Genertela is the northern continent of Glorantha.
Geography and climate[]
Genertela is divided into a couple of distinct regions by three great mountain ranges:
- The Rockwood Mountains and their western extension, the Nidan Mountains, part western and central Genertela into a northern and a southern half.
- The Mislari and Skyreach Mountains separate the southwest from the central south and meet the Rockwoods in the Dragon Pass region of Maniria.
- The Shanshan Mountains in the east separate the lands of Kralorela and Teshnos from the steppes in eastern central Genertela.
The climate ranges from Arctic (Fronela and Valind's Glacier in the northwest) to subtropical (Teshnos in the southeast).
The primary inhabitants are humans (of various racial types), as well as aldryami (elfs), mostali (dwarfs), uz (trolls) and less populous races such as durulz (creatures not unlike Donald Duck), river dwelling newtlings, sentient baboons, giants and dragonewts.
The major geographical regions are:
- Fronela
- Seshnela
- The Elder Wilds
- Dragon Pass
- Dorastor
- Kethaela
- Ralios
- Peloria
- Pent
- Maniria
- The Wastelands
- Teshnos