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God of War Wiki
Monsters & Undead

Monsters, also called Beasts, are hostile creatures and enemies that cannot be considered mortal, God or Titan. Monsters appeared in the God of War series and are not confined to just one species. Some well-known monsters include the Minotaur, the ChimeraMedusa the Gorgon, Trolls, and Ogres. Several from Greek and Norse Mythology along with other mythologies has also appeared throughout the entire series.


Monsters are creatures that appear in horror, fantasy, mythology, folklore, science fiction, and religion. They are usually depicted as hostile, ferocious and aggressive with strange or grotesque appearances which strikes terror and fear in their victims. Monsters commonly resemble animals that are bizarre, deformed and/or mutated in appearance and their varying sizes, but they may also take on different forms, such as humans, mutants, ghosts, spirits, zombies, or even cannibals.

Aside from taking on alternate forms, monsters can even possess supernatural powers or magic abilities, though they are often capable of killing and even cause some form of destruction, which threatens the social or moral order of the human world in the process. Animal monsters are outside of the moral order but they sometimes have their origin in some human violation of the moral law. Human monsters are creatures that are never fully human by birth, or who, through some supernatural or unnatural act, had lost their humanity, and thus can no longer/never would follow the moral order of human society.

Aside from being described as monstrous and aggressive, monsters may be depicted as friendly and misunderstood creatures who unintentionally frighten individuals, and their appearance may be so large, strong, and clumsy may cause accidental damage or death. In fiction, some monsters are depicted as mischievous and boisterous but not necessarily threatening, while others may be prone to fits of rage or hunger. Thus, they are needed to be tamed and taught to resist savage urges or be killed if they cannot successfully be or are uncontrollable. ' '

In God of War series[]

Monsters are supernatural and aggressive creatures and beasts that often attack and kill people. In all God of War games, Monsters are common enemies and bosses that Kratos faces throughout his travels and when killed they give us red orbs (Greek Saga) or money and experience (Norse Saga)

Known Monsters[]

Greek Monsters[]

  • Undead Legionnaire (Dead warriors belonging to the Underworld)
  • Minotaur (Creatures half man half bull)
  • Cyclopes (One-eyed giants)
  • Cursed Legionnaire (Similar to Undead Legionnaires but with armor)
  • Harpies (Monsters with the heads of bald, deformed women, and the bodies of bats)
  • Wraiths (Vengeful ghosts of those who died in combat opposing Ares)
  • Gorgons (Humanoid female monsters with snakes instead of hair and capable of pretifying Humans and Monsters with their gaze)
  • Satyrs (2 meter tall creatures half goat half human)
  • Siren (Women's with ugly appearance but with a seductive voice)
  • Centaurs (Monsters with the body of a human but with the feet of horses)
  • Cerberus (Giant three-headed dog, also one is the Guardian of the Underworld)
  • Cerberus Seed (Little green dogs that can transform into a Cerberus)
  • Hydra King (Giant sea snake with two more heads)
  • Medusa (Queen of Gorgons)
  • Pandora's Guardian (A twenty feet tall, undead minotaur wearing nearly impenetrable armor. It guards the tomb of the Architect's son in the segment of the Temple of Pandora dedicated to Hades)
  • Pegasus (Winged horse)
  • Fates Sentry (Enemies similar to the Undead Legionnaires, but they have goat legs, similar to the Satyrs)
  • Hades Fiend (Female warriors throwing fire projectiles)
  • Cursed Remains (Resurrected Skeletons)
  • Fates Juggernaut (Large, strong henchmen who wear armor and serve the Sisters of Fate)
  • High Priest of the Fates (These enemies are spell-casters who can teleport, summon more enemies, and drain Kratos' magic)
  • Nymph (Is a large bluish flying bug with four pairs of wings, capable of launching cobwebs and balls of green energy)
  • Rabid Hound (Aggressive dogs)
  • Wild Boar (Strong wild boars)
  • Griffin (Large eagles with the body of a lion)
  • Argos (Monster with a hundred eyes and Hera's pet)
  • Hoplite (undead type of counterparts to the Undead Legionnaires)
  • Hyperion Guard (Strong spirits with armor)
  • Morpheus Beast (Dark sabertooth tigers emerging from the fog of Morpheus)
  • Shade (Undead servants similar to Hoplites and Undead Legionnaires)
  • Sphinx (Lion-like creature)
  • Basilisk (A giant monster brought forth by Persians to conquer Greece)
  • Olympus Sentry (Skeletal creatures that are the soldiers of Olympus)
  • Hippocampi (Water horses belonging to Poseidon)
  • Stone Talos (Stone statues that can move)
  • Chimera (Lion monster with a snake tail and a goat head)
  • Nemean Lion (Lion with a resistant coat who was killed by Hercules)
  • Bronze Talos (Bronze statues that can move)
  • Cyclops Remains (Undead Cyclops that only appear in Tartarus)
  • Skorpius (A gigantic scorpion queen who guards the Labyrinth of Daedalus)
  • Tritons (Marine soldiers of Atlantis)
  • Scylla (The legendary sea monster)
  • Scylla Brood (Small, spider-like monsters who accompany the great sea beast Scylla)
  • Geryon (Statues similar to Atlas, carrying a giant sphere and using it as a weapon)
  • Automaton (Metal robots)
  • Dredge of Boreas (Giant ice monster)
  • Piraeus Lion (Gigantic feline beast)
  • Megaera's Parasites (Tiny green insects that originate from Megaera)
  • Megaera's Minions (Humans and hounds infected and mutated into monsters by Megaera's parasites)
  • Juggernaut (Large elephant monsters)
  • Python (Giant snake killed by Apollo)
  • Empusa (Fiery female monster with green spikes instead of limbs)
  • Manticore (a flying monster with a lion-like face, the jaw of a shark, which can become unhinged, dragon wings, human arms and torso, a scorpion tail and scorpion-like plates lining its back)
  • Daimon (Tisiphone's pet)

