Glorantha Wiki

An Orlanthi nation in southwestern Peloria


  • Talastar is a very hilly and rocky country, producing inferior crops, but supporting hardy sheep and hillmen.
  • Below Talastar is the fertile valley of the Erinflarth River and behind it is the Tobros Mountains.



  • Talastar has traditionally been divided into several tribes
  • Kings have ruled over the whole country. The last such king was Opand of Voranel.


  • The Talastari are Orlanthi in religion
  • Recently they have been converted to the Lunar Way in the White Shirt Day but the depth of this conversion is thin.
  • Under Lunar influence, they have been making propitiatory sacrifices to chaos known as Janandi's Appeasement
  • This has divided Talastar between the Traditionalists and the Appeasers



Dawn Age[]

  • At the Dawn, Talastar was inhabited by nine clans, centering around Varknathendar.
  • The clans were contacted by the World Council in 100 ST and adopted the Lightbringer ways and became the Nine Tribes.
  • The Talastari remained traditional Orlanthi under the rule of the Empire of Lights. Lokamayadon popularized the worship of Tarumath
  • When Arkat's army invaded Dorastor, they marched through Talastari lands; reducing the hillforts and sending refugees to Anadiki
  • Although badly scattered by the Gbaji Wars, the Talastari retained an independence of sorts for the next four centuries. Their lands were too difficult for easy conquest while the tribes too weak to dominate each other.

Imperial Age[]

  • The Talastari did adopt Dara Happan fashions in pottery, clothing, weapons and armour.
  • In 824 ST, the first contact with the EWF took place.
  • In 850 ST, the EWF ordered them to to pay taxes to Lakrene and also to collect taxes from Anadiki.

Modern Age[]

