Gozer (also known as Gozer the Gozerian, Gozer the Destructor, Gozer the Traveler, Volguus Zildrohar and Lord of the Sebouillia) is the main antagonist of Ghostbusters and Ghostbusters: Afterlife. It is an ancient, ultra-powerful, malignant entity from another dimension who was summoned to New York City in 1984, and to Summerville in 2021, to destroy the world.
Gozer in the Primary Canon is developed from Ghostbusters (1984) and Ghostbusters: Afterlife. In Ghostbusters: The Video Game (Realistic Versions), a Secondary Canon, Ghostbusters (1984) pre-dates the game, Ghostbusters: Afterlife conflicts with the game as it comes after. Gozer (prime) appears in the IDW Comic Series, a Secondary Canon, which follows Ghostbusters (1984), also includes some elements from Ghostbusters: The Video Game (Realistic Versions) and Ghostbusters: The Video Game (Stylized Versions); as well as being canon to Tobin's Spirit Guide (Insight Editions).
Primary Canon History[]
Before Ghostbusters[]
Gozer was originally worshiped as a god by the Hittites, Mesopotamians, and the Sumerians around 6000 BC. Gozer was genderless and could assume any form it wanted. Gozer had two trusted minions – themselves worshiped as demigods – that were harbingers of destruction and primary agents for its arrival: Vinz Clortho, The Keymaster and Zuul, The Gatekeeper. The Sumerians believed in a land of the dead, a dark and shadowy realm within the bowels of the earth where the souls of the dead were ruled by Gozer and protected by the Gatekeeper and Keymaster. Gozer also consumed the souls of those sacrificed to it.[1] In order for Gozer to rise up and walk the human plane again, the Gatekeeper and Keymaster had to assume the form of beasts.[2][3] During the rectification of the Vuldronaii, Gozer came as a large moving Torb. Then, during the third reconciliation of the last of the Meketrex Supplicants, they chose the form of a giant Sloar.[4][5]
Not much was known of Gozer and its travels for several millennia; however, the god was not entirely forgotten on Earth and by the early 20th Century, a powerful Gozerian cult was active in New York City, led by the architect and physician Ivo Shandor. Following the end of World War I, Shandor decided that humanity was too sick to survive and throughout the 1920s, he and his cult built an elaborate paranormal mechanism in Manhattan with the intent of summoning Gozer back to Earth to destroy it. The cult conducted a number of bizarre Gozerian rituals on the roof of the 550 Central Park West building, which Shandor had designed as a super-conductive antenna for pulling in and concentrating spiritual turbulence. A second entry point existed in Summerville, inside the selenium mine previously discovered by Shandor. The mine concealed another temple dedicated to Gozer, watched over by Shandor's body preserved in suspended animation. A sacrificial death pit served as the source of the interdimensional gateway in which Gozer could return. Inscribed high on the temple's walls were the years in which Gozer was predicted to return to Earth. The predicted years included 1381, 1432, 1501, 1596, 1607, 1782, 1823, 1883, 1908, 1945, 1984, 2021, and 2134. J.H. Tobin recorded an entry about Gozer in his book Tobin's Spirit Guide.
Ghostbusters (1984)[]
In 1984, the ghosts started plaguing the city, a sign of Gozer's coming. First, the two minions Zuul and Vinz Clortho were sent ahead to choose their appropriate bodies to possess, and together they would open the gate to release their master in New York. Peter discovered that Dana was being possessed by Zuul and Egon and Janine were successfully able to hold Louis; who was possessed by Vinz Clortho. During this time, a man named Walter Peck switched off the Containment Unit, releasing all the captured ghosts which started to roam around, waiting for Gozer. Unfortunately for the Ghostbusters, Vinz was able to successfully escape and locate Zuul. Though the Ghostbusters were able to make it to the building, they were too late to stop Zuul and Vinz from completing their ritual and summoning forth Gozer, transforming the bodies of Dana Barrett and Louis Tully to the Terror Dog forms of their possessors in the process.
Gozer appeared out of the Temple of Gozer in the form of a female covered in strange slime-like clothes. Peter Venkman sent Ray Stantz in to confront Gozer first, to which Ray ordered Gozer to cease all supernatural activity. Gozer asked Ray if he was a god, then started blasting the Ghostbusters when he said no. When the Ghostbusters attempted to blast Gozer, it double flipped from the stairs, over them, and landed on the altar on the roof. Egon Spengler told everyone to go full stream. They fired but the "nimble, little minx" then vanished, causing the Ghostbusters to think they had won. Ray concluded they neutronized it and caused a complete particle reversal. Winston Zeddemore proclaimed, "And we have the tools. We have the talent!" Peter declared it was "Milla time!" Peter held out his right hand. Ray and Winston were gleeful and did the hand-stack. Egon looked at a Gamma Rate Meter and told Ray things looked extraordinarily bad. Ray was alarmed. Winston wondered what was happening. An earthquake rocked the temple. The disembodied voice of Gozer demanded that the Ghostbusters "Choose the form of The Destructor!" - the form Gozer would assume to destroy them with. While Winston, Egon, and Peter were able to clear their minds, Ray accidentally thought of something, "...something that could never, ever possibly destroy us! Mr. Stay Puft!". But Gozer took this form and attacked the Ghostbusters as a giant Stay Puft Marshmallow Man.
While the Ghostbusters burned some of Gozer's new form with their beams, it wouldn't hold the creature back for very long. The Ghostbusters then crossed the streams and forced the gate closed as Gozer looked on in horror, causing the entire top of the building to be consumed in a powerful explosion, incinerating the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man and banishing Gozer back to its hellish realm. Zuul and Vinz Clortho went with Gozer and Dana and Louis were reverted to their human forms. Though the Ghostbusters had saved the city, the destruction that they caused got them kicked out of business.
After Ghostbusters II[]
Following the years after the Vigo incident, Egon Spengler began to investigate world-ending events. He moved to Summerville and learned of the existence of the Shandor Mining Company and temple concealed within its mine, and he rigged a system consisting of four Proton Cannons that would cross streams should a P.K.E. Meter detect a spike coming from the sacrificial pit. This was enough to stop Gozer from emerging fully, but it did not prevent the emergence of Zuul or Vinz Clortho. Egon developed a plan to prevent Gozer from returning by luring it to his farm in Summerville, where he had built a massive system of Traps that would be able to capture even Gozer and every spectral entity that followed it.[6] 10 years after leaving New York, Egon called Ray and rambled on about "the rising storm" and "the huge psychic tornado" that was gonna "consume humanity in darkness forever." Ray wanted to believe him but could not.
Ghostbusters: Afterlife[]
In summer 2021, he captured Vinz Clortho in a Trap and intended to use it to lure Gozer into his Trap Field. The plan, however, failed, and Egon died shortly afterwards following an attack from Zuul. Before his death, Egon succeeded in concealing the Trap, thereby temporarily halting Gozer's return. Several days later, in June, Podcast found an entry about Gozer and the Terror Dogs in Tobin's Spirit Guide. Phoebe, Egon's granddaughter, found the concealed Trap beneath the floorboards of the Farmhouse and, with Podcast and Gary Grooberson, opened it. The creature escaped from the Trap and returned to the mine to begin preparation for the return of Gozer.
Over a day later, a manifestation of Gozer took place in the Summerville Walmart. Manifestations of its Stay Puft form in miniature size emerged from the bags of Stay Puft Marshmallows on sale in the store. Elsewhere in the store, Vinz Clortho encountered Gary Grooberson and possessed him. Zuul later possessed Callie, Egon's daughter, the next day, thus setting in motion the coming of Gozer. Vinz successfully destroyed Egon's containment system in the mine. There was no longer anything to impede Gozer's arrival. After Vinz and Zuul reunited and completed the ritual a second time, Gozer was able to manifest. Gozer's manifestation was similar to its previous humanoid form, though this time, its body possessed several bony protrusions and crystalline spikes, with electrical energy surging throughout its body. Gozer climbed out of the sacrificial death pit and was greeted by the reawakened Ivo Shandor. Shandor formally addressed it as "Your Eminence. Goddess of Gods." He explained to Gozer that he built the temple for it, so that it might return to Earth. He suggested they could rule the world together. Gozer replied by ripping Shandor in half. It then joined Zuul and Vinz on the steps of its temple as a new Cross-rip began to occur in Summerville. It sat on its throne then went into a relaxed pose.
Phoebe approached Gozer to distract it while Podcast maneuvered the Remote Trap Vehicle underneath Zuul. Phoebe asked, "What do you call a fish with no eyes?" She replied, "A fsh..." Gozer stared at her. The Remote Trap Vehicle drove to the rear of Zuul. Phoebe told Gozer, "There's two whales in a bar." Phoebe imitated a whale sound. She continued her joke, "And then the other one goes: "Go home. You're drunk."" Gozer sat up and stood. Phoebe told another joke, "So a grasshopper walks into a bar... and the bartender's like: "We have a drink named after you." Then the grasshopper's like: "You have a drink named Steve?"" Not amused by Phoebe's jokes, Gozer asked if Phoebe had come to offer herself in sacrifice to it. Phoebe was lost. Gozer asked her if she was prepared to die. Phoebe stated she was not because she was only 12. She retorted, asking if Gozer was. Podcast triggered the Trap and captured Zuul. This had the secondary effect of stripping part of Gozer's form away, leaving it in a crackling, humanoid ghostly form. As Phoebe, Podcast, Callie and Trevor escaped in Ecto-1, Gozer gave chase. Shortly after they arrived at the farm, Gozer approached the Farmhouse. Phoebe stood at the porch and held up the Trap with Zuul in it. Gozer stepped out onto the dirt field. Phoebe told Callie to pull the lever. Callie looked around, saw it on the porch column, and pulled it. The nearby capacitor silos surged on. Gozer turned and looked at them. The Traps buried in the field hummed. Lucky Domingo kicked the front door open with a Proton Pack on and fired at Gozer. Trevor, Egon's grandson, came out of Ecto-1 on the gunner seat but his thrower failed to fire. Mini-Pufts were on the back of the gunner seat disabling the Proton Pack.
