and berated him for not doing what he was told to and asked why it took Zach four times to understand. Although he arrogantly said that Ramsay did not need to bark at him and suggested that he chill out. While he got enough potatoes out again, Ramsay continued to lecture on his poor attitude and performance, warning him that he was history if it happened again. When he asked Jon if Ramsay hated him, the former responded that he hated everybody. Both teams were named joint losers, and they were asked to nominate two each. During deliberation, he was considered for elimination by both Jon and Ray, but he refused to nominate himself.

Zach was named the blue team's second nominee for elimination, with Barret as the first, and they joined Amanda and Cyndi from the red team. During his plea, he said he was passionate about what he did, but Ramsay accused him of not being in this level. After Amanda's elimination, Ramsay announced he was not done yet, and the episode ended as a cliffhanger.[10]

Episode 11[]

Main article: Episode 1111 - 10 Chefs Compete

Continuing from the previous episode, Ramsay gave Zach 10 seconds to explain what the competition meant to him. He claimed that it meant the world to him and that it was his passion, but Ramsay claimed he did not feel it. He survived elimination, and while heading back to the dorms, he expressed his anger towards his teammates for nominating him stating they crossed him and now it was just "Team Zach" rather than the blue team. For the rest of the night, he ignored his teammates despite Michael and Jon attempting to make conversation to him, but Ray frankly did not give a fuck as he warned them he was going for their heads.

During the Presentation Challenge, Zach cooked the New York striploin, was one of the three chefs from the blue team to make it to the second round, and was the final person from the blue team to have his dish judged. Having his fingers crossed as he wanted to be in People’s Magazine, but while his New York striploin with red pepper coulis and garlicy shallots was praised for having a good taste, Jennifer Garcia would have preferred a more medium rare cook, giving him 83 points in total. The blue team lost the challenge 257-269, and they were punished by cleaning the dorms. During the punishment, he and Jon were sent to bring champagne to the red team per Ramsay’s orders, and that frustrated him as the cleaning was already fucked up, but to take champagne to the women could not be anymore embarrassing. However, he was soon proven wrong as they were provided with a tricycle each to ride to the reward. After giving the women their champagne, he gave them kudos as they were going to need it.

During prep, Ray offered his assistance to Zach, but he did not respond, pissing Anthony off as there was no reason to drag ass by now. However, he knew that the men and women who protected his country deserved to be here, but still called himself on "Team Zach" as he continued to ignore his teammates. During the Private dinner service, he tried to help Ray out on plating, but Ramsay and Ray noticed that his plate had little pasta and no lobster, frustrating Ray before asking if he had to stand behind him from now on as Ramsay showed the blue team another plate of inconsistent pasta. Fed up, Ray kicked him off the plating, and he told him to eat shit and die in response. When Ray was working on the refire, the former asked him to finish off the lobster in the butter, but, in retaliation from what happened earlier, he decided to sabotage Ray by cooking the lobster in cold sauce. When the refire was sent up, Ramsay rejected the cold lobster, and while he was happy his plan worked, Ray was pissed at him for sabotaging him. He led the New York striploin course, but when Jon asked him where the sauce was, he did not respond as Ramsay accused him of switching off. Then, Ramsay noticed the steaks not seasoned like the red teams, but while he argued that they did, Ramsay accused him of lying. Despite that, he got the final entrée course out, and as they were clearing down, he felt he did a good job that night and was not concerned about the criticism.

Both teams were named joint losers, and they were asked to nominate one each. During deliberation, Zach believed that the only reason he would be nominated was if he was a good chef and not a bad one, but even though Jon reminded him that they were basing it off that night, he disagreed, leaving Jon wishing for him to get the fuck out.

Zach was not nominated for elimination, but because Jon revealed that it was a close tie between him and Ray, along with the latter believing he purposely sent him cold lobster on the refire, Ramsay decided to have him and Ray down alongside the red team's nominee, Nedra. During his plea, Ramsay asked him how he would rate his performance on a scale to 10, and he said a 7, which Ramsay disagreed. He survived elimination.[11]

Episode 12[]

Main article: Episode 1112 - 9 Chefs Compete

Back at the dorms, Jon reminded Zach that with only four blue chefs left, they had to be ferocious animals in the kitchen as Anthony wanted them in black jackets. He was ready to bang it the fuck out as being nominated two times in a row was a big wake up call and wanted to remind himself of who he was. Then, he revealed he had an alter ego whenever he got beaten down, and his name was Grant Banks who was an animal.