Norse Monsters[]

  • Draugr (Reanimated corpses that haunt battlefields)
  • Hel-Walkers (Humanoid foes with a blue and white coloration, they populate the Realm of Helheim and come in different classes)
  • Trolls (Giant creatures with a set of giant tusks on the edge of their faces and they carry massive pillars as weapons)
  • Dragons (Flying reptilian creatures that inhabit Midgard and are extremely powerful)
  • Ogres (Burly, powerful, gorilla-looking and brutal monsters)
  • Revenant (Mysterious creatures appear in fog and summon enemies to do their bidding)
  • Wulver (humanoid wolf-like creatures stand on their hind legs)
  • Nightmare (Floating eye creatures float and shoot magic projectiles)
  • Dark Elves (One of two elven races that make their home in Alfheim, they are capable of flight and utilize different weapons such as spears and magical projectiles)
  • Light Elves (One of the two Elven races that make their home in Alfheim)
  • Ancients (powerful golems embued with various elemental powers including fire, frost, stone, and forest. They are stated to come from the flesh of Primordial Jötunn Ymir)
  • Travelers (Giant, armored creatures with equally giant swords and sometimes shields whose block cannot be broken)
  • Tatzelwurm (Burrowers that can launch out of the ground and launch their own projectiles)
  • Reavers (They were normal reavers, but got corrupted by Seiðr magic which altered their appearance as well as losing their humanity)
  • Stalker (Centaur-like creatures with antlers that are armed with random weapons)
  • Dreki (Giant crocodile-like creatures from Svartalfheim)
  • Grim (Bipedal lizard-like monsters with a "Cursed" variant that spits toxic bile)
  • Bergsra (a giant-like Grim with ability to spawn Wretches)
  • Gradungr (Large lion-like creatures that sport ram-like horns or stag-like antlers)
  • Gulon (A unique creature-like beast usually appeared there packs and mostly native in Vanaheim)
  • Nokken (A goblin-like creature that have horrific chants ability to heal its enemies like Draugrs)
  • Wisp (A mysterious spirit with elemental power)
  • Wight (A horrific six-armed spectre)
  • Phantoms (Dangerous and mystical elemental creatures that are the result of multiple runic springs drawing chaotic and destructive power)
  • Níðhögg (A giant Dragon who lived between the branches of the world tree, Yggdrasil)
  • Lindwyrms (The children of the dragon Níðhögg)

Egyptian Monsters[]

  • Beast of Chaos (Giant beast that was killed by Kratos to save a village in Egypt)

Persian Monsters[]

  • Rocs (Giant birds who hover in the air, slashing at their prey with awesome fury)
  • Basilisk (Giant reptilian creature that serves under the orders of the Persian King)

Arabian Monsters[]

  • Efreet (Demonic fire spirit from Arabian Lands)