Gozer seized the Proton Stream and wrapped it around its right arm several times. Phoebe ordered Callie to hit the pedal. Callie stomped the pedal. It was too late, and the capacitors went offline. Gozer tugged the stream and pulled Lucky away from the others. Phoebe and Callie ran to Lucky. Vinz blocked Phoebe from Lucky and the pack. Callie and Gozer pulled at the Trap. Gozer wrested it away and Callie fell over. Gozer ripped the Trap in two, setting Zuul free. Lucky was possessed by Zuul and transmogrified into her Terror Dog form. Gozer was restored to full power. It petted Vinz then Zuul. Gozer's fingertips energized, and she aimed at Callie and Phoebe. Callie closed her eyes as the energy neared her face. Certain death was averted by the arrival of Peter, Ray, and Winston. Peter called out to Gozer: "Hey, Flat-Top! Have you missed us?" Ray once again attempted to command Gozer to depart this world. In the name of the county of Summerville, state of Oklahoma, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, all the members of Ducks Unlimited, and the Association for the Advancement of Retired Persons, he commanded it under the National Invasive Species Act to depart Earth immediately. Peter made a face. Winston side-eyed Peter. Peter applauded Ray. Winston mused Gozer remembered them. Gozer asked them if they were gods. Despite a brief pause, Ray answered yes. Winston declared they were all gods while Peter stated they were all pretty dang special.
Peter continued to goad Gozer even further, stating that he thought that they had "busted up for good" after their last fight. Gozer stopped the Terror Dogs from charging at them. Peter instructed them to shoot on the count of three but go on "two." The Ghostbusters activated their Particle Throwers and blasted Gozer. They crossed their streams again. Gozer, however, was able to separate the crossed streams and used them to throw the Ghostbusters into Ecto-1 and stun them. Approaching its prey, Gozer watched in amusement as Peter continued trying to stall it. He told Gozer it had a lot of nerve, crawling back to him. He believed they could have been the most spectacular power couple: his sense of fun and its personality. Gozer walked past Callie and Phoebe. Peter rambled on about their non-existent break-up because it always had to vanquish and conquer and maim somebody. Winston attempted to launch a surprise attack, but Gozer zapped the proton wand out of his hand. As Gozer prepared to attack, it was struck from behind by Phoebe's Proton Stream. Turning to face its adversary, Gozer blasted lightning at Phoebe only to meet Phoebe's Proton Stream. Phoebe started to lose ground and was pushed backwards by the force of the lightning. The ghost of Egon manifested and aided Phoebe.
With its attention on Phoebe and Egon, it was not able to stop the other Ghostbusters from blasting it again with their Proton Streams. Inside Ecto-1, Podcast figured out that the P.K.E. Meter had a taser function, and he used it to destroy Mini-Pufts. With the Mini-Pufts no longer able to sabotage their equipment, Trevor was able to use his Proton Pack. Instead of blasting Gozer, he fired at the capacitor silos. With the Trap Field sufficiently charged and reactivated, Callie triggered the Traps. Due to Zuul and Vinz being trapped, Gozer's form crumbled apart and separated into multiple P.K.E. wisps. With Gozer's component wisps also trapped, the remaining Mini-Pufts exploded.
Secondary Canon History[]
Ghostbusters: The Video Game (Realistic Versions)[]
History Later Known[]
An obscure deity, Gozer the Destructor's earliest known appearance was in Mesopotamia around 6000 BC and was worshiped by both the Hittites and Mesopotamians. It rose to prominence in Sumer thousands of years later. During that time, various cults arose to worship it and in a short time, developed their own hierarchy and system of ritual magic. By the 4th millennium B.C. the Gozer Worshipers, or "Gozerians" consisted of a large Sumerian sub-culture and was engaged in a long, protracted war with the followers of Tiamat. Eventually Gozer and its followers were defeated and Tiamat banished Gozer from this world.[7][8] The first known written reference to Gozer is a brief phrase in an Egyptian legend believed to reach back to the end of the Middle Kingdom (2040-1650 B.C.). This particular chronicle, dated to approximately 1600 B.C., warns about a powerful deity of the Hyksos known as Zuul, or Gatekeeper, minion of Gozer. The menace of Gozer did not end with the passing of the Hyksos (the Egyptians overthrew their masters in 1567 B.C.). Though its worshipers remained silent for more than 3000 years, remain they did.
Gozer's Return[]
By 1991, Gozer became somewhat of a memory but a sudden fad led to an entire exhibit at the Natural History Museum devoted to it. However, it was not to be just a memory. The already undead Cult of Gozer, using their Mandala magic located in four places around the city, channeled their power in order to re-create the god without a portal. It probably took them seven years to make Gozer's return possible. A powerful ghost outbreak took place in these four Mandala locations, being caused by spirit energy flow, which led to Gozer's re-manifestation as the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man right in the middle of Times Square.
However, this time, the god was too weak and had no minions of its own. In order to reach full power, Gozer needed more power from Mandala, and a sacrifice of a Shandor's blood. That's why it needed Ilyssa Selwyn, the direct descendant of Ivo Shandor: the man who made Gozer's comings possible. However, Gozer's returns weren't successful. The Ghostbusters team, along with their new recruit, the Rookie, battled its Destructor Form while it tried to capture Ilyssa. While original plan was to trap Gozer using the Super Slammer (a giant, car-mounted trap), the Rookie managed to do enough damage to the god's current weak form, destroying it.
The Fate of the God[]
With Gozer defeated, Ghostbusters believed that the Cult of Gozer is to bring him back the third time. However, Ivo Shandor became disappointed in his faith, and abandoned Gozer, intending to use Mandala's energy, released ghosts and Ilyssa as the sacrifice to become a god, taking a Destructor Form himself.
Gozer's remains, in the form of a glowing skull of its female form, can be seen being held by Mayor Mulligan, who was possessed by the spirit of Ivo Shandor, who promptly tossed it over his back, indicating that the fallen god's usefulness to Shandor had finally come to an end.
IDW Comic Series[]
Gozer's followers constantly tried to compel him to trigger the end of the world. Gozer's goal of universal destruction clashed with his sibling sister and rival Tiamat's love of the chaos inherent in life and they were at odds with each other for many centuries. The intense rivalry and animosity filtered down to their respective cults. Eventually, Tiamat, encouraged her followers to perform the rituals required to banish Gozer from the physical plane. A massive interdimensional crossrip was successfully triggered by her followers and Gozer was doomed to wander lost among the dimensions.[9][10] Gozer, when given access to a world by Zuul and Vinz Clortho, asked the Selector to choose the form of the Destructor. Gozer was locked in the chosen Destructor form until that world was destroyed and if Gozer returned to a different world in the same dimension, a new form was chosen.[11] The Gozerian temple in Shuruppak burned for 9 days under blood red skies and the populace was afflicted with a host of misfortunes comparable to the Biblical plagues of Egypt. The Cult of Gozer, circa 2800 BCE, recorded the events in writing.[12] The Cult of Gozer steadily lost both followers and influence to the other gods of the Sumerian pantheon---primarily Tiamat.
1000 years ago, give or take, as a protracted civil war between the Autobots and Decepticons came to an end on Cybertron when the former left the planet. The Decepticons were unable to pursue them due to the arrival of Gozer from its temple atop one a building. Shockwave, Starscream, Megatron, and Soundwave approached the Temple of Gozer. Gozer announced "The Traveler has come." Megatron demanded it explain itself or face his wrath. Shockwave warned against antagonizing it and cautioned against its power was beyond his sensors' ability to categorize. Starscream had enough of their inaction and fired at Gozer. Gozer blocked his attack with its right hand then countered with lightning. Megatron berated Starscream. Soundwave suggested broadcasting a distress beacon. Starscream thought the Decepticons should have fled the planet, too. Megatron stated they did not flee and declared he would deal with Gozer himself. Megatron walked up the temple stairs. Vinz charged and leaped at him. Megatron knocked him aside. Megatron walked up to Gozer and asked why it came to his world. Gozer replied to came to end Cybertron and implored him to choose. Megatron didn't understand. Gozer explained it was time to choose the form of their destruction then quickly stated it was done. Starscream became worried. Shockwave asked him what he did. Starscream claimed he did nothing but had a fleeting thought about how he could be mighty enough to destroy the planet. Gozer's Destructor form manifested, a larger version of Starscream. Megatron shot Starscream in the right shoulder. He vowed he would pay for his indiscretion then ordered the alarm to be sounded. The other Decepticons rallied to them but it wasn't enough and Cybertron was destroyed. Gozer's function was completed then it traveled to the next world in the multiverse to be destroyed.
While performing a job for Woodrow Wainwright Fraser III, the Ghostbusters went up against 2/3 of the Ghosts of Christmas. The Ghost of Christmas Future took Fraser, Peter, and Egon to a possible apocalyptic future where Gozer returned in a different Destructor form on Christmas, that of a giant talking worm with tentacles. Peter and Egon also experienced rapid aging and were approximately in their sixties. The duo was without hope as crossing the streams wouldn't be as powerful as having the entire team present. Then Egon was seemingly killed when Gozer crushed him. However, everyone was returned to the present when Peter wrangled the Ghost of Christmas Present from Fraser.
It later became clear Gozer's physical essence was dispersed, but his consciousness remained on Earth. He sought to gain a new physical form and complete his goal of death and destruction.[13] During the Infestation incident, an avatar of Britt coordinated a plot to capture part of Gozer's essence. She would need both the Zombies and the Ghostbusters to achieve this goal. 37 Zombies were directed to infect, and thus weaken, the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man. The Ghostbusters arrived and used Poltergeists to neutralize Stay Puft's necrotic double. Due to the forced split and the day's event, Stay Puft dispersed. Egon predicted that Gozer's essence would reform and the team best prepare for it. Britt secretly captured a fraction of Gozer's essence with a Ghost Trap she stole.
Months later, Gozer appeared in Ray's dream during a segment of "The Ja'nine Show," a talk show hosted by Janine Melnitz. Gozer was in the audience and asked Ray if he was a god. When Ray answered "Yes," Gozer blasted Ray and he found himself hanging over the edge of the Shandor Building roof. The next day, Idulnas communicated with the essence of Gozer on an observation deck at the Empire State Building. Apparently, Gozer ordered Idulnas to quickly procure the Selector, Ray Stantz, for the rite of change and allow for a new Destructor Form to be chosen. Idulnas attempted to influence Ray by clocking him. However, Ray's Spirit Guide reached Ray first and told him to only think about the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man. Ray complied and Gozer manifested, but still as Stay Puft. Angered by the turn of events, Idulnas teleported away and left the Ghostbusters to deal with Gozer. While Egon, Peter, and Winston blasted away, Ray took the completed and untested Megatrap with him down to Room 2206. Ray then held the trap outside a window underneath Stay Puft and captured all of Gozer's essence that could be trapped.