The next day, at 4:50 AM, the chefs were sound asleep as Sous Chefs Andi and James came into the dorms and woke them up with air horns and pots. While that startled Nedra and Anthony, the chefs were ordered to head downstairs, and Ramsay announced that both teams would create their own menus for that night’s service. As the blue team worked on ideas, he had no suggestions down as he claimed Grant Banks was not a morning person. That annoyed Jon as there were a lot of ideas being thrown around, but he was not saying anything. When he finally suggested a salmon dish for the menu, Jon sarcastically welcomed him back. After he imputed more ideas, the blue team were left happy about their menu, although he claimed that most of the items where his.

During prep, Zach wanted to work on the Brussel sprouts with Michael, declared that “Zach” was back, and was ready to show Ramsay the change in the guards before asking Michael more questions. However, Anthony felt he was being cocky, overconfident, and egotistical, and felt that he was not doing what he was supposed to do very well. Later, he and Jon bickered about scallops as he claimed that chef Banks was running the kitchen. After their dishes were praised, he admitted he did not see it coming, but decided to take it.

During dinner service, Zach was on the meat station. On a table where both teams had their menus ordered, he revealed he already had his pork chop and filet ready to go in a minute, and Ramsay pulled him aside, lecturing that he would not do that to the red team as they were not even ready. He to note he should just keep his mouth shut, but found humor when the two talked about shit. He sent up a perfect pork chop, with Ramsay urging him to keep it consistent from now on, but felt he was hearing things as he was not used to getting a compliment from the latter. Then, Ramsay showed the red team his perfect pork, and reminded them that they have not gotten to plating yet. On their next order, Ramsay asked him where the filet was, but while he sent it up and boasted he was back, Sous Chef James asked where the sauce was, annoying Anthony as he did not tell him the dish needed sauce. However, he accused Anthony of not knowing what he was doing as he felt the latter was not paying attention, and then, Ramsay found the sauce to be cold, dismaying Jon as they had a strong start earlier. When Ramsay asked him why he did not have sauce on his mind when he cooked the filet, he argued that he expected it to be sent up alongside the dish, only for Ramsay to retort that he should have cooked it himself. While he continued to blame Anthony for wrecking his dish up for a cold sauce, Michael decided to jump in and helped by giving Anthony a pan. Then, Ramsay was waiting on him for the two filets, but when he said he needed two minutes, Anthony was dismayed as he was supposed to be ready, and Ramsay accused him of falling asleep after starting brilliantly. Despite that, he got the filets accepted. After Michael sent up raw halibut, he asked if the former was doing a new age of sushi style. When Michael continued to struggle, he said it sucked to be the former now, and when Michael got sent out for a time out, he was surprised as he would do that to his eight-year-old. His last action of the night was sending up raw pork, but Ramsay got more annoyed when he was slowly putting it in the oven.

The blue team lost the service, and they were asked to nominate one person for elimination. During deliberation, Zach and Jon asked Michael what happened to him, but while the latter admitted to having a bad service, he argued he had better services before recalling his meat drag. However, he considered Michael for elimination. He was considered for elimination by both Michael and Anthony, but he called the latter a piece of shit as he helped him more that night.

Since the blue team had a tie between Michael and Zach, they were both called down to the front, even though he called the former the weakest chef. During his plea, Ramsay told him that while he was not the worst performer that night, he asked if he was better than Michael. He claimed he was, but when Ramsay asked if he could step it up another level when there would be three men left, he said he could as three of the dishes on the menu were his own. However, Anthony retorted that they all placed ideas on the menu, but he argued that the bases were all his even though Jon and Ramsay called bull shit on that claim. He survived elimination.[12]

Episode 13[]

Main article: Episode 1113 - 8 Chefs Compete

After Michael's elimination, Zach welcomed Nedra as a new teammate.

