Ghostforce Wiki
Ghostforce Wiki

Ghosts are the main antagonistic faction of Ghostforce. They are an extraterrestrial species who haunt and terrorize human beings by feeding on their fear. Ghosts possess various hidden objects and when awoken, will wreak havoc.[1]

A majority of ghosts are currently haunting Manhattan and their capture, analysis, and storage is the primary objective of the Ghostforce.


Dinozos 144

Dinozos as depicted on an Earth cave painting during the Stone Age.

While the exact origins of ghosts are unknown, "Chaorion" and "Dinozos" both hinted that ghosts originated from an unknown planet or planets lightyears away from Earth. Based on a cave painting depicting a ghost named Dinozos, it is estimated that ghosts first arrived on Earth around the Stone Age. Since their arrival, they have terrorized the human race for millennia, with rare instances of them indirectly shaping human history. One notable ghost is Pharaok, who encountered an Ancient Egyptian pharaoh between 2650 and 1525 BC and was responsible for building a pyramid in a single day.

However, despite ghosts being present since the beginning of mankind, their attacks have not been fully recorded by humans, with many stories of their attacks fading into legends over the centuries. One possible reason for this is the difficulty of providing evidence of their existence, as ghosts often find a nest once they reach peak fear and then sleep indefinitely until awakening. It wasn't until the early 18th century that the first ghost hunters were formed in Manhattan, New York City, during the American colonization. While the exact number of ghost hunters before the 21st century is unknown, two British colonizers discovered the existence of ghosts in the early 1700s and captured one named Grump King on Halloween night. They then buried its nest in what would later become Central Park.

Between the mid-to-late 1980s and the early 2000s, a woman known as Miss Jones learned about the existence of ghosts. She teamed up with a man named Carpenter to form a ghost-hunting team called the Ghostforce. Together, they studied ghost behavior and developed Boo Energy from ghost DNA to create Boo Technology. Their goal was to capture every ghost they encountered to prevent them from haunting humans and feeding on their fear. However, one fateful day, they encountered a man named Nolan Kasenti, who sent an unidentified "ghost with multiple powers" after them. This encounter led to Carpenter's capture, and Miss Jones became a half-ghost when her human DNA fused with Boo Energy.[2]

While it's unknown if there are reports of ghost attacks in other parts of the world, ghosts have indirectly made Manhattan, New York City, a tourist attraction. Many local businesses have incorporated "ghost" into their names, like Ghost Dog and Creepy Ghost. However, there haven't been many known ghost attacks in Manhattan since Miss Jones developed her half-ghost condition, though the reasons for this are unspecified. It's heavily implied that the borough became haunted again following the events of "Origins," as Miss Jones selected three pre-teen students —Andy Baker, Liv Baker, and Mike Collins— to form the second iteration of Ghostforce.

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Chaorion approaching Earth.

The most recent ghost to have arrived on Earth was Chaorion, a Level 9 ghost from the bizarro family, who crash-landed at Central Park before it was later captured by the Ghostforce. Glowboo mentioned that this particular specimen originated in a planet located at the southwestern of the Milky Way galaxy, implying that there are more ghosts currently traveling across the universe that the Ghostforce haven't discovered yet.


All ghosts have two distinct appearances: kawai form and booster mode.

Sharkoak 045

Sharkoak in its kawai mode.

Kawai forms of a ghost are commonly small and round, with nubby limbs and minimal details. However, there are specific ghosts who look like miniature versions of their booster modes with unique body shapes. Whenever a ghost feeds on people's fear in kawai form, its size increases slightly. The more fear it feeds on, the bigger it becomes.

Katastroph 125

Katastroph's "fusion" booster mode where the triplets all share a body.

Every ghost shares the ability to enter booster mode once they feed off enough fear, a form that allows them to transform into a large, evolved version of their kawai form. However, there are specific types of ghosts known as "mergers" who must switch to booster mode by merging with an object, combining their physical appearance with the object that gets fused with their Boo Energy. Sometimes ghosts with one or two siblings can enter booster mode by fusing. These "fusion" booster mode can lead to ghosts either sharing a body with more than one head, such as the Katastroph triplets, or merging into a singular being, such as the Mascarade triplets and the Meta&Lix twins.