Tiamat's arrival to the physical plane did not go unnoticed. Gozer was awakened by her presence. Nourished by her taunts, Gozer's resolve strengthened once more and he set out to correct past mistakes. A couple of weeks after the Ghostbusters' first encounter with Tiamat, the Ghostbusters raced to Hart Island to confront the newly escaped Vigo. While en route to the island, Ray was explaining the island's history when the latent spirit of Gozer induced a trance state. Gozer posed as Ray's Spirit Guide and revealed himself when Ray got close and asked if the visit was important. Gozer replied "Yes" but was interrupted when Peter slapped Ray awake. After the Ghostbusters docked, Gozer induced another episode. Now in the form of Ivo Shandor, Gozer stated he wasn't done yet. Amused by Ray's warnings, Gozer switched to various forms of the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man and queried if he was arrogant enough to think he could kill a god. Ray awoke from the trance with his shoulders on fire. During the opening battle with Vigo, Gozer induced another episode. Gozer revealed he wanted to resume its purpose - to destroy worlds and dimensions - but to also destroy its sibling Tiamat. Since Ray was the Selector, Gozer demanded he set him free. Gozer took on the form of the Spider Witch next and reiterated that it would fulfill its purpose: destruction.
Gozer became angry at Ray's continued resistance. While berating Ray in the form of a Torb, Gozer was interrupted by Tiamat. Gozer exclaimed he would end Tiamat once and for all. As the two battled in Ray's mind, the other Ghostbusters attempted to exorcise Ray but to no avail. As they adjusted their streams to maximum, Gozer flung them across the laboratory. Tiamat held her own against Gozer and mocked him at every turn. Gozer realized he could gain more power by taking back the essence the Ghostbusters trapped a few years ago. He dispatched the Ghostbusters with a shockwave then launched Kylie into the back door of Ecto-1b after she fired at him. Gozer went to the Containment Unit but the biometric security denied access because Ray was possessed. Before it could rip the hull apart with its hands, Gozer was wrangled by the other Ghostbusters. Tiamat ripped Gozer's consciousness from its Sloar form and gloated. She admitted she manipulated Ray's memories so that Gozer wouldn't learn about the Containment Unit's security measures, thus having a brief taste of hope of winning then despair in the face of defeat. Gozer protested Tiamat's treachery but she tossed him into her mouth. Gozer's consciousness was banished to another dimension and in time would gather its strength back.[14]
As the Ghostbusters continued to use their Interspatial Teleportation Unit to observe and catalog alternate dimensions, they saw more and more versions of Ghostbusters. The theory they seeded the subconscious of the Multiverse with the idea of Ghostbusters when they crossed the streams on the Temple of Gozer gained more credibility.[15] During a state of overlap with another dimension, the Ghostbusters encountered yet another version of the team. One of the members, Patty Tolan recalled she heard the name "Zuul" when she was on EVP detail some time ago and wondered if that meant her team would end of fighting Gozer in the future. Kylie referred to their research and suggested there was only one Gozer and it was a unique multiversal being. She believed if Gozer did appear in their dimension, it would only be an echo.[16]
Tertiary Canon History[]
In "The Real Ghostbusters", Gozer never appears, but has been referred to on a few occasions. In one episode where the PK readings were through the roof, Winston referred to the rapidly rising rates as similar to when they fought Gozer, however Egon reassured him that he studied the readings and rightfully concluded it would not mean the return of Gozer. In the NOW comic based on The Real Ghostbusters, Egon was briefly transported to an alternate Earth where Gozer had apparently won and wiped all life from it. In one panel, graffiti reading "Gozer rules!" can be seen.
- For more information of the animated version of Gozer go to the animated article.
Ghostbusters Deviations[]
In an alternate timeline, the Ghostbusters chose not to cross the streams. The Stay Puft Marshmallow Man took over Manhattan and coated the city in its marshmallow-like substance. To make matters worse, it expelled sentient poop dubbed Mini Pufts. Gozer was not pleased with being bound to the form of Stay Puft. It was disturbed by the sound of its voice, having its expression stuck in a smile, and being adorable. It found the only thing as tall as it were trees and buildings and became lonely. It was a nightmare. The Stay Puft form was bound to this dimension and Gozer was bound to the Stay Puft form. It wanted to go back to its home dimension, thus liberating itself from the form, but could not do so by itself. Stay Puft walked to the Firehouse and peeked through the hole in the ceiling at the Ghostbusters, greeting them a "Hey, guys. What's up?" The Ghostbusters responded by shooting at them. He spit on them. Seven and half minutes later, the Ghostbusters finished processing what Gozer wanted. They agreed to help but refused to cross the streams. An hour later, Egon and Ray thought of releasing and recruiting Tempore Ruga, a ghost with the power to fold time. At first, Tempore wasn't interested in helping then Winston pointed out the world was ruled by Stay Puft. Tempore quickly changed his mind.
Egon directed Stay Puft to meet them at the Temple of Gozer, where they would conduct the time fold. Gozer suspected something but went along, fully intending to go back on its word and force the Ghostbusters to choose a new form once it went back to past. They threatened to make his new form that of an animated character named Loofajoe Rectangleshorts. Stay Puft was horrified at that prospect but argued this conversation wouldn't happen once it went back in time. Tempore instructed Stay Puft to concentrate on the point in time it wanted to go back to then flew into its head. Gozer returned to the point where it battled the Ghostbusters before asking them to chose the Destructor Form. Gozer realized before being sent back, the Ghostbusters went back in time themselves and put up posters of Loofajoe around the Temple. Unwilling to be given that form, Gozer acquiesced and went back through the portal. It threatened to return.
Ghostbusters: The Board Game[]
"Ghost Card Information"
Side A:
- To Hit: 4 or higher
- To Trap: Gozer cannot be Trapped.
- When Hit: Leaps 3 spaces away (does not pass through intervening spaces).
- When Missed: Roll the Event Die until you roll a Gate, and then Gozer moves to a random space adjacent to that Gate.
- Special:
- At the end of the round, Gozer leaps 2 spaces towards the nearest Ghostbuster, then pushes all Ghostbusters within Line of Sight of Gozer 1 space towards the nearest edges of the map.
- If Gozer leaves the map, roll the Event Die until you roll a Gate symbol, and then place Gozer in a random space adjacent to that Gate.
Side B: Gozer is a Sumerian shape-shifting god of destruction also known as Gozer the Gozerian, Gozer the Destructor, Volguus Zildrohar, Gozer the Traveler and Lord of the Sebouillia.
Gozer gains entry to worlds via a ritual performed by two demi-god minions: Vinz Clortho the Keymaster and Zuul the Gatekeeper. Upon entering a new world, a worshiper chooses the Destructor form that Gozer would use to destroy their world.
When Gozer demanded the Ghostbusters to choose the form of the Destructor, Ray Stantz tried to think of something that could never harm them and the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man "just popped in there."
Tertiary Canon History[]
Ghostbusters: Afterlife ScARe[]
After an emergency warning regarding an increase in seismic activity in Summerville was issued, Gozer's voice twisted the statement on seeking shelter to the recruit, who they regarded as a "foolish subcreature", stating that the time had come for them to die.
Deciding that it was time for the recruit's "eternal torment", Gozer released Zuul, Vinz Clortho, and other ghosts from the recruit's Containment Unit before engaging them, blasting its lightning at them and temporarily shielding itself from their Proton Beams. During the climatic showdown, Gozer summoned various ghosts to preoccupy the recruit as they recovered. After a grueling battle, Gozer was trapped by the recruit using the Trap Field.
As seen from Gozer's violent behavior when confronted by the Ghostbusters, Gozer is a cold, ruthless, godlike being, who has no qualms about killing those it deems inferior. Its reaction to Ray Stantz's blunt response to it asking if he was a god also shows that it looks down upon mortal beings, seeing them as not worth bothering with. As seen from its aggressive response to the Ghostbusters attacking it to begin with, it also has a tendency to lash out whenever provoked. As indicated by its monologue prior to its transformation, it is bookish and overly dramatic in its mannerisms. In an interview, Slavitza Jovan described Gozer as being "almost arrogant," as well as "seeing humans as being beneath [her]".[17]
As evident from its few utterances in Ghostbusters: Afterlife, it sees ordinary human beings, children included, as nothing more than potential sacrifices. It is also shown to be somewhat officious, as it seems uninterested in conversations with those it deems beneath their notice, as shown when it bluntly and straightforwardly asks Phoebe if she has come to it to offer herself in sacrifice, as well as its exhibited social cues when Phoebe was telling jokes to it. Gozer also responds violently when a follower oversteps their boundaries. This was evidenced when Ivo Shandor suggested he and Gozer would rule the world together and it violently bisected him in response, which also shows that it much rather prefers to rule alone.
Secondary Canon Classification[]
In IDW Comics' ongoing series, Ray remarks Gozer is a Class 7.[18]
In Ghostbusters: The Board Game, Gozer is a Class 7.
Tertiary Canon Classification[]
In Ghostbusters: Afterlife ScARe, Gozer is a Class 7.
Powers and Abilities[]
Primary Canon Powers and Abilities[]
Gozer the Gozerian is usually reputed, with few exceptions, to be the most powerful being the Ghostbusters have ever faced. It displayed an extraordinary array of abilities including dimensional travel, shape-changing, telepathy, great agility and stamina, lightning blasts, invisibility, intangibility, pyrokinesis and weather control. In fact, its mere entering Earth's dimension caused increases in paranormal activity and the disruption of natural forces (the storm clouds and earthquake before the battle).