During the International Cuisine Challenge, Zach went up against Susan, but arrogantly asked why she picked him as he was going to hit the bricks with her. They landed on Japan, their ingredients were soy sauce, miso, bok choy, daikon radish, and ramen. During the cooking, he reminded Nedra that she needed to win something, admitted that he never worked with Japanese food before, but he knew flavors very well and thought Japanese cuisine was the same as Chinese cuisine because his Korean friend told him. He was the final person from the blue team to have his dish judged, and presented his Japanese noodle pan seared chicken with fresh Napa cabbage and bok choy, but Nedra got annoyed when he pronounced it as bok chewy, and called him a douche when he fully admitted he never made Japanese food before. Ramsay said he never seen much chicken in Japanese menus before, but while he was confident tasted fucking good, it was criticized for dry chicken and feeling more Chinese. He lost that round to Susan, and the blue team lost the challenge 1-3. They were punished by taking in wine deliveries, cleaning the stemware, cut limes and lemons, and prep both kitchens for that night’s service. During the punishment, Nedra's complaints had him compare her to Charlie Brown’s teacher, before doing an impression of said teacher as she continued to complain.

During dinner service, Zach was on the garnish station. At one point, Nedra was looking for her ingredients, and while he told her where they were, she moved slow the point he felt she was painting a picture like fucking Picasso. Despite Anthony telling him to help Nedra out with cold starters, she pushed him aside. Ramsay asked Nedra why he cannot do the cold starters, he explained that she did not need help, but that still confused Ramsay. When he tried to get Nedra reorganized on her station, she retorted that she did not need any help. When he tried to give Jon some input, the latter said he did not need help as he knew what he was doing. After multiple mistakes, the blue team got kicked out of the kitchen, and he was furious. With both teams kicked out, Ramsay told Jean-Philippe to shut down both kitchens.

Both teams were named joint losers, and they were asked to nominate one each. During deliberation, Nedra asked Zach who he felt the weakest chef was, and while he said her, Nedra argued she was not weak. However, he reminded her about her disorganized station during prep, but Nedra refused to listen to them as she felt she was sabotaged by himself and Anthony. However, he bluntly said they were not the red team and were not scared by Nedra’s attitude, and when she refused to go up for elimination, he said she was, leading her to leave the group in anger.

At elimination, Zach told Ramsay that the blue team had a consensus, but Nedra argued that they did not. When Nedra once again accused him and Anthony of sabotaging her station, he argued that they did not as he did not touch her station until during service, but when she claimed he was a liar, he said he was not and sarcastically stated that it was all their fault except for hers. When a frustrated Ramsay asked the blue team who was the weakest chef, Nedra said him, but he and Jon said her, leading to her to go off on another rant. He was ultimately not nominated for elimination, and while being dismissed, he was happy to see Nedra gone.[13]

Episode 14/15[]

Main article: Episode 1114 - 7 Chefs Compete Part 1
Main article: Episode 1115 - 7 Chefs Compete Part 2

Back at the dorms, Mary felt Zach sabotaged Nedra, but while he told the red team how badly Nedra performed that night, Mary called that claim ridiculous and said he should shut up, refusing to hear it from him due to his lying attitude and how he used to bully her. However, he told Mary to grow the fuck up, mocked her voice, and told her to stop whining and crying.

Before the Blind Taste Test, Ramsay asked the blue team who would go up twice, and after a quick discussion, Zach volunteered as he had a great palate and did not want to lose again. On his first try, he was the first person from the blue team to compete, and went up against Mary. He got got scallions, turkey, and zucchini, and told Mary that he was the top dog and numero uno. On his second try, he was the final person from the blue team to compete, and went up against Susan. While he was confident he could turn it around, he only got egg yolk.

The blue team lost the challenge 6-7, and they were punished by participating in delivery day, and prepping both kitchens for the following night’s service. During the punishment, Zach called it the worst as he wished to be in Malibu, before calling Anthony’s palate a bottom of a shoe. As his body was aching due to the amount of stuff he had to carry, he announced the freezers were full, Jon asked if they were supposed to have that much ice, and Sous Chef James noticed the large amount of ice bags around the kitchen. Taking another look at the invoice, it was revealed Anthony did not pay close attention to the numbers, and Sous Chef James ordered the blue team to look for the exact numbers. That annoyed him as he wanted Anthony to go home for skating under the radar, and after putting back the unwanted ice into the truck, Jon complained that they worked three times harder than they should have.

