Prawie natychmiast po zakończeniu cut-scenki atak na nasz magazyn przeprowadzą Spanish Lords. Zabijamy ich (najpierw mają pistolety, potem Micro SMG), nie dopuszczając aby zniszczyli oni ładunek Kenny'ego. Sami musimy uważać na helikopter, który lata nad nami, zasypując nas pociskami z miniguna. Po zabiciu wszystkich gangsterów, wsiadamy w jakieś auto i jedziemy za helikopterem. Uważamy na blokady Spanish Lords.
Wu „Kenny” Lee
Our noble house will come to a dishonorable end unless we defend ourselves.
Huang Lee
Absolutely. Also if anyone ever seizes your hard drive or DVD collection.
Wu „Kenny” Lee
Funny time to be cracking jokes, you little snot. You enraged the Spanish Lords and now they're coming to try to destroy me!
Huang Lee
Yes - and it wasn't like you told me to attack them or anything, was it?
Wu „Kenny” Lee
I told you to deal with the problem - what a great fucking job you did!
Huang Lee
Oh, I'm sorry Uncle. Sorry I came here, got robbed, mugged, left for dead, and that was good bit! My father's death remains unsolved, and I'm fighting your fucking battles. Thanks, Uncle!
Wu „Kenny” Lee
They're here! Deal with them, Huang! It's your fault, anyway!