Chaorion 234

A meteor filled with Chaorion's eggs.

Ghosts are born from eggs similar to that of Earth's fauna. The appearance of the eggs varied depending on the parent's physical appearance and powers. For example, Xhypno resembles a butterfly so its eggs resemble chrysalises, while Bouncee's eggs resemble basketballs after merging with an actual basketball.

Personality and Behavior[]

Vochaos 071

Vochaos chasing after humans to feed on their fears.

Ghosts can have greatly different personalities. Some ghosts can be either serious, mischievous or even skittish. However, one thing all ghosts seem to have in common is their general dislike of humans. To them, humans are cowardly creatures who are useful in providing them enough fear to feed on so they can switch to booster mode. To generate fear from humans, ghosts would terrorize them by attacking them with their powers without caring how their actions can physically and mentally harm them. However, not all ghosts would feed on people's fear and there are even rare cases of ghosts afraid of humans, such as Mikroo.

Jellyjack 262

Glups becoming hungry after being recently deboosted.

While their attacks can be seen as malicious and sometimes lethal, especially ghosts with transformation powers, all ghosts across their species depend on feeding on people's fear since it's a part of their natural life cycle. Their behavior can be seen as similar to that of a wild animal on Earth. They rely on people's fear as a form of survival and they can get hungry if they go long without eating, as demonstrated with Glups in "Jellyjack".

Octocat summoning 007

Octocat helping Myst deboost a ghost.

Despite a majority of ghosts feeding on people's fear as a form of survival and some enjoy causing chaos with their powers, they can be tamed and domesticated so they can learn not to physically and mentally harm humans. The Ghostforce are the currently known humans who want to use this practice similar to how human beings first learned how to tame and domesticate wild animals for beneficial uses. The currently known ghosts who are tamed include Glups, Dragoyle, Growmax, Octocat, and Solarboo. Glups, in particular, has become empathic towards humanity after staying with Miss Jones for many years and understands how his powers can have major effects on people because his species must feed on their fear to survive.

However, a tamed ghost can revert to its wild state if it is near something it’s allergic to. As demonstrated in "Jellyjack", Glups became a wild ghost again after he accidentally escaped the underground laboratory during the daytime and was exposed to sunlight. When that happens, a ghost would return to feed on people's fear and terrorize them because its natural behavior kicks back in. Glups, in particular, was unable to remember his friendship with the Ghostforce due to his sunlight allergy messing with his mind to realize he accidentally hurt people with his powers. As warned by Miss Jones, if a tamed ghost reach peak fear and hibernate to begin its new Boo Energy cycle, then it'll stay wild permanently.


General abilities[]

All ghosts across their species have the ability of flight, levitation, and intangibility. They are immortal beings that are known to have existed since the Stone Age if not longer, as evident with Dinozos.

Krik-Krok 069

Krik-Krok using its powers to terrorize human beings.

Ghosts each have unique powers that set them apart from one another, especially ghosts with siblings in the same specimen. For instance, the Katastroph triplets, despite sharing a parent, have different powers; the left sibling can howl out large soundwaves, the middle sibling can fire goo from its mouth, and the right sibling can drain Boo Energy from another ghost. Their powers often correspond to their physical appearance and what ghost family it originated. Despite ghosts not having a physical form, they use their powers to physically and mentally attack human beings so they can feed on their fear. While the series hasn't explored newborn ghosts yet, it can be interpreted that they were born with powers after hatching from their eggs.

Many ghosts are immune to their own powers, especially if they have transformation powers and/or are part of the hypnotic taxonomy. However, it depends on what powers they have since there are rare occurrences where a ghost gets affected by their own attacks, especially if said attack gets redirected back to them. For example, Artiflame got stunted by Fury after the latter turned one of his firework rockets against it.

Chronoklok 090

Glups being frozen in time by Chronoklok.