The next day, Zach got amazed at the sight of a black jacket Ramsay showed the chefs. During the King of the Hill Challenge, Jon talked to himself while working on his dish, but while he said that he had no problem with that, it was the former answering his own questions that made the latter think he was one step away from the looney bin. With 10 minutes left, he knew everybody was bringing out their best for immunity, and decided to make something different, comparing it to sending somebody to the moon for the first time. He was the sixth person to have his dish judged by Ramsay, and felt great about his dish even though Ramsay reminded him about his poor pork and apple dish. He made a surf and turf, but Ramsay was not impressed by the size of the filets as the size of the prawns dominated them, and even asked where the rest of it went after he revealed he used half of a half filet medallion, which Susan called bullshit on after he claimed the rest would be used for a tartare. Then, Ramsay told him that the dish was improperly balanced, and he did not dethrone Jon, therefore he lost the challenge.[14] Back at the dorms, he was disappointed he lost as he liked his own dish and would have liked to have it on the menu, but Mary called him a used car salesman as nobody was buying his claims.

During prep, when Jon noticed that Zach was quiet, he revealed he was still pissed about his dish not winning earlier that day, and called it an insult to his pride as he cared what he put into that dish. While he said he was going to think about it for a long time, Anthony hoped it was gone by the time service began as he teared up in the confessionals. However, Jon told him to chill out, just when he went to the dorms for an emotional time out. With him gone, Jon and Anthony were forced to prep by themselves, much to the latter’s frustration as they were doing work for twelve people. He came back to see Jon causing a smoking situation, and complained that everything was going to shit while he was gone. When it was revealed the men were serving Maria Menounos, he got excited as he would feed her.

During dinner service, Zach was on the meat station. After Jon served a bland risotto and argued he did not do it on purpose, he felt otherwise and asked the former not to let him down. On entrées, he and Anthony communicated on entrées, but the latter sent up his sea bass despite himself not being ready on meat, which confused him, and Ramsay accused him of dragging the men. Jon told him to get refocused or else they would get pulled back, and called the blue team an embarrassment for falling behind at this stage of the competition. Wanting to redeem himself, he got his lamb accepted, but later, he sent up raw Wellingtons, dismaying Jon as they could not win. While he tried to make an excuse for that, Ramsay told him he was done with his shit and asked for a straight answer as the Wellingtons were not Hell’s Kitchen standards, before sending Anthony’s halibut to an incomplete table. To make things worse, he discovered he had no more Wellingtons ready to cook, and reluctantly told Ramsay that they would take 20 minutes to cook properly. With no other choice, Ramsay decided to go into the red kitchen and take Susan’s extra Wellingtons from her station as the latter said they were cooked perfectly. On Menounos' table, he failed to recite the order correctly as his mind was going crazy. While he wanted the nightmare to end, Ramsay discovered overcooked lamb on his station that looked like elephant shit, making him fearful that he was going to get physically beaten. While he tried to argue that he was waiting on fish, Ramsay threatened him with elimination on the spot if he made one more excuse. Then, he did not answer when the order would be ready, so a fed-up Ramsay took over meat and decided to do it himself, which Anthony knew was the limit the latter had. When he asked some questions regarding the meat, Ramsay accused him of asking stupid questions, mocking him in the process as Jon begged him to shut the fuck up as the former was pushing his luck. While he felt like quitting, he refused to after thinking how Ramsay would not, and thanked the latter for that message.

The blue team lost the service, and Jon was named the "Best of the Worst". During deliberation, a frustrated Jon took Zach to the bedroom with him, asked him what the fuck happened as he shut down multiple times, and asked the latter if he had the heart of a lion in the competition. He claimed he was, and felt he was getting stronger.