However, Gozer does have limitations and weaknesses (as few as they may be); primarily, the Gozerian Temple atop the Shandor apartment building was its means for entering Earth's dimension. In fact, by the time the Ghostbusters crossed the streams, Gozer had still not fully entered our world and must therefore create a form chosen by man as an irony. Because of its limited time on Earth, Gozer's true power is not known. Had the Ghostbusters been delayed, Gozer might have become too powerful for Total Protonic Reversal to stop it. This remains pure conjecture and speculation. Thankfully, the Ghostbusters did destroy the temple and banish Gozer back to its own universe.
In Ghostbusters: Afterlife, it is shown that Gozer requires both Zuul and Vinz Clortho in order to maintain its form on the physical plane. If one is removed (such as the case of Zuul being captured in a Trap), Gozer's form and power is split. Despite that, Gozer's fractured form is still powerful in its own right, as it was able to wrangle Lucky's Proton Stream and pull her away from the others, as well as successfully wrestle the Trap containing Zuul from Callie and break it open. In its completed form, Gozer was able to un-cross three crossed Proton Streams, and its lightning was powerful enough to beat back a single Proton Stream.
Secondary Canon Powers and Abilities[]
In Ghostbusters: The Video Game, during its second coming, it had no portals to transport it fully, so in its new (but still Stay Puft) form, it was relatively weak and required a lot more power to absorb to become the true being it is supposed to be. Because of that, the Ghostbusters managed to defeat it a second time.
Ghostbusters (1984) Trivia[]
- In the January 20, 1983 script, Gozer was noted as the absolute ruler of the sixth dimension.[19]
- According to Dan Aykroyd, Gozer was based on several things - a Gozer Chevrolet dealership in upstate New York and was a name related to a documented haunting in Enfield, England in 1977, the one "Poltergeist" was based on. During the haunting, the name Gozer appeared on walls and things.[20]
- In the Enfield case, a medium named Annie Shaw was brought in to investigate the Enfield manifestation. While in a trance she moaned, "Gozer, Gozer, help me. Elvie, come here." After coming to from her trance, Annie explained that "Gozer" was a user of black magic and "Elvie" was an elemental, or form of lower spirit generally used by other spirits to do things for them. This "Elivie" was allegedly being used by "Gozer" and both were draining energy from residents of the house.
- In addition, a "gozer" is a Hebrew term that refers to the mohel or surgeon who performs circumcisions within the religion of Judaism.[21]
- Gozer was originally supposed to look like Bert Parks then in later Aykroyd-Ramis collaborations, a Robert Young-type. For a while, the look of Gozer was going to based on David Byrne of Talking Heads. One day, Ivan Reitman came into the office and suggested they make Gozer a woman. Reitman thought it might be more interesting if Gozer was rather androgynous-looking, someone like David Bowie or Grace Jones[22][23][24][25]
- At first Harold Ramis didn't think the androgynous look would work but later realized Gozer choosing a contemporary form made sense.[26]
- In the original premise for the movie, Gozer was originally conceived as taking the form of Ivo Shandor, the builder of Gozer's temple. Ivo was to be played by Paul Reubens[27] and described as being a kindly looking man in a nondescript suit and tie. Possibly an appearance for having first been introduced to the Earth realm during the 1920s. (Which, in turn, may have also been the inspiration for Peter's example describing Gozer returning in the form of FBI director J. Edgar Hoover)
- Originally, Gozer was to have another form after the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man.[28][29]
- Anne Carlisle, a punk rock singer, was offered the role of Gozer but she declined.[30] Carlisle denied she was offered the role and turned down Gozer for sexist tones.[31]
- During auditions, Slavitza Jovan played Gozer as a timeless figure and an "almost arrogant Roman empress" who felt regular humans were beneath her.[32]
- The bright light from Gozer's arrival was done with a light bulb on a wire.[33]
- Due to Slavitza Jovan's Slavic accent, Gozer's voice was dubbed by Paddi Edwards.[34]
- Going off Jovan's accent, in the "Choose or perish" dialogue, Bill Murray did a take where he responded 'Jews and berries? I don't understand.'[35][36]
- Ivan Reitman was concerned Jovan's accent would come off as funny. Six to seven voices were considered. Reitman tried a traditional 'voice of God' but he thought it was too boring. He tried an effeminate male voice with mixed results. Ultimately, a very low Exorcist type female voice was chosen.[37]
- At around the 1 hour, 42 minute mark of the Preview Cut, included first in the 2022 Ghostbusters Ultimate Edition, after Gozer tells them to choose and perish, the "Jews and berries?" line appears. Peter telling Gozer they don't understand what "choose" means follows.
- In the June 6, 1983 draft, Gozer was to have taken the form of a "a swirling psychic maelstrom topped by a disembodied aphid's head of monstrous proportions" over New Jersey.[38]
- In the July 6, 1983 draft of the movie script, Vinz Clortho stated there were more servants than he and Zuul, declaring the "Precursors of Gozer" numbered one hundred.[39]
- In the August 5, 1983 draft of the movie script, Gozer had one more title, "Scourge of the Glethestements,"[40] Glethestements being the religious text of the Sebouillia.
- Because Gozer is referred as genderless, it (she) speaks with an androgynous voice neither feminine nor masculine but a combination of the two.
- Gozer's double-flip was done by a stunt double at Entertainment Effects Group.[41][42]
- The visual of Gozer's disembodied voice speaking from the atmospheric disturbance in the sky above the Temple of Gozer was achieved with manipulating paint in a water tank containing different layers of saline solution. It was a technique done by Gary Platek that he did before for "Raiders of the Lost Ark".[43]
- Gozer shares some similarities to the Babylonian goddess of fertility, sexuality and war Ishtar. She is also often depicted with her favorite pets, lions, like Gozer has its hell hounds.
Ghostbusters II Trivia[]
- In the August 5, 1988 draft, page 83, (and September 29, 1988 draft on page 85) Peter alluded to Gozer.[44]
Ghostbusters: Afterlife Trivia[]
- Sheena Dugal and the creative worked with DNEG on a new technique to create a more ethereal look for Gozer when it moved in space, to convey that different parts of the character sliced forwards and backwards in time. DNEG created the look in Houdini but it was decided it just not right for Afterlife and was not used in the movie.[45]
- The passage Podcast reads refers to the Sumerians believing in a land of the dead. In Sumerian mythology, this realm was named Kur. It was said to be a dark and dreary cavern located deep underground where "a shadowy version of life on earth" existed. Some interpretations also refer to it as a desert. The dead did not have to undergo final judgment, nor were they punished nor rewarded for their deeds in life. They all ended up in the same place. The dead's quality of existence in Kur was determined by their conditions of burial. The ruler of Kur was the goddess Ereshkigal, who lived in the palace Ganzir.
- The teenagers looking down the mine shaft and seeing a figure say "Gozer" mirrors the first movie when Dana Barrett looked in her refrigerator and sees a Terror Dog say "Zuul".
- After coming down the mine elevator, there is a statue of the pre-chosen form Gozer took in first movie.
- The Gozer statue was heavily inspired by Polish sculptor Stainislaw Szukalski.[46]
- Phoebe notes Gozer is genderless. In the first movie, Chapter 26: Gozer, Winston thought Gozer was male then Egon states it's whatever it wants to be.
- Jason Reitman reached out to Olivia Wilde via text and asked if she wanted to be Gozer in Ghostbusters: Afterlife.[47]
- Emma Portner portrayed Gozer whenever unusual body language was required and did the body performance for the spirit of Gozer.[48]
- Originally, Gozer's eyes were red but for unknown reasons, they were changed to black in post-production.[49]
- There are a few shots when Gozer briefly has red eyes, including after Phoebe shoots it in the head and during the shoot out between it and Phoebe.
- It was Olivia Wilde's idea to add more spikes to the Gozer suit.[50]
- Olivia Wilde wasn't available to fittings prior to filming so Arjen Tuiten and his team had to figure it out on the fly the morning of Wilde's scenes.[51]
- Preparation for Olivia Wilde took five and half to six hours each day to get into costume and make up.[52]
- Lou Elsey and Beth Hathaway fabricated the Gozer bodysuit while Arjen Tuiten sculpted the neck.[53]
- Michelle Nyree made the wig, Aimee Macabeo styled the wig, and Jessica Nelson painted the lenses.[54]
- From the upper torso up to her mid-section, Wilde wore a zip-on silicon piece. Everything else was prosthetics. There was a forehead piece but Tuiten's team decided not to use it.[55]
- When Ivo Shandor is ripped apart by Gozer, an animatronic puppet with a switch blading mechanism was used. J.K. Simmons got to watch his puppet being ripped in half.[56]
- In one cut of the movie, Phoebe told more jokes to Gozer.[57]
- Bill Murray added variations on Peter's barrage of insults at Gozer. Only some ended in the theatrical version. Finn Wolfhard suggested Trevor should laugh to annoy Gozer even more but Jason Reitman urged him to keep playing it low-key.[58]
- Olivia Wilde eventually broke character and laughed at Bill Murray's insults to Gozer.[59]
- Jason Reitman advised Dan Aykroyd to join in and insult Gozer's godly aspects.[60]
- Olivia Wilde sat with Ernie Hudson for lunch while still in her Gozer costume. Wilde, in her spiky exoskeleton bodysuit and Pazuzu makeup, approached the introverted Hudson in the food line.[61]
- Peter refers to Gozer as "Flattop," a callback to the first movie when Ray says, "Aim for the flattop!"
- Ray addresses Gozer to stop in a similar way he did in the first movie, Chapter 26: Gozer.
- As a callback to the first movie, Chapter 26: Gozer, Gozer asks the Ghostbusters if they're gods.
- Peter stalls Gozer by rambling on much like with Vigo in Ghostbusters II, Chapter 26: Ghostbusters vs. Vigo.
- Gozer does not assume a Destructor form in Ghostbusters: Afterlife, nor does it offer the characters the choice of what form the Destructor should take.
- In the end tag, Winston quotes one of his lines from the first movie, Chapter 26: Gozer, when they thought they defeated Gozer, telling Janine "I had the tools and the talent."
Ghostbusters: Back in Town Trivia[]
- On page nine of Ghostbusters: Back in Town Issue #2, Gary alludes to Gozer.
Ghostbusters: The Video Game Trivia[]
- In Ghostbusters: The Video Game, during the Central Park Cemetery Level (Realistic Version), Ray mentions the possibility that Gozer is only able to create one Destructor form per dimension and therefore will only be able to manifest as the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man in this dimension.[62][63]
- Both times Gozer was defeated, the remains of its Stay Puft Marshmallow Man form rained all over New York and covered it in melted marshmallows.
