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Aurvangar Wetlands is a region in Svartalfheim in God of War Ragnarök. This entry region into Svartalfheim is where you'll first appear during the Main Story quest - The Quest for Tyr. It features a long winding river you'll progress through on the route to the dwarven town of Nidavellir, and contains many optional stops on sandy beaches along the way. You can also find sparkling resources in the water to grab that contain resources like Rawhide and Slag Deposits. This region has a few types of basic enemies you'll become accustomed to, including Wretches and the Grim.


Aurvangar Wetlands have a few collectibles you can pick up on your journey as seen below.

Aurvangar Collectibles
First Visit
Odin's Raven 1 Nornir Chest 1 Things Left Behind 1

Hreidmar's Brassard

Yggdrasil's Dew 1
Legendary Chest 1 Lore 1

Unsafe Roads

Nornir Chest 2 Kvasir's Poems 1

The Sunrise of Nothingness

Hel-Tear 1

Aurvangar Wetlands - Odin’s Raven 1[]

The first Odin's Raven of Svartalfheim is where you first arrive, at the Southern end of the Aurvangar Wetlands. From the Mystic Gateway, look North to spot a rock formation to the left of the boat dock (not the ferry dock!). The Raven will be standing on top of it.

Aurvangar Wetlands - Nornir Chest 1[]

  • Type: Idol

This Nornir Chest is found in the Aurvangar Wetlands, specifically where you first dock to unblock a wheel. Freeze the geyser and jump over it, and you'll see the Nornir Chest to your right across the gap. The B and F Runes are close to the chest. The F Rune is on a ledge to the left of the chest, while the B Rune is sitting on an island you can spot behind the chest across the water. The R Rune is trickier. Jump back across the watery gap and look left to spot a tall geyser. Throw your Leviathan Axe at its base to freeze it, then leap up to the top of the ledge. The R Rune is here, on your left at the base of a tree.

Things Left Behind 1 - Hreidmar’s Brassard[]

This Artifact is found in the area where you dock to move a giant wheel. From the spot described above where you find the R Rune Idol for the Nornir Chest, look to the right of it to find Hreidmar's Brassard.

Aurvangar Wetlands - Yggdrasil’s Dew 1[]

  • Boost: +2 Runic

After pass through the giant wooden wheel you turned, you'll have to slip under a gap under a bridge. After you've done this, follow the left-hand wall to find this Yggdrasil's Dew, which increases your core Runic stat.

Aurvangar Wetlands - Legendary Chest 1[]

  • Contains: Blades Attachment - Deadly Obsidian Handles

Found in an optional side area just after you lower the wall to pass North. Keep left and you may spot the Legendary Chest on a raised wooden platform. To get here, sail further along and spot a section you can slip the boat under. Once through, dock the boat on the shore to your left, then jump up the wooden ledge on your left. From here, head left to the far edge to find the Legendary Chest. This Chest contains Deadly Obsidian Handles, Level 1 Handles that give 4 Strength.

Aurvangar Wetlands - Lore 1 - Unsafe Roads[]

  • Type: Lore Marker

This Lore is found in the same optional side area as the Legendary Chest described above. From the top of the wooden ledge, go right instead of left and drop down another wooden ledge, and you'll see the tall stone Lore Marker on your left, near a tent.

Aurvangar Wetlands - Nornir Chest 2[]

  • Type: Switch

Found in the same optional side area as the Lore and Legendary Chest described above. From the shore where you dock the boat, face away from the water and you'll see the Nornir Chest on your right among some machinery. This Nornir Chest uses spinner switches, so you'll need to find them and turn them to match the “D-B-N” Runes on the Nornir Chest. First, look to the right of the Nornir Chest to find a spinner obscured by a geyser. You can throw the axe at the geyser to reveal the rune on the spinner: hit it once on the left paddle (or twice on the right paddle) to spin it to the D Rune. From there, head left to the wooden platform to find another spinner on your left: hit it once on the right-hand paddle to spin it to the B Rune. Return to the boat and this time leap up the wooden ledge nearby. Look up on your right to find the spinner: hit it once on the right-hand huddle to spin it to the N Rune.

Kvasir’s Poems 1 - The Sunrise of Nothingness[]

Practically tripped over as you use the water wheels to get to the second chain that lowers the final wall blocking the river. Once you ride on top of the giant metal anvil-like block to a higher level, you'll see this glowing purple on top of a table in front of you, next to a red Coffin.

Svartalfheim Hel-Tear[]

  • Location: Svartalfheim - Aurvangar Wetlands
  • Time Limit: 1 minute
  • Enemies:
    • 1x Lvl 6 Hel-Viken
    • 8x Level 6 Hel-Shadow Archers

The Hel-Tear in Svartalfheim can only be found after you visit Helheim as Kratos. Head to the Wetlands' Mystic Gateway, then hop into the boat and sail North. You'll want to dock at the beach on your right, just before you pass through the wooden wheel. From here, leap up to the top of the wooden structure on your left, then drop down off the other side. The Hel-Tear will be directly ahead of you, just across the water pool.