Zach was not nominated for elimination, but Ramsay decided to call him up alongside Anthony. During his plea, Ramsay accused him of hitting a wall and landing on his ass, but he felt he did not come this far to give up. When asked how he was different than Anthony, he called himself a fighter and loved what he did, but Ramsay told him that while it was one thing to screw up, it was sugarcoating it and not getting straight to the point was his downfall. However, he refused to give up. He survived elimination, but Ramsay brought him forward and told him to button up his jacket, with a warning that he was watching him very closely. Then, he welcomed Ja'Nel as a new teammate.[15]

Episode 16[]

Main article: Episode 1116 - 6 Chefs Compete

Back at the dorms, Zach and Jon welcomed Ja'Nel to the blue team as she was one of the strongest chefs, and felt they would gel with. However, Jon admitted he almost leaned to keep Anthony as he feared he would shut down. He disagreed with that, promised Jon that he was not going to shut down, and felt the red team had no chance of winning anything. In the kitchen, Ja'Nel told him and Jon she was excited to work with them.

The next day, Owen and Jon started juggling their items to each other with Ramsay in the center, and Zach knew that one wrong move was the end of the former. During the Relay Challenge, he participated on round one, and while he had a million things in his mind, he claimed he was used to working in a mess, despite Ja'Nel not seeing anything being done. When he left Ja'Nel in the kitchen, he left her with nothing fired yet. On the fourth round, Jon struggled to get him to listen to him, and hoped he heard something before he left. Fortunately, he put a chicken in the pan. He presented the blue team's chicken, said he cooked the chicken, and not only did it have crispy skin, it was cooked perfectly. So he scored that round, the blue team won the challenge 2-0, and he was happy that the blue team finally won. They were rewarded with a helicopter tour of Los Angeles, and a visit to the Gillette Ranch to indulge in $20,000 worth of caviar. During the reward, he was taken aback when Ja'Nel touched his leg during the helicopter trip.

During prep, Jon warned Ja'Nel that the blue team’s biggest problem was shutting down in services, mostly referring to Zach. When he made a snide comment about that, Jon and Ja'Nel exchanged a look that said they had to look out for him. During dinner service, he was on the meat station. The blue team received their first order, but he did not respond to Ramsay’s order to put the Wellington into the oven until the second time, even after he felt the top three chefs in the competition were in the blue kitchen and claimed they would kick the red team’s ass. When Ramsay asked him how many Wellingtons he had cooking, he was about to make a long speech until Ramsay ordered him to cut the shit. Then, he said he had six cooking like the order said, but while Ramsay warned him he would go after him if he smelled shit, he thought he smelled great like exotic fragrances. Then, he was burning his lamb while trying to sear them, but despite arguing he was not shutting down, Jon knew that the spotlight was more clearer now that there were only three people in the kitchen. Later, he did not respond to Ramsay’s question for the entrées, much to Jon’s frustration as he wanted to shake him, and he did not respond to Ja'Nel’s request to walk the lamb, leaving her to wonder if he was focused, in the zone, or shitting his pants. Despite that, the meat was cooked perfectly, but on their next order, he once again did not speak up, leading Ramsay to yell he did not want a stop and start anymore. Two hours into service, he was slow bringing up his meat, but told Ramsay to relax as nobody else could cook meat like himself. However, his lamb was overcooked, Ramsay angrily asked if that was his best, and the former walked away to get another lamb. Further infuriated, Ramsay warned him that if he could not give him his best, he was history. Fortunately, the refire was accepted.

Although both teams were named joint-winners, Ramsay asked them to nominate one each. During deliberation, Jon nominated Zach, but while he argued that he fought back and saved the day with the chicken the former dropped on the floor, he called it ridiculous that he was still being nominated.

Zach was named the blue team's nominee, and was joined by Susan from the red team. During his plea, he felt he supported the team, but when asked if he deserved another chance, he believed he did. He was eliminated for his mediocre performance on meat, declining performances, and running out of chances. During his exit interview, he said he would continue his culinary dream, and hoped that Ramsay would call him for a job opportunity.