- In Ghostbusters: The Video Game (Stylized Version), Ivo Shandor and Stay Puft Marshmallow Man's Tobin's Summaries indicate Gozer came to power around 4000 B.C. in Sumeria.
IDW Comics Trivia[]
- In the online preview of Ghostbusters Issue #6, magnified, inside the newspaper, Gozer's "Choose or Perish" quote from Ghostbusters is embedded.
- On Cover RI of Ghostbusters Volume 2 Issue #10, Gozer appears as part of a recreation of the "Then Die!" scene in the first movie.
- In Ghostbusters Volume 2 Issue #19, the forms Gozer takes on are either inspired by the first movie or The Real Ghostbusters.
- The Torb was mentioned by Vinz Clortho while he was in possession of Louis Tully in the first movie.
- Hob Anagarak is from The Real Ghostbusters episode "Cold Cash and Hot Water"
- Proteus is from The Real Ghostbusters episode "Janine Melnitz, Ghostbuster"
- The black entity is based on a rejected design for a never used third form of Gozer in the first movie done by Robert Kline.
- Gozer's Destructor Form from the first movie, the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man
- A Sloar, first mentioned by Vinz Clortho while he was in possession of Louis Tully in the first movie and encountered during the events of Ghostbusters: The Video Game, Realistic Versions, on Shandor Island.
- On the Convention Cover of Ghostbusters: Get Real Issue #1, one of Gozer's claws makes a cameo on the left side.
- In Ghostbusters: Deviations, page 17, the Ghostbusters' idea for Gozer's next Destructor Form was Loofajoe Rectangleshorts - a nod to SpongeBob SquarePants.
- On page 5 of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles/Ghostbusters Volume 2 Issue #1, in panel 1, on the left, on the second column, is an unused Bernie Wrightson concept of a later Gozer form seen in Making Ghostbusters page 155.
- On Cover A of Ghostbusters Answer The Call Issue #3, Patty is looking at "Sumerian Legends - Behind the Legend of Gozer".
- On page 16 of Ghostbusters Crossing Over Issue #2, one of the images conjured is of Gozer.
- Gozer is mentioned in The Real Ghosbtusters' bio in the Crossing Over Virtual Trading Card #33, posted on June 12, 2018.[64]
- Gozer is mentioned in Tiamat's bio in the 34th Crossing Over Virtual Trading Card, released on June 14, 2018.[65]
- Gozer is mentioned in Rachel Unglighter's bio on the 47th Crossing Over Virtual Trading Card, posted on July 31, 2018.[66]
- Gozer appears on the IDW Convention Variant cover of 35th Anniversary: Ghostbusters.
Ghostbusters: The Board Game Trivia[]
- On February 12, 2015, the 4th stretch goal of, $450,000 of Ghostbusters: The Board Game, was introduced: Gozer, which was unlocked the following day.[67][68]
- On Gozer's character card in Ghostbusters: The Board Game
- The caption on the photograph quotes Peter's "Nimble little minx, isn't she?" line after Gozer dodged their initial attack in the first movie.
- The biography mentions Zuul, Vinz Clortho, Ray, and the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man
- The biography quotes Ray's "It just popped in there" line.
- The caption on the photograph quotes Peter's "Nimble little minx, isn't she?" line after Gozer dodged their initial attack in the first movie.
Ghostbusters: Spirits Unleashed Trivia[]
- In Ghostbusters: Spirits Unleashed, Act 1 Scene 1, Ray alludes to Gozer.
See also[]
- Stay Puft Marshmallow Man - Gozer's Destructor Form.
- Ivo Shandor - The one who made Gozer's manifestation possible
Primary Canon Appearances[]
- Ghostbusters (1984)
- Chapter 14: Welcome Aboard
- Mentioned by Dana Barrett and Peter Venkman.
- Chapter 19: Peter's Date with Zuul
- Mentioned by Dana Barrett (possessed by Zuul).
- Chapter 20: Keymaster
- Mentioned by Louis Tully (possessed by Vinz Clortho) and Peter Venkman.
- Chapter 22: Holding Cell
- Mentioned by Peter Venkman.
- Alluded to by Egon Spengler and Winston Zeddemore.
- Chapter 26: Gozer
- Chapter 27: Stay Puft Man
- As Stay Puft Marshmallow Man.
- Chapter 28: Crossing Streams
- As Stay Puft Marshmallow Man.
- Chapter 14: Welcome Aboard
- Ghostbusters: Afterlife
- Chapter 06
- Mentioned by Podcast.
- Chapter 07
- Mentioned by demonic voice.[69]
- Chapter 10
- Mentioned by Trevor Spengler.[70]
- Chapter 12
- Chapter 13
- Chapter 15
- Chapter 16
- Chapter 06
- Dark Horse Comics
Secondary Canon Appearances[]
- Ghostbusters: The Video Game (Realistic Versions)
- IDW Comics
- "Displaced Aggression 1"
- Referenced by Peter on page nine.
- "Displaced Aggression 4"
- Referenced by Koza'Rai on page eight.
- "IDW Publishing Comics- Past, Present, and Future"
- "IDW Publishing Comics- Tainted Love"
- Ray mentioned Gozer on page eight.
- "Ghostbusters: Infestation 1"
- "Ghostbusters: Infestation 2"
- Volume One
- Volume Two
- Issue #11
- Mentioned by Kylie Griffin on page 6 and 16.[76][77]
- On page 21, Tiamat alludes to Gozer.[78]
- Issue #12
- Mentioned by Ron Alexander.[79]
- Issue #13
- On page 19, Tiamat refers to Gozer.[80]
- Issue #14
- Issue #15
- Issue #16
- Issue #17
- Issue #18
- Issue #19
- Issue #20
- Mentioned in Story So Far
- Mentioned in Tiamat's biography in Dramatis Personae
- Alluded to by Peter on page 3.[89]
- Issue #11
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Ghostbusters
- Ghostbusters Annual 2015
- Mentioned in the Story So Far page.[91]
- Volume 3
- Ghostbusters International #7
- Mentioned on page 19 by Egon Spengler.[92]
- Ghostbusters International #8
- Alluded to by Winston on page 18.[93]
- Ghostbusters International #9
- Ghostbusters International #10
- Egon Spengler/Animated mentions Gozer on Page 15.[96]
- Ghostbusters International #7
- Ghostbusters Annual 2017
- Mentioned by Ray on page 41.[97]
- Ghostbusters 101
- Ghostbusters 101 #1
- Alluded to on What Came Before Page.[98]
- Ghostbusters 101 #3
- Ghostbusters 101 #4
- Mentioned on page 24 in Megatraps section.[99]
- Ghostbusters 101 #5
- Mentioned by Erin Gilbert on page 12.[100]
- Mentioned on page 23.[101]
- Ghostbusters 101 #1
- Ghostbusters Crossing Over
- 35th Anniversary: Ghostbusters
- Mentioned by Ray Stantz on Page 13.[106]
- Transformers/Ghostbusters: Ghosts of Cybertron
- Ghostbusters Year One
- "Displaced Aggression 1"
- Insight Editions
- Tobin's Spirit Guide
Tertiary Canon Appearances[]
- The Real Ghostbusters
- Ghostbusters: Spirits Unleashed
- Ghostbusters: Afterlife ScARe
- Episode 6: "Rest in Pieces" (voice only)
- Episode 8: "Sumarian Showdown"
- IDW Comics (non-canonical to the prime continuity of IDW)
- Cryptozoic Entertainment
- Ghost Busted (manga)
- On the preface, Chapter 5 page 107, and Chapter 6 page 157, Gozer is mentioned.
- On the preface, Chapter 5 page 107, and Chapter 6 page 157, Gozer is mentioned.
- 88MPH Studios
- Ghostbusters: The Supernatural Spectacular
- Ghostbusters: Novel
- ↑ Podcast (2022). Ghostbusters: Afterlife Chapter 12 (2021) (Blu-Ray ts. 01:17:45-01:17:49). Sony Pictures. Podcast says: "A soul-eating, flame-dripping deity of evil. And I think it wants back ."
- ↑ Podcast (2022). Ghostbusters: Afterlife Chapter 6 (2021) (Blu-Ray ts. 37:58-38:25). Sony Pictures. Podcast says: "The Sumerians believed in a land of the dead, a dark and shadowy realm within the bowels of the earth. The souls of the dead are ruled by a mighty god, Gozer, and protected by a powerful Gatekeeper and Keymaster, in order that Gozer might rise up and walk the human plane again. The Gatekeeper and Keymaster must assume the form of beasts ."
- ↑ Phoebe Spengler (2022). Ghostbusters: Afterlife Chapter 14 (2021) (Blu-Ray ts. 01:30:47-01:30:50). Sony Pictures. Phoebe Spengler says: "She needs both of them. No Gatekeeper, no Gozer."
- ↑ Vinz Clortho (1999). Ghostbusters - Chapter 20: Keymaster (1984) (DVD ts. 1:00:55-1:00:57). Columbia Pictures. Vinz says: "Vinz Clortho, Keymaster of Gozer."
- ↑ Vinz Clortho (1999). Ghostbusters - Chapter 20: Keymaster (1984) (DVD ts. 1:01:17-1:01:37). Columbia Pictures. Vinz says: "Gozer the Traveller. He will come in one of the pre-chosen forms. During the rectification of the Vuldronaii, the Traveller came as a large moving Torb! Then during the third reconciliation of the last of the Meketrex supplicants, they chose a new form for him, that of a giant Sloar! Many Shubs and Zulls knew what it was to be roasted in the depths of a Sloar that day, I can tell you."
- ↑ Lucky Domingo (2022). Ghostbusters: Afterlife Chapter 14 (2021) (Blu-Ray ts. 01:30:25-01:30:26). Sony Pictures. Lucky Domingo says: "To trap Gozer..."
- ↑ World of Gozer Audio Displays; Board of Trustees area (2009). Ghostbusters: The Video Game (Realistic Versions) - Museum of (Super)Natural History Level (2009) (Video Game). Terminal Reality. Audio Display says: "Few historical records of this period exist and much of what we know about the time period relies on conjecture, legend, and unverified occultist text. Gozer was worshiped by a large Sumerian subculture dedicated to destruction and chaos. The Gozer Cult waged a long protracted war with the followers of Tiamat in the 4th millennium B.C."
