Friends Forever Quotes

Quotes tagged as "friends-forever" Showing 91-120 of 183
John Arthur
“The world has millions of records on people who badly wounded and hurt their friends, people who didn't value the intrinsic value of man, don't come and add up to this. Be a true friend others could count on.”
John Arthur

John Arthur
“The older friendships get, the newer they become.”
John Arthur

John Arthur
“Friendships never grow old; they only last longer and gets newer and fresher everyday.”
John Arthur

John Arthur
“Never be afraid to grow old with your friends; for it's when you grow old together that you become the most trusted and sweetest friends of all.”
John Arthur

John Arthur
“The most trusted and loyal friendships in your life, will always be your oldest and longest friendships.”
John Arthur

John Arthur
“Time does not diminish friendships; it just beautifies it.”
John Arthur

John Arthur
“When you walk with God in friendship till you're old, you become the newest friend He will always be close to.”
John Arthur

John Arthur
“Friendship is an eternal relationship which never depreciate or deteriorate in value; but always increase and flourish in value.”
John Arthur

John Arthur
“When you protect and keep friendships with you till you're old, you'll take them into eternity.”
John Arthur

John Arthur
“True friendship is what your heart needs all the time and will need it the most when you're old. So keep friendships into old age.”
John Arthur

John Arthur
“You cannot afford to lose every friendship you make; some friendships are seriously needed to be maintained into your old age.”
John Arthur

John Arthur
“True friends influence the mindsets of their friends.”
John Arthur

John Arthur
“True friends influence the personality and attitudes of their friends.”
John Arthur

John Arthur
“True friends influence the moral conduct of their friends.”
John Arthur

John Arthur
“Friends without character and the spirit of friendship demonstrate friendliness without friendship and friendship without the ability to be friends; they often manipulate others to achieve their own goals and dreams.”
John Arthur

John Arthur
“Friendship is not more of going out to look for friends; but rather being a true friend.”
John Arthur

John Arthur
“Friendship is not about manipulating people; but rather inspiring them to reach their potentials.”
John Arthur

John Arthur
“Friendship is not a system for taking advantage of people; but rather a relationship for empowering people to be better than they used to be.”
John Arthur

John Arthur
“True friendship is not based on intentional reciprocity; but rather sharing from a cheerful heart.”
John Arthur

John Arthur
“A friend who has the belief system that says, "It's everyone for himself in this world" will always instinctively place himself before others, devalue people, mistreat and even abuse the very best friends who sincerely love him.”
John Arthur

John Arthur
“True friends always place a higher value on the life, success and dignity of humanity.”
John Arthur

John Arthur
“I personally, believe that if you don't respect and truly value human life (other people) you should never be in friendship.”
John Arthur

John Arthur
“It's more dangerous to make friends when you're old than when you're young.”
John Arthur

John Arthur
“If you think making friends now is difficult; try old age.”
John Arthur

John Arthur
“If you think having real friends now is not necessary, then wait when you get old... It's more difficult to make real friends in old age than when you're young.”
John Arthur

John Arthur
“Real best friends don't need their friends to propel them into action; they just enter your life and begin to live.”
John Arthur

John Arthur
“Best friends know who they are in your life, and live as such.”
John Arthur

John Arthur
“My best friend is the one who builds my character and improves my life.”
John Arthur

John Arthur
“When you become the real friend you are to others, you automatically become invaluable in their lives.”
John Arthur

John Arthur
“Any love without friendship creates heartbreaking experiences.”
John Arthur