Ramsay's comment: "There once was a chef named Zach, for words he didn't lack. But in the kitchen, he was no magician, and he won't be coming back." [16]

Episode 21/22[]

Main article: Episode 1121 - 2 Chefs Compete
Main article: Episode 1122 - Winner Chosen

Zach was one of the 10 chefs that returned for the final dinner service. Before being picked, he wondered who was going to pick him as, despite not having the best relationship with the women, he felt they loved him, despite footage proving otherwise. Then, Ja'Nel asked him how she could trust him in the kitchen, and he promised that he wanted to see her succeed, despite sabotaging Ray in the private dinner service. So, Ja'Nel picked him as her third choice, after Cyndi and Susan, and was followed by Amanda and Ray.

Back at the dorms, Zach expressed concern about there being a lot of seafood items, only for Ja'Nel to retort that she wanted it on the menu.[17] During prep, he declared himself and Ray as Ja'Nel's secret weapons, before telling the latter he was here to see her win.

During dinner service, Zach was on the meat station. At one point, Amanda said she could be ready in one minute, but he wanted six instead for his chicken, even though the former feared her trout would be overcooked by then. Cyndi told the two to get it together, but Amanda asked him if he was trying to make her look like an asshole. Two hours into dinner service, Ramsay told Ja'Nel that his six minutes was now eleven minutes, and the prawns on the pass became cold as a result. When Ja'Nel asked him for a time, he did not respond until Ramsay spoke up. Ja'Nel eventually won the finale over Mary, and during the celebration, he congratulated Mary.[18]

Nomination History[]

Week 1 Safe
Week 2 Safe
Week 3 Win
Week 4 Win
Week 5 Safe
Week 6 Safe
Week 7 Safe
Week 8 Win
Week 9 Nominated
Week 10 Nominated
Week 11 Nominated
Week 12 Safe
Week 13 Nominated
Week 14 Nominated

Post Hell's Kitchen[]

  • After his appearance on the show, Zach became a freelance chef offering cookery classes, pop up dinners, and doing cookery demonstrations and events worldwide.
  • He also has a son, Zachary Womack, Jr.


  • He is the last contestant of that season to be eliminated before the black jackets were given.
  • He holds the record for doing the most punishments in a season without making it to the black jackets, with ten, and tied with Anthony. Coincidentally, he and Anthony are also tied for the most consecutive punishments without making it to the black jackets, with six.
  • He holds the record for the longest tenure without making it to black jackets, with 14 complete dinner services.
  • He is the second contestant to be eliminated after a joint victory, following Shayna (Season 4).
  • He is the second contestant to be nominated twice in a row by Ramsay, following Andrea (Season 5).
  • He holds the record for being nominated the most times by Ramsay, tied with Andrea (Season 5).


  • "I just want to sit back and enjoy the ride, and saying you get that special VIP treatment, I'm getting used to it now. What next? Jacuzzi bubble bath?"
  • "You know it's hot man, you consider saving your whole sweat and then drinking it."
  • (About Sebastian while he talks too much on bus) "Oh my God, Sebastian... time out! Let's play the quiet game, see how you do on that one!"
  • (About Michael and Barrett after serving raw lamb and overcooked Wellington) "Michael and Barrett, dumb and dumber."
  • "I'm feeling dehydrated, and it's getting hot, and I'm starting to lose consciousness. Hold on, hold on, hold on. (throws up)"
  • (About Jeremy after saved from elimination) "I'm feeling like Jeremy got by on the skin of his teeth, and he got a lot to prove, and he won't be so lucky next time. It'll be adiós. Sara-Nara (means goodbye)."
  • "Pitch black outside, I'm looking for the Wile E. Coyote to come out and attack. What the fuck's going on?"
  • "What the fuck is going on? It's like déjà vu in this motherfucker!"
  • (After Barrett serves halibut with parchment paper) "What, you trying to kill people? By the time you swallow it, it's too late. You're on the floor with Jean Philippe doing CPR on you. Ha! Who the fuck want that?"
  • (After Ray served raw halibut) "Not again! Damn it! This can't be happening! Come on, Ray."
  • "We're going down in flames! Titanic ain't got shit on us!"
  • (About Dan while paint-balling) “Take Dan’s head off, for sure.”
  • "It was fun shooting at Dan. So therapeutic."
  • (About Nedra) "Nedra's over there like she's fucking painting a picture, like a fucking Picasso or something. Move your ass!"
  • (After Nedra's elimination) "Ding dong, the witch is dead! It feels good to have Nedra out of Hell's Kitchen, how 'bout that?"
  • "Mary, Mary quite contrary. Hahahaha! Get it together, woman!"
  • "I'm flustered, my mind is going crazy!"
  • "Did I just have a conversation with Chef Ramsay about fucking? Yes I did!"
  • (After being eliminated) "I got to work side-by-side with one of the greatest chefs of our time, so I'm gonna still continue my culinary dream. And hopefully, if Chef Ramsay needs me in the future, he'll pick the phone up and call me. If you call, I'll be there. Not a problem."


