File:Unibicameral Map.svg é unha versión vectorial deste ficheiro. Debería usarse esa versión no canto desta imaxe rasterizada cando sexa de mellor calidade.
Map of the legislative organizations of the countries of the world, originally by Aris Katsaris.
Note: This only shows national legislatures, federations with sublegislatures are not required to have sublegislatures on the same model as their country: The United States has a bicameral legislature, the State of Nebraska has a unicameral legislature. Similarly, although Canada has a bicameral legislature, all of its provinces and territories have unicameral legislatures.
Note: Any official "legislature", including unelected and powerlessly limited ones, are counted. Burma/Myanmar is listed as having none as the legislature elected in 1989 never convened, was opened or sat and no other legislature of any sort has sat since the start of the military government.
English (en): Map of nations based on their legislatures.
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== Summary == Map of unicameral and bicameral parliaments around the world. Created by Aris Katsaris. Orange is for unicameral, blue is for bicameral and gray is neither. == Licensing == {{GFDL-user-en|Aris Katsaris}} <!--Cat
Map of unicameral and bicameral parliaments around the world. Created by Aris Katsaris. Orange is for unicameral, blue is for bicameral and gray is neither.
== Summary == Map of unicameral and bicameral parliaments around the world. Created by Aris Katsaris. Orange is for unicameral, blue is for bicameral and gray is neither. == Licensing == {{GFDL-user-en|Aris Katsaris}} <!--Cat