- ↑ World of Gozer Audio Displays; Board of Trustees area (2009). Ghostbusters: The Video Game (Realistic Versions) - Museum of (Super)Natural History Level (2009) (Video Game). Terminal Reality. Audio Display says: "The armies of Tiamat defeated the Gozer Cult and the resulting mythology tells of the victorious Tiamat banishing Gozer from this world."
- ↑ Ray Stantz (2014). IDW Comics- "Ghostbusters Volume 2 Issue #14" (2014) (Comic p.16). Ray says: "One thing that has been consistent: she's the sister of Gozer and they had a real rivalry going on. In fact she - or her followers - were responsible for Gozer's banishment from this dimensional plane to begin with."
- ↑ Narrator (2016). Insight Editions- "Tobin's Spirit Guide" (2016) (Book p.81). Paragraph reads: "Encouraged by their deity, Tiamat's followers performed the rituals needed to banish Gozer from our plane of existence, forcing the Destructor to become a Traveler, wandering lost among the dimensions."
- ↑ erikburnham Tweet 6/26/19 Line reads: "Gozer is locked in one form... until Gozer destroys a world and moves on."
- ↑ Narrator (2016). Insight Editions- "Tobin's Spirit Guide" (2016) (Book p.88). Paragraph reads: "According to the writings of the Gozerian Cult, circa 2800 BCE, it was Tiamat's followers---under her direct guidance---that were responsible for Gozer's banishment from this plane of existence. Roughly translated, the writings describe what sounds like a massive interdimensional crossrip at the time of Gozer's exile---the Gozerian temple in Shuruppak was said to burn for nine days under blood-red skies, while a ghost of misfortune comparable to the biblical plagues of Egypt assaulted the populace."
- ↑ Narrator (2016). Insight Editions- "Tobin's Spirit Guide" (2016) (Book p.81). Paragraph reads: "Later encounters revealed that although Gozer's physical essence was dispersed, his consciousness remained on Earth, attempting to find a new physical form and complete his mission of destruction."
- ↑ Tiamat (2014). IDW Comics- "Ghostbusters Volume 2 Issue #19" (2014) (Comic p.17). Tiamat says: "Oh, his consciousness will wake in another dimension. Eventually he'll even be able to destroy again. But for the time being, all he'll do is mope."
- ↑ Ray Stantz (2017). IDW Comics- "Ghostbusters 101 #3" (2017) (Comic p.18). Ray Stantz says: "It took us right up to the line of a complete subatomic destruction. And by way of Gozer's portal, for a split second, we were connected to every reality at once. Every thought we ever had, the very core of our beings... that's how they were seeded into the subconscious of the Multiverse. Our concepts, our methods... In theory, anyway. But so far, observation has only lent the idea credibility."
- ↑ Kylie Griffin (2017). IDW Comics- "Ghostbusters 101 #3" (2017) (Comic p.19). Kylie Griffin says: "Research suggests that there was only one Gozer and Gozer was a unique multiversal being. If it appeared in your New York - it would only be an echo of - ow!"
- ↑ Entertainment Weekly "Ghostbusters: An Oral History" 11/7/14 Slavitza Jovan says: "I was doing this goddess type of thing, like she's strong and powerful, like she's an almost arrogant Roman empress. Regular humans are kind of beneath her."
- ↑ Ray Stantz (2014). IDW Comics- "Ghostbusters Volume 2 Issue #19" (2014) (Comic p.4). Ray says: "Two Class Seven Entities. Two of them. In my mind."
- ↑ Shay, Don (November 1985). Making Ghostbusters, p. 125 annotation. New York Zoetrope, New York NY USA, ISBN 0918432685. Paragraph reads: "In Dan Aykroyd's original script, the root of New York's widespread psychic disturbances lay in the fact that a 'Zuul' -- a generic term for the other-dimensional creature which would later evolve into the Terror Dogs -- had somehow strayed out of its rightful time and place and was being held captive by the Ghostbusters' employer, himself a transdimensional being. Unfortunately, the Zuul happened to be a favored pet of the all-powerful Gozer -- absolute ruler of the sixth dimension -- who, it seemed, would stop at nothing to recover it. When this concept was superseded in subsequent drafts, Zuul became a given name for the female Terror Dog, which -- along with her like companion Vinz Clortho -- is seeking refuge from the Gozer in New York."
- ↑ Shay, Don (November 1985). Making Ghostbusters, p. 97 annotation. New York Zoetrope, New York NY USA, ISBN 0918432685. Dan Aykroyd says: "Gozer is based on several things. For one, there's a Gozer Chevrolet dealership in upstate New York. A little more to the point, though, is the fact that Gozer was a name that related to a documented haunting in England -- the one Poltergeist was based on, in fact. During this particular haunting, the name Gozer appeared mysteriously throughout the house, written on walls and things. So we figured we might as well take something that had been reported in the public domain as an actual occurrence and use it in the film as our main demon and supernatural force."
- ↑ Jewish Encyclopedia "Circumcision Necessary or Not?" Paragraph 5
- ↑ Shay, Don (November 1985). Making Ghostbusters, p. 170 annotation. New York Zoetrope, New York NY USA, ISBN 0918432685. Paragraph reads: "Appearing before the Ghostbusters as a kind of New Wave demon, the character of Gozer had passed through more drastic conceptual variations than any other creature in the film. Described in Dan Aykroyd's script as looking like Bert Parks, and in later collaborations with Harold Ramis as a Robert Young-type character, Gozer - in its final form - resembled neither."
- ↑ Shay, Don (November 1985). Making Ghostbusters, p. 170 annotation. New York Zoetrope, New York NY USA, ISBN 0918432685. Joe Medjuck says: "Ivan thought it might be more interesting if Gozer was rather androgynous-looking - someone like David Bowie. That idea led logically to the consideration of androgynous-looking female rock stars - someone like Grace Jones would have been perfect. Unfortunately, by the time we came up with this concept, it was too late to sign on a big name. We did retain the basic idea, however, which is why Gozer appears in the form of a woman."
- ↑ Shay, Don (November 1985). Making Ghostbusters, p. 177 annotation. New York Zoetrope, New York NY USA, ISBN 0918432685. Paragraph reads: "As originally conceived, Gozer was to have been a rather nondescript, kindly-looking man. Finding the approach too conventional, Ivan Reitman opted instead for a malevolent highly-contemporary androgynous-looking female."
- ↑ Entertainment Weekly ""Ghostbusters: An Oral History" 11/7/14 Joe Medjuck says: "The idea about what Gozer would look like changed really a lot. For a while, we thought of David Byrne of Talking Heads, don't ask me why."
- ↑ Shay, Don (November 1985). Making Ghostbusters, p. 170 annotation. New York Zoetrope, New York NY USA, ISBN 0918432685. Harold Ramis says: "I was not convinced that it was going to work - Gozer in five-inch spike heels and a plastic bubble suit. But, considering the fact that Gozer could take any form it wanted, it made sense that it might choose to materialize as this very contemporary figure. And there is something rather terrifying and slightly sadistic in some of these New Wave styles. Ultimately, I think Ivan's instinct paid off. Having Gozer as a woman set up some very funny lines - things like 'This chick is toast' and 'Let's show this prehistoric bitch how we do things downtown.'"
- ↑ Paul M. Sammon (2009). Ghostbusters- Slimer Mode (2009) (Blu-Ray ts. 01:26:50-01:27:16). Columbia TriStar Home Video. Paul M. Sammon says: "They actually thought of Pee-wee Herman, Paul Reubens 'cause they were gonna have Paul Reubens actually come out in a suit very similar to the one he wears or used to wear as that character Pee-wee Herman on the TV show. So everyone thought that was a great joke, but I think cooler heads prevailed as the varying conferences and meetings and the film itself evolved and the story started to take different directions and shapes."
- ↑ Shay, Don (November 1985). Making Ghostbusters, p. 155. New York Zoetrope, New York NY USA, ISBN 0918432685. Paragraph reads: "Although it was always the intent to have Gozer appear first in quasi-human form and then transmutate into a giant walking ad for Stay-Puft marshmallows, early plans were to have the melting marshmallow man reconfigure itself yet again into a third, even larger and more horrific manifestation. Three advanced Gozer concepts by Berni Wrightson and one by Robert Kline."
- ↑ Shay, Don (November 1985). Making Ghostbusters, p. 180 annotation. New York Zoetrope, New York NY USA, ISBN 0918432685. Paragraph reads: "Early brainstorming had the Stay-Puft marshmallow man as but an interdimensional form which the Gozer assumes on its way to becoming something truly monstrous, both in size and appearance. Berni Wrightson's exploration of this theme was both surreal and terrifying."
- ↑ Harold Ramis (2005). Ghostbusters- Commentary (2005) (DVD ts. 1:26:20-1:26:33). Columbia TriStar Home Video. Harold Ramis says: "Remember you offered it to Anna Carlisle, who was a punk rock singer at the time? Her complaint was 'No, the chicks in this movie are just to be had!' "
- ↑ Greene, James, Jr., (2022). A Convenient Parallel Dimension: How Ghostbusters Slimed Us Forever, p. 38. Lyons Press, Essex, CT USA, ISBN 9781493048243. Line reads: "Carlisle dismisses the claim that Gozer was offered to her and she turned it down due to the sexist tone of the script, as Ramis stated years later."
- ↑ Entertainment Weekly "Ghostbusters: An Oral History" 11/7/14 Slavitza Jovan says: "I was doing lots of modeling, like runway shows and things like that. For my audition, I was just following my own ideas about how she needs to be, between the classical and the futuristic, a type of timelessness. I was doing this goddess type of thing, like she's strong and powerful, like she's an almost arrogant Roman empress. Regular humans are kind of beneath her."
- ↑ TCU Collectibles facebook "Mark Bryan Wilson (Slimer Performer/Creature Shop, Ghostbusters) Interview" 44:00-44:13 8/30/2020 Mark Bryan Wilson says: "They rigged a line that went up the middle of the stairs to put a light bulb on which was supposed to be Slavitza's character as it's first coming in. It's just basically a light on a wire."