As revealed in "Chronoklok", ghosts aren't immune to another ghost's powers either. When the titular ghost fired a timestop bubble at the NYC school, it indirectly caused Glups to be frozen in time due to Miss Jones's underground lab being located underneath the school building and within the blast radius. There are also some specimens whose powers can drain Boo Energy off of another ghost, such as Pharaok and Ninja Ki.

Despite ghosts being intangible and not having a physical form, they are visible in cameras, photos, and videos. They are also seen or perceived by artificial intelligence, such as robots and androids, like Glowboo.

All ghosts began in their kawai form, but as a form of survival, they must scare living beings so they can feed on their fear and gain more Boo Energy. The more fear they consumed, the bigger their size would become. There are two types of ghosts across their species with different outcomes if they consume enough fear from people.

Booster Ghosts[]

Cyclopee 049

Cyclopee, a booster ghost, scaring Drake Miller.

Booster ghosts are ghosts who only switch to booster mode upon consuming enough fear, allowing them to become stronger and unlock additional abilities based on their powers. This type of ghost is the most common across their species.

Most booster ghosts prefer attacking people with their powers so they can feed on their fear. However, ghosts with hypnotic or transformative powers must gain fear by using their powers on a specific number of living beings. This can cause their victims to become mentally afraid of them while under their influence, allowing the ghosts to become stronger.

Merger Ghosts[]

For a complete list of objects that were merged by a ghost, see List of receptacles.
Agia 105

Elastrick after merging with a trick candle to become Agia.

Merger ghosts are ghosts who must merge into an inanimate object to switch to booster mode. To do that, they must consume enough fear before they find a specific object to possess. There are some exceptions, like Freezofear and Spong, whose specimens don't require them to ingest people's fear. Upon merging with its receptacle, the ghost's power from its kawai mode would fuse with the traits and abilities related to said receptacle.

Cookieflame 083

Flamagma merging with a cookie.

While most ghosts prefer merging with objects that reflect their powers, it's not always the case. Once a ghost is ready to merge, it would immediately charge towards the object it wants to process. However, if another inanimate object suddenly appears in its path, then the ghost would merge with that instead. This is seen in "Cookieflame" when Andy tried to stop Flamagma, a flammable ghost, from merging with a barbeque by throwing cookies at it, but he accidentally caused the ghost to merge with one of the cookies since Flamagma was too fast to stop itself.

There are currently two occurrences of a merger ghost specimen ingesting an object that caused them to switch to booster mode; Freezofear ate a Bananice popsicle to convert it into Boo Energy, while Arak ate a chewing gum to become Arakgum. Other merger ghosts simply fly into the objects to possess them.


For a complete list of objects that the ghosts used as a nest, see List of nests.
Vochaos 050

Vochaos's nest, an old audio recorder.

Once a ghost reaches peak fear in booster mode after being fed enough by humans, they would feel exhausted and retreat to find an inanimate object they would use as their nest to sleep in. Most ghosts prefer sleeping in a nest representing their physical appearance or abilities. For example, Sharkoak previously hibernated in a shark tooth necklace. Early episodes of the first season depicted ghosts asleep inside their nests, such as Freezofear sleeping inside the refrigerator and it opened the door upon awakening. However, ghosts are now depicted hibernating by entering an inanimate object since some nests are too small to go inside.

Sandyrok 005

Sandyrok awakening from its nest.

Ghosts would then hibernate in their nest until they are awakened by an outside force disturbing their slumber. One notable warning sign that an object is a nest is when it briefly glows brightly and sometimes negatively affects its surroundings, usually by an outside force touching and/or disturbing it. However, not all ghosts are immediately awakened by outside disturbances. Depending on how strong an object a ghost uses as its nest and how long it has been asleep, it can even hibernate for more than a century without getting disturbed. Notable ghosts who have slept the longest before their eventual awakening in the 21st century include Pharaok since Ancient Egypt, Piraniak since the Golden Age of Piracy, and Grump King since the early 1700s. However, fragile objects can easily release the ghost from its slumber once it breaks.

