Maria Iulia

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Veronica Roth
“Some things are hard to let go of.”
Veronica Roth, Allegiant

Charlotte Eriksson
“So you will meet many ’someones’ who will give a new definition to your name.
And you can not build walls, must not close the door and please don’t hide,
because if you ask me about hurt
and love
I will say love. Love because the hurt will come and go no matter what, but only love makes it worth while. Only love can cure it.
Don’t be scared. Go. Love.”
Charlotte Eriksson

Johnny Depp
“The problem is that everybody treats teenagers like they're stupid.”
Johnny Depp

Hans Christian Andersen
“Never had she danced so beautifully; the sharp knives cut her feet, but she did not feel it, for the pain in her heart was far greater.”
Hans Christian Andersen, The Little Mermaid

J.S.B. Morse
“You will never find the perfect person but you might be lucky enough to find someone who wants to be.”
J.S.B. Morse, Now and at the Hour of Our Death

year in books
305 books | 280 friends

Csenge ...
140 books | 115 friends

326 books | 21 friends

Marian ...
142 books | 59 friends

Flavia ...
59 books | 111 friends

Andrea ...
132 books | 66 friends

Ana Costea
0 books | 174 friends

2 books | 15 friends

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