- ↑ Shay, Don (November 1985). Making Ghostbusters, p. 183 annotation. New York Zoetrope, New York NY USA, ISBN 0918432685. Paragraph reads: "Due to the actress' Slavic accent, the voice of Gozer was dubbed by Paddi Edwards."
- ↑ Shay, Don (November 1985). Making Ghostbusters, p. 183 annotation. New York Zoetrope, New York NY USA, ISBN 0918432685. Michael Gross says: "Bill did a hilarious take of this scene playing off the fact that the actress had an accent. When Gozer says, 'Choose and perish,' Bill responded: 'Jews and berries? I don't understand.'."
- ↑ Ivan Reitman (1999). Ghostbusters- Commentary (1999) (DVD ts. 01:27:33-01:27:42). Columbia TriStar Home Video. Ivan Reitman says: "Yes, there was a long improvisational sequence involving Jews and berries... Being misunderstood as "choose or perish," from choose or perish."
- ↑ Shay, Don (November 1985). Making Ghostbusters, p. 183 annotation. New York Zoetrope, New York NY USA, ISBN 0918432685. Ivan Reitman says: "We tried for a long time to use the actress' real voice but because of her accent, I was afraid it might come off as being funny. After that, we went through six or seven different voices. I did one myself, but it wasn't very good. I tried a traditional 'voice of God' approach, but that was boring. I tried an effeminate male voice which was okay on some of the lines, but really sounded silly on others. Finally I decided on a very low Exorcist type female voice which - although it had obviously been used before - still worked out the best."
- ↑ Shay, Don (November 1985). Making Ghostbusters, p. 197 annotation. New York Zoetrope, New York NY USA, ISBN 0918432685. Paragraph reads: "The Stay-Puft confrontation came considerably later in the first Aykroyd-Ramis collaboration, but even in that draft, the Ghostbusters were to regroup in New Jersey for a final battle with the Gozer in its most terrifying form - a swirling psychic maelstrom topped by a disembodied aphid's head of monstrous proportions."
- ↑ Shay, Don (November 1985). Making Ghostbusters, p. 126. New York Zoetrope, New York NY USA, ISBN 0918432685. Vinz Clortho says: "The Precursors of Gozer number one hundred."
- ↑ Page 90 of August 5, 1983 Draft of "Ghostbusters" via Spook Central
- ↑ Shay, Don (November 1985). Making Ghostbusters, p. 177 annotation. New York Zoetrope, New York NY USA, ISBN 0918432685. Paragraph reads: "Attached to a wire rig, Slavita Jovan prepares to launch herself into Gozer's double-flip - a maneuver completed later in post-production by a stunt double."
- ↑ Shay, Don (November 1985). Making Ghostbusters, p. 179 annotation. New York Zoetrope, New York NY USA, ISBN 0918432685. Paragraph reads: "Evading the particle streams, Gozer does an impressive double-flip - executed by a stuntswoman and shot during postproduction at Entertainment Effects Group."
- ↑ Bueno, Claire (2024). Cleanin' Up The Town: Remembering Ghostbusters. A Cast and Crew's Memoir of Ghostbusters, p. 408. Premiere Publishing, Devon England, ISBN 9781836903437. John Bruno says: "The cloud effects, the 'speaking Gozer,' the 'speaking cloud' above the temple was basically a water tank. That's the same technique from Close Encounters, where the clouds actually come around, there's flashes in them that's supposed to be alien spacecraft. It's basically a water tank that has different layers of saline solution, that separates the density of the water, the liquid, and you can put different oil on the top layer if you wanted. Then with an atomic manipulator arm, you insert a jet of paint, it's always a white paint, but it's the way you light it, at the frame rate you use; it spreads out, and you just find a different angle to shoot it from. Once you get in a position where it is just undulating, we had about two inches of paint, and then we set off flash bulbs. It's all shot at 96 frames per second, so it takes lots, and lots, and lots of film; lots of takes to get a talking cloud (laughs). Gary Platek was in charge of the cloud tank; he did the same thing on Raiders of the Lost Ark."
- ↑ Aykroyd, Dan & Ramis, Harold (1988). Ghostbusters II (August 5, 1988 Draft) (Script p. 83). Peter Venkman says: "You remember that, I'm sure: ancient Sumerian deity, big lizard dogs, hundred foot marshmallow man?"
- ↑ FX Guide "Ghosts of Ghostbusters Past" 12/12/2021 Article reads: "Sheena and the creative team did an experiment with a more ethereal look for Gozer, working with DNEG they pioneered a new technique. “I designed something that was quite complex, where the character was time-sliced. So as Gozer moved in space, different parts of the character sliced forwards and backwards in time, which we called Time-Displacement” Sheena explains. "DNEG came up with something really pretty clever. They came up with this wonderfully creative and technical solution in Houdini. DNEG did an outstanding job, but it just wasn't right for this project. Jason and I discussed it, and there was one particular movement test that we did, that was moving the camera at the same time as doing the effect that gave really super cool results, but it was just not right for Afterlife" Achieving the final Gozer fell to Alessandro. "We really wanted to give the impression of what was in the 1984 film, but with a twist from the newest technology," he explains."
- ↑ Inguanzo, Ozzy (2021). Ghostbusters: Afterlife The Art and Making of the Movie, p. 137. Titan Books, London UK, ISBN 1789096529. Francois Audouy says: "We were heavily inspired by the powerful work of Polish sculptor Stainislaw Szukalski."
- ↑ The Wrap "‘Ghostbusters: Afterlife’ Director Jason Reitman Explains How That Surprising [SPOILER Casting Happened" 11/26/2021] Jason Reitman says: "I reached out to her like, 'Hey, you wanna be Gozer?' I just texted her, and she was down from the word go."
- ↑ The Wrap "‘Ghostbusters: Afterlife’ Director Jason Reitman Explains How That Surprising [SPOILER Casting Happened" 11/26/2021] Jason Reitman says: "had to do unusual body language...the body performance of the spirit of Gozer was Portner, who is absolutely extraordinary. She's literally one of the great dancers alive and totally cool, and did a lot of that work out there in that dirt field."
- ↑ Ghostbusters Interdimensional Crossrip "#743 - Arjen Tuiten, Special Make-Up & Live Acton Creature Effects Designer" 36:47-36:55 11/29/2021 Arjen Tuiten says: "I did give her red eyes actually and surprised to see in post production, they turned them black for some reason."'
- ↑ Ghostbusters Interdimensional Crossrip "#743 - Arjen Tuiten, Special Make-Up & Live Acton Creature Effects Designer" 37:59-38:10 11/29/2021 Arjen Tuiten says: "The spikes were actually something that Olivia came up with. She said 'Oh, it would be kind of nice if we had some little bit more spikes to tie in with the Terror Dog.' And I liked that a lot and gives her a sense of danger as well."'
- ↑ Ghostbusters Interdimensional Crossrip "#743 - Arjen Tuiten, Special Make-Up & Live Acton Creature Effects Designer" 35:20-35:23 11/29/2021 Arjen Tuiten says: "We had to figure her out the morning of."'
- ↑ Ghostbusters Interdimensional Crossrip "#743 - Arjen Tuiten, Special Make-Up & Live Acton Creature Effects Designer" 34:33-34:37 11/29/2021 Arjen Tuiten says: "The actual make up took five and a half to six hours each day."'
- ↑ Stan Winston School "The Phantasmic Makeup & Creature FX of Ghostbusters: Afterlife" 1/11/2022 Arjen Tuiten says: "Lou Elsey and Beth Hathaway fabricated the Gozer bodysuit. I sculpted the neck."
- ↑ Stan Winston School "The Phantasmic Makeup & Creature FX of Ghostbusters: Afterlife" 1/11/2022 Arjen Tuiten says: "The wig was done by Michelle Nyree and styled by Aimee Macabeo, and Jessica Nelson painted the lenses."
- ↑ Ghostbusters Interdimensional Crossrip "#743 - Arjen Tuiten, Special Make-Up & Live Acton Creature Effects Designer" 37:08-37:33 11/29/2021 Arjen Tuiten says: "Her upper torso to her mid-section was a zip-on silicone-very thin silicone-piece. And then her legs and her hands, her feet, everything was prosthetics. Her neck going. We actually had a forehead piece but we opted the morning of not to use that."'
- ↑ Yes Have Some YouTube "Jason Reitman Interview - Ghostbusters Afterlife, Franchise Future, Bill Murray!" 29:32-30:33, 30:40-30:46 11/25/2021 Jason Reitman says: "That's actually an animatronic puppet so when he gets ripped in half, yeah, I remember we had a conversation with the visual effects team and they're like, "All right, we've budgeted a lot for this human body getting ripped in half," and I was like, "Oh, no, no, no, we're doing that practically." "What?" Yeah and I remember like being "Yeah, it's really simple you know it's just going to be like you know we'll draw-we'll draw like a it'll be like it's like a it will make like a head with a body and you'll see her face like in between it and yeah and like," and then I talked to Aryan who's the brilliant you know creature creator who brought the Terror Dogs back to life and he was totally into it and we created this like switch blading mechanism that was a body into and we just filled it with goo and then you just rip it right apart and that was a delight...Well, he got to watch himself get ripped apart which I think was kind of fun, too, you know he actually like got to see his own body rip into which yeah don't we all--"
- ↑ Frame.io "Art of the Cut: Bringing Ghostbusters Back to Life" 12/1/2021 Nate Orloff says: "There are more jokes that Phoebe told at the stairs and it was very long because I just cut every joke in because they shot a lot of jokes to find the best one. So we’re watching the assembly with the assistants and it turns into a comedy club."
- ↑ Vanity Fair "The Day Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd, and Ernie Hudson Became Ghostbusters Again" 11/22/2021 Line reads: "After feeling awkward for the first few days, what finally energized Murray was the chance to improvise again while Venkman lay sprawled with his cohorts beside the vehicle. "Bill is keeping her distracted with talking, while you raise the proton gun," Jason Reitman said, showing the fallen Hudson how he wanted him to slyly slip his neutrona blaster into position. In the script, Venkman decides to taunt Gozer by imagining a far more intimate relationship than the two actually had back in the '80s, with Murray adding new flourishes on every take, only some of which ended up in the finished film. "You know, you wasted a lot of time putting on that make up," he yells. "It's not going to work anymore. You've got a lot of nerve trying to crawl back." "The scene I just did now, it was fun," Murray said afterward. "I got to just say what I wanted to say, and it was always that way. The script was just our jumping off point." As Murray added variations to his insult barrage, Wolfhard, whose character is hiding near the collapsed OGBs, asked Jason Reitman: "Can I laugh?" He suggests maybe that will irritate Gozer even more. The director urges him to keep playing the moment low-key."