As revealed in "Scorpod", if a ghost attacked any human being before it went to hibernation, its powers would become permanent on its victims and the damages can't be reversed until the ghost responsible for the attack gets captured by the Ghostforce.

Boo Energy cycle level[]

Dunky Boss 059

The computer interface showing Batata, a Level 4 ghost.

All ghosts have a Boo Energy cycle level with the highest known being Level 9, according to Miss Jones. Once a ghost hibernates after reaching peak fear, they would begin a new Boo Energy cycle upon reawakening. The official Ghostforce website revealed Miss Jones has an aging system in the database so she'll know how old an individual ghost is based on their Boo Energy cycle level.[2]

  • Level 1: Unknown
  • Level 2: "Fright"
  • Level 3: Unknown
  • Level 4: "Dread"
  • Level 5: "Awe"
  • Level 6: "Horror"
  • Level 7: "Panic"
  • Level 8: "Terror"
  • Level 9: "Abomination"

The level cycle not only represents their age and how powerful their abilities are but also their reproductive life cycle. As demonstrated in "Xhypno" and confirmed in "Chaorion", ghosts who are at the Abomination age would begin reproducing upon reaching to booster mode. Ghosts reproduce asexually by feeding on people's fear before laying their eggs that would hatch in a few minutes.


For information about a ghost's capture, see Boo Caps.
Bananice (259)

Freezofear inside a Boo Cap.

Ghosts can only be captured with the use of Boo Caps, special Boo Technology containers built to prevent them from using their intangibility to escape. Because of the capsule's small size, the Ghostforce must only capture ghosts in their kawai form. As hinted by Miss Jones, a recently awakening ghost can get captured without going to booster mode. However, because most ghosts feed on people's fear in highly-populated areas and quickly switch to booster mode, the Ghostforce must weaken them back to their kawai form before capturing them.

Gmagicard 275

Gmagi about to be sent to the Ghost Cloud.

Once inside a Boo Cap, all the effects of the ghost's powers are undone. This includes any Level 9 ghosts who went through their reproductive cycle since all the eggs they laid would fade from existence. While it's unconfirmed, it's possible any offspring that manages to hatch before its parent's capture would survive before its egg's disappearance. Upon capture, the Ghostforce would send the ghost to the Ghost Cloud in the underground lab where they would reside and sleep with every other ghost that was also captured.

List of ghosts[]

To learn more about a specific family a ghost belongs to, see Ghost families.

Name Family Type Level Caught Kawai Booster/
Dragoyle 25 Flexible Booster Unknown Miss Jones Dragoyle (kawai) Square Dragoyle (boosted) Square Dragoyle (capsule) Square
Octocat 25 Spectral Booster Unknown Miss Jones Octocat (kawai) Square Octocat (boosted) Square Octocat (capsule) Square
Growmax 25 Fractal Booster Unknown Miss Jones Growmax (kawai) Square Growmax (boosted) Square Growmax (capsule) Square
(a.k.a. Jellyjack)
25 Viscous Merger 8[note 1] Miss Jones (originally)
Myst (recapture)
Glups (kawai) Square Jellyjack Square Glups (capsule) Square
Solarboo[2] Unknown Unknown Unknown Miss Jones ListPlaceholder ListPlaceholder Solarboo (capsule) Square