External links[]


  1. (March 12, 2013). "Episode 1101 - 20 Chefs Compete Part 1". Hell's Kitchen (U.S. TV series). Season 11. Episode 1.
  2. (March 12, 2013). "Episode 1102 - 20 Chefs Compete Part 2". Hell's Kitchen (U.S. TV series). Season 11. Episode 2.
  3. (March 19, 2013). "Episode 1103 - 19 Chefs Compete". Hell's Kitchen (U.S. TV series). Season 11. Episode 3.
  4. (March 26, 2013). "Episode 1104 - 17 Chefs Compete". Hell's Kitchen (U.S. TV series). Season 11. Episode 4.
  5. (April 2, 2013). "Episode 1105 - 16 Chefs Compete Part 1". Hell's Kitchen (U.S. TV series). Season 11. Episode 5.
  6. (April 9, 2013). "Episode 1106 - 16 Chefs Compete Part 2". Hell's Kitchen (U.S. TV series). Season 11. Episode 6.
  7. (April 16, 2013). "Episode 1107 - 15 Chefs Compete". Hell's Kitchen (U.S. TV series). Season 11. Episode 7.
  8. (April 23, 2013). "Episode 1108 - 14 Chefs Compete". Hell's Kitchen (U.S. TV series). Season 11. Episode 8.
  9. (April 30, 2013). "Episode 1109 - 13 Chefs Compete". Hell's Kitchen (U.S. TV series). Season 11. Episode 9.
  10. (May 7, 2013). "Episode 1110 - 12 Chefs Compete". Hell's Kitchen (U.S. TV series). Season 11. Episode 10.
  11. (May 13, 2013). "Episode 1111 - 10 Chefs Compete". Hell's Kitchen (U.S. TV series). Season 11. Episode 11.
  12. (May 13, 2013). "Episode 1112 - 9 Chefs Compete". Hell's Kitchen (U.S. TV series). Season 11. Episode 12.
  13. (May 23, 2013). "Episode 1113 - 8 Chefs Compete". Hell's Kitchen (U.S. TV series). Season 11. Episode 13.
  14. (May 30, 2013). "Episode 1114 - 7 Chefs Compete Part 1". Hell's Kitchen (U.S. TV series). Season 11. Episode 14.
  15. (June 6, 2013). "Episode 1115 - 7 Chefs Compete Part 2". Hell's Kitchen (U.S. TV series). Season 11. Episode 15.
  16. (June 13, 2013). "Episode 1116 - 6 Chefs Compete". Hell's Kitchen (U.S. TV series). Season 11. Episode 16.
  17. (July 25, 2013). "Episode 1121 - 2 Chefs Compete". Hell's Kitchen (U.S. TV series). Season 11. Episode 21.
  18. (July 25, 2013). "Episode 1122 - Winner Chosen". Hell's Kitchen (U.S. TV series). Season 11. Episode 22.
Hell's Kitchen Season 11
Gordon Ramsay (Head Chef) • James Avery (Blue Team Sous Chef) • Andi Van Willigan-Cutspec (Red Team Sous Chef) • Jean-Philippe Susilovic (Maître d'hôtel)
Gina AloiseRay AlongiJacqueline BaldassariBarret BeyerDanielle BoornAmanda GiblinNedra HarrisSusan HeatonMichael LangdonJessica LewisJeremy MaddenMary PoehneltAnthony RodriguezChristian RosatiSebastian RoyoDan RyanJon ScallionCyndi StanimirovJa'Nel WittZach Womack