Name Family Type Level Caught Kawai Booster/
(a.k.a. Bananice)
25 Fractal Merger 6 Fury Freezofear (kawai) Square Bananice Square Freezofear (capsule) Square
(a.k.a. Trashotic)
25 Viscous Merger 4 Fury Spong basic form Spong (Trashotic) trash can possession Spong capsule
Pharaok 25 Bizarro Booster 7 Krush Pharaok basic form Pharaok booster mode Pharaok capsule
Mikroo 25 Molecular Booster 2 Krush Mikroo basic form Mikroo booster mode Mikroo capsule
(a.k.a. Mizuo)
25 Flexible Merger 7[2] Fury Mizuo basic form Mizuo water tank possession Mizuo capsule
Sharkoak 25 Spectral Booster 7 Myst Sharkoak basic form Sharkoak booster mode Sharkoak capsule
Mastaar 25 Spectral Booster 7 Myst Mastaar basic form Mastaar booster mode Mastaar capsule
(a.k.a. Arakgum)
25 Spectral Merger 5 Krush Arak basic form Arak (Arakgum) gum possession Arak capsule
Zipzap 25 Spectral Booster 4 Krush Zipzap basic form Zipzap booster mode Zipzap capsule
(a.k.a. Artiflame)
25 Spectral Merger 4 Fury Flame basic form Flame (Artiflame) rocket possession Flame capsule
Xhypno 25 Spectral Booster 9 Fury Xhypno basic form Xhypno booster mode Xhypno capsule
Sporofungus 25 Molecular Booster 4 Krush Sporofungus basic form Sporofungus booster mode Sporofungus capsule
Raijin 25 Spectral Booster 6 Myst Raijin basic form Raijin booster mode Raijin capsule
Krik-Krok 25 Spectral Booster 4 Myst Krik-Krok basic form Krik-Krok booster mode Krik-Krok capsule
(a.k.a. Burghorror)
25 Viscous Merger 4 Krush Burghorror basic form Burghorror burger possession Burghorror capsule
(a.k.a. Chronoklok)
25 Bizarro Merger 5 Fury Petriphy basic form Petriphy (Chronoklok) watch possession Petriphy capsule
Jellystery 25 Viscous Booster 4 Krush Jellystery basic form Jellystery booster mode Jellystery capsule
Vochaos 25 Viscous Booster 4 Myst Vochaos basic form Vochaos booster mode Vochaos capsule
Katastroph 25 Bizarro Booster 7 Fury Katastroph basic form Katastroph booster mode Katastroph capsule
(a.k.a. Agia)
25 Flexible Merger 7 Myst Elastric basic form Elastric (Agia) candle possession Elastric capsule
Cyclopee Unknown Booster 5 Myst Cyclopee basic form Cyclopee booster mode Cyclopee capsule
(a.k.a. Gmagicard)
25 Bizarro Booster 5 Krush Gmagi basic form Gmagi (Gmagicard) card possession Gmagi capsule
Bubble-Brush 25 Flexible Merger 6[note 2] Krush Bubble-Brush basic form Bubble-Brush booster mode Bubble-Brush capsule
Glougloux 25 Molecular Booster 8 Miss Jones (originally)
Fury (recapture)
Glougloux (kawai) Square Glougloux (boosted) Square Glougloux (capsule) Square
Scream Scratch Unknown Booster Unknown Myst Scream Scratch basic form Scream Scratch booster mode Scream Scratch capsule
Creepop Unknown Merger 7[note 3] Krush Creepop basic form Creepop boombox possession Creepop capsule
Somnibou Unknown Booster 7[note 3] Myst Somnibou basic form Somnibou booster mode Somnibou capsule
(a.k.a. Troublestretch)
25 Flexible Merger 7 Myst Stretchy basic form Stretchy (Troublestretch) charm possession Stretchy capsule
Meta&Lix 25 Molecular Booster 7 Krush Meta&Lix basic form Meta&Lix booster mode Meta&Lix capsule
(a.k.a. Cookieflame)
Unknown Merger 6 Krush Flamagma basic form Flamagma (Cookieflame) cookie possession Flamagma capsule
(a.k.a. Graffurious)
25 Spectral Merger 5 Myst Breathrill basic form Breathrill (Graffurious) spray can possession Breathrill capsule
Levisfer 25 Molecular Booster 8 Fury Levisfer basic form Levisfer booster mode Levisfer capsule
Paniclick 25 Fractal Merger 4 Fury Paniclick basic form Paniclick camera possession Paniclick capsule
Sandyrok 25 Spectral Merger 7 Krush Sandyrok basic form Sandyrok booster mode Sandyrok capsule
Hypnolion 25 Spectral Booster 7 Myst Hypnolion basic form Hypnolion booster mode Hypnolion capsule
Jinjoke 25 Spectral Booster Unknown Krush Jinjoke basic form Jinjoke booster mode Jinjoke capsule
Gumglue Unknown Merger Unknown Myst Gumglue basic form Gumglue glue stick possession Gumglue capsule
Scorpod 25 Viscous Booster 7[note 4] Myst Scorpod basic form Scorpod booster mode Scorpod capsule
Biballoon 25 Bizarro Booster 7[note 3] Krush Biballoon basic form Biballoon booster mode Biballoon capsule
Turbokorn 25 Fractal Merger Unknown Myst Turbokorn basic form Turbokorn sports car possession Turbokorn capsule
Mascarade Unknown Booster 7[note 3] Fury Mascarade basic form Mascarade booster mode Mascarade capsule
Batata 25 Molecular Booster 4 Myst Batata basic form Batata booster mode Batata capsule
Prehistorrible Unknown Merger 7[note 3] Fury Prehistorrible basic form Prehistorrible subway train possession Prehistorrible capsule
Chaorion 25 Bizarro Booster 9 Krush Chaorion basic form Chaorion booster mode Chaorion capsule
Dinozos 25 Spectral Booster 5 Fury Dinozos basic form Dinozos booster mode Dinozos capsule
Piraniak Unknown Booster 7[note 3] Fury Piraniak basic form Piraniak booster mode Piraniak capsule
(a.k.a. Dunky Boss)
25 Spectral Merger 9 Miss Jones (originally)
Fury (recapture)
Bouncee basic form Bouncee (Dunky Boss) basketball ball possession Bouncee capsule
Scaregrow 25 Spectral Booster 9 Fury Scaregrow basic form Scaregrow booster mode Scaregrow capsule
Kaboom 25 Spectral Booster 7 Fury Kaboom basic form Kaboom booster mode Kaboom capsule
Ninja Ki 25 Molecular Booster 3 Myst Ninja Ki basic form Ninja Ki booster mode Ninja Ki capsule
Criangle 25 Fractal Booster 4 Krush Criangle basic form Criangle booster mode Criangle capsule

Name Family Type Level Caught Kawai Booster/
Tortress 25 Fractal Booster 4 Myst Tortress (kawai) Square Tortress (boosted) Square Tortress (capsule) Square
Piktoo 25 Spectral Booster Unknown Fury Piktoo (kawai) Square Piktoo (boosted) Square Piktoo (capsule) Square
Jam Jam 25 Viscous Booster 2 Fury Jam Jam (kawai) Square Jam Jam (boosted) Square Jam Jam (capsule) Square
(a.k.a. Rozamour)
25 Bizarro Merger Unknown Krush Cupidour (kawai) Square Rozamour Square Cupidour (capsule) Square
Freakking 25 Bizarro Booster 4 Myst ListPlaceholder ListPlaceholder ListPlaceholder
Boopsie 25 Bizarro Booster Unknown Krush Boopsie (kawai) Square Boopsie (boosted) Square Boopsie (capsule) Square
(a.k.a. Cactinetik)
25 Molecular Merger 7[note 3] Fury ListPlaceholder ListPlaceholder ListPlaceholder
Swip Swap 25 Molecular Booster Unknown Myst ListPlaceholder ListPlaceholder ListPlaceholder

Name Family Type Level Caught Kawai Booster/
Grump King 25 Bizarro Booster 9 Fury Grump King (kawai) Square Grump King (boosted) Square Grump King (capsule) Square
(a.k.a. Panikokado)
Unknown Merger 7 Krush Paniko (kawai) Square Panikokado Square Paniko (capsule) Square

Name Family Type Level Caught Kawai/Booster
Batata 25 Molecular Booster 7 Fury ListPlaceholder
Mikroo 25 Molecular Booster TBA TBA ListPlaceholder
Droplet 25 Flexible Merger 6 Myst Droplet (comic) kawai form




  • In folklore, ghosts are said to be spirits or souls of a deceased human or animal that often haunt people. However, the entire ghost species in the Ghostforce universe are of extraterrestrial origins. It's likely the species is known as "ghosts" because of their intangibility and flight similar to traditional ghosts.
  • Because the series takes place in Manhattan, it's unknown if there are ghosts currently haunting other places in the world that the Ghostforce is unable to catch. Some promotional content hinted that their nests would travel to various locations before they eventually reach Manhattan.[3][4]
  • A majority of ghosts are referred to with "it/its" pronouns. However, the only known ghost who is commonly referred to with masculine or feminine pronouns is Glups. A likely reason is that Glups is a tamed ghost and therefore he isn't called "it/its" by the team.
    • Because ghosts reproduce asexually, they can be seen as genderless.
    • Some episodes would have a script error where a character mistakenly called a wild ghost "he/him", such as "Mikroo".
  • Ghosts have appeared in other ZAG Heroez series:
    • Zak Storm: Super Pirate has a character named Clovis that is often called a "ghost". However, unlike the ghosts in Ghostforce, he is a human child who isn't dead and has lost his body. There is also a race of spirits known as Ziteans.
    • The original concept for Pixie Girl (now retooled into Fairy Force) featured a ghost that looks similar in design to the concept arts of the ghosts in Ghostforce. However, because the Pixie Girl TV series is shelved, it's unknown if the ghost would appear in Fairy Force.
  • According to the Ghostforce MIPCOM 2014 trailer, ghosts were originally meant to only attack at nighttime instead of daytime.[5]
    • The only known ghosts who attacked at night are Grump King and Paniko. While Somnibou can make the sky dark in booster mode, it doesn't count since its attack occurred in the daytime.
  • When the series was in development, ghosts were originally intended to be "invisible to the human eye" and no one, except the Ghostforce, was aware of their existence.[6]
  • Nearly every single ghost specimen is given a name by the Ghostforce that is often a pun on their powers and physical appearances.
    • Mastaar, Xhypno, Zipzap, and Chaorion are the only known ghosts that already have an established name within their specimen. The reason is that these specimens can hypnotize human beings into chanting their names.
  • Although ghosts can't talk like human beings and often make noises like laughter, a majority of them can say the word, "Boo!", whenever they want to scare humans.
    • Some ghosts can make sounds similar to an animal it's based on. For example, Octocat can be heard meowing like an actual cat whenever Myst release it from its Boo Cap.
    • Based on how Glups whispered to Miss Jones in "Boopsie", ghosts seem to have their own language.
  • Because ghosts originated in outer space and have reproduced themselves on Earth, Miss Jones has a rarity system in her database to know how many times the Ghostforce would encounter a specific specimen. The official Ghostforce website revealed the rarity system includes "uncommon", "rare", "very rare", and "unique".[2]
  • Based on the Boo Energy cycle level and aging system:
    • Mikroo and Jam Jam are the youngest since they are the only known ghosts whose Boo Energy cycle level is 2.
    • Despite Dinozos's Boo Energy cycle level is 5, it's estimated to be the oldest ghost on Earth since it has been around since the Stone Age.
    • Glups is the oldest tamed ghost since he is a Level 8.
  • It's currently unknown what the age names for a Level 1 and Level 3 ghost in the Boo Energy cycle are.
  • Sometimes there are ghosts whose physical appearance or powers are similar to one another. For example, both Petrifear and Criangle have similar physical appearances in kawai mode despite being part of different ghost families with different powers.
    • It's possible ghosts with similar appearance and/or powers are due to they originated on the same planet together before their arrival on Earth.


Click here to view the image gallery for Ghosts.
Click here to view the gallery.


  1. Glups was captured in a silver Boo Cap, thus making him a Level 8.
  2. According to the eighth issue of the official Ghostforce magazine published by Blue Ocean Entertainment, Bubble-Brush is labeled as a Level 6. The magazine issue featured a comic adaptation of its episode. However, the information page mislabeled it as a spectral ghost instead of a flexible ghost.
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 This ghost was captured in a bronze Boo Cap, making it a Level 7.
  4. Despite being labeled as "Level 6" on the computer database in "Dunky Boss", Scorpod was captured in a bronze Boo Cap reserved for Level 7 ghosts.