- ↑ Vanity Fair "The Day Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd, and Ernie Hudson Became Ghostbusters Again" 11/22/2021 Line reads: "But Gozer was also cracking up. Olivia Wilde, who sported the extreme pompadour hairstyle and scaly boils and baubles of the monster in Afterlife, sometimes had difficulty keeping a straight face. At one moment during Murray's epic roast of Gozer, Wilde broke and laughed out loud. "You got me on that one," she told him. "Too far. TOO FAR!""
- ↑ Vanity Fair "The Day Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd, and Ernie Hudson Became Ghostbusters Again" 11/22/2021 Line reads: "While Hudson prepared to take his shot, Reitman encouraged Aykroyd to join in the verbal jabs. "For Stantz, I feel like your insults would be about her actual cosmic properties," the director said."
- ↑ Vanity Fair "The Day Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd, and Ernie Hudson Became Ghostbusters Again" 11/22/2021 Ernie Hudson: "She says, 'Ernie, you going to have lunch here?' And I said, 'If we could find a table.' So we sat down together and then Ivan came, and the table filled up with people, and I go, 'Wow, this is kind of cool.' I've always been a little bit like that; just a little awkward. But Gozer invited me. All I need is one other person."
- ↑ GBTVGReferenceGozerRV01.jpg
- ↑ GBTVGReferenceGozerRV02.jpg
- ↑ TomWaltz Tweet 6/12/18
- ↑ TomWaltz Tweet 6/14/18
- ↑ TomWaltz Tweet 7/31/18
- ↑ Ghostbusters: The Board Game Update #7 2/12/15 "Vinz Clortho Unlocked!"
- ↑ Ghostbusters: The Board Game Update #9 2/13/15 "Sub-creatures! Gozer the Gozerian, Gozer the Destructor, Volguus Zildrohar, the Traveler has come! Choose and perish!"
- ↑ Voice in Shaft (2022). Ghostbusters: Afterlife Chapter 7 (2021) (Blu-Ray ts. 40:57-41:02). Sony Pictures. Voice in Shaft says: "Gooozer."
- ↑ Trevor Spengler (2022). Ghostbusters: Afterlife Chapter 10 (2021) (Blu-Ray ts. 01:04:19-01:04:23). Sony Pictures. Trevor Spengler says: "I thought I heard something say Gozer."
- ↑ Podcast (2022). Ghostbusters: Afterlife Chapter 12 (2021) (Blu-Ray ts. 01:17:37-01:17:40). Sony Pictures. Podcast says: "So I did some digging on the word you heard in the mountain. Gozer."
- ↑ Phoebe Spengler (2022). Ghostbusters: Afterlife Chapter 12 (2021) (Blu-Ray ts. 01:17:42-01:17:45). Sony Pictures. Phoebe Spengler says: "Gozer was a Sumerian god who once walked amongst the living."
- ↑ Trevor Spengler (2022). Ghostbusters: Afterlife Chapter 13 (2021) (Blu-Ray ts. 01:19:39-01:19:43). Sony Pictures. Trevor Spengler says: "Is that her? Is that Gozer?"
- ↑ Phoebe Spengler (2022). Ghostbusters: Afterlife Chapter 13 (2021) (Blu-Ray ts. 01:19:43-01:19:45). Sony Pictures. Phoebe Spengler says: "Gozer isn't he or she."
- ↑ Gary Grooberson (2024). Dark Horse Comics- "Ghostbusters: Back in Town Issue #2" (2024) (Comic p.9). Gary Grooberson says: "Fighting ancient Sumerian gods to stop them from destroying the world?"
- ↑ Kylie Griffin (2013). IDW Comics- "Ghostbusters Volume 2 Issue #11" (2013) (Comic p.6). Kylie says: "What month was the thing with Gozer and Stay Puft?"
- ↑ Kylie Griffin (2013). IDW Comics- "Ghostbusters Volume 2 Issue #11" (2013) (Comic p.16). Kylie says: "It corresponds almost perfectly with wars, with genocide, the coming of Gozer, with the whole Vigo thing..."
- ↑ Tiamat (2013). IDW Comics- "Ghostbusters Volume 2 Issue #11" (2013) (Comic p.21). Tiamat says: "Your people have defeated my brother."
- ↑ Ron Alexander (2014). IDW Comics- "Ghostbusters Volume 2 Issue #12" (2014) (Comic p.19). Ron says: "Because the whole Gozer thing never caused anyone any trouble before."
- ↑ Tiamat (2014). IDW Comics- "Ghostbusters Volume 2 Issue #13" (2014) (Comic p.19). Tiamat says: "An instrument of the Traveler."
- ↑ Kylie Griffin (2014). IDW Comics- "Ghostbusters Volume 2 Issue #15" (2014) (Comic p.8). Kylie says: "She and Gozer were both Sumerian gods - brother and sister - and they did not have a happy relationship."
- ↑ Kylie Griffin (2014). IDW Comics- "Ghostbusters Volume 2 Issue #15" (2014) (Comic p.9). Kylie says: "She's a goddess of chaos. The only constant has been a feud with Gozer."
- ↑ Judge Ghost (2014). IDW Comics- "Ghostbusters Volume 2 Issue #16" (2014) (Comic p.2). Judge Ghost says: "You are charged with interfering with the Destructor. How do you plead?"
- ↑ Egon Spengler (2014). IDW Comics- "Ghostbusters Volume 2 Issue #16" (2014) (Comic p.4). Egon says: "Tiamat is far more powerful than Gozer."
- ↑ Ray Stantz (2014). IDW Comics- "Ghostbusters Volume 2 Issue #16" (2014) (Comic p.14). Ray says: "Remember what our alleged future selves said - Tiamat is more powerful than Gozer, addicted to chaos, and we should remember what chaos needs."
- ↑ Peter Venkman (2014). IDW Comics- "Ghostbusters Volume 2 Issue #16" (2014) (Comic p.15). Peter says: "Remember how we beat Gozer?"
- ↑ Peter Venkman (2014). IDW Comics- "Ghostbusters Volume 2 Issue #16" (2014) (Comic p.15). Peter says: "That was her beef with our pal, Gozer, too - he wanted to destroy everything."
- ↑ Narrator (2014). IDW Comics- "Ghostbusters Volume 2 Issue #16" (2014) (Comic p.18). Narrator says: "It's a wonder that Gozer didn't encourage the process - it would have saved him a lot of trouble."
- ↑ Peter Venkman (2014). IDW Comics- "Ghostbusters Volume 2 Issue #20" (2014) (Comic p.3). Peter says: "You got possessed by two Class Sevens, gave your protege a concussion, and almost punched a hole into the Containment Unit."
- ↑ Kylie Griffin (2014). IDW Comics- "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles/Ghostbusters Issue #1" (2014) (Comic p.13). Kylie says: "He means gods or demons making a big entrance, like the Collectors or Gozer."
- ↑ Narrator (2015). IDW Comics- "Ghostbusters Annual 2015" (2015) (Comic's Story So Far). Narrator says: "They've faced the sister of Gozer -- the Sumerian deity of chaos."
- ↑ Egon Spengler (2016). IDW Comics- "Ghostbusters International #7" (2016) (Comic p.19). Egon says: "Why not during the coming of Gozer?"
- ↑ Winston Zeddemore (2016). IDW Comics- "Ghostbusters International #8" (2016) (Comic p.18). Winston Zeddemore says: "We've seen gods turn into marshmallows."
- ↑ Peter Venkman (2016). IDW Comics- "Ghostbusters International #9" (2016) (Comic p.9). Peter Venkman says: "I'm also getting sick of the ones with the lightning fingers."
- ↑ Winston Zeddemore (2016). IDW Comics- "Ghostbusters International #9" (2016) (Comic p.9). Winston Zeddemore says: "Maybe it'd help if Ray tells this guy he's a god."
- ↑ Egon Spengler/Animated (2016). IDW Comics- "Ghostbusters International #10" (2016) (Comic p.15). Egon Spengler says: "It's funny - ever since we've all met and compared notes, I've wondered... was the Gozer we both faced the same entity, or was it different? Is it traveling from dimension to dimension, facing unending variations of Ghostbusters in a sequence, or did it face us all at the same time? Alternatively, if Gozer's defeat created a splintered multiverse, it could also have created ripples in that multiverse that are still affecting our lives today. Who knows what that could mean?"
- ↑ Ray Stantz (2017). IDW Comics- "Ghostbusters Annual 2017" (2017) (Comic p.41). Ray Stantz says: "It says the hotel played host to our friends in the Gozerian Cult up through 1938 or so, where as an incentive to draw Gozer to this dimension... they conjured a semi-corporeal manifestation of gluttony."
- ↑ What Came Before Page (2017). IDW Comics- "Ghostbusters 101 #1" (2017) (Comic What Came Before Page). Narrator says: "And then it was a dimension-hopping god of destruction and death."
- ↑ Ghostbusters 101 Class Notes (2017). IDW Comics- "Ghostbusters 101 #4" (2017) (Comic p.24). Ghostbusters 101 Class Notes reads: "Megatraps (to draw larger quantities if PKE than a normal trap can handle, especially from a massive corporeal manifestation, such as the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man form of Gozer)."
- ↑ Erin Gilbert (2017). IDW Comics- "Ghostbusters 101 #5" (2017) (Comic p.12). Erin Gilbert says: "I mean, except for the whole Gozer thing."
- ↑ 101 Class Notes (2017). IDW Comics- "Ghostbusters 101 #5" (2017) (Comic p.23). 101 Class Notes reads: "The information contained in this Spirit Guide was extensively used to research both Gozer, its cult, and its agent on Earth, Ivo Shandor."
- ↑ Walter Peck (2018). IDW Comics- "Ghostbusters Crossing Over Issue #1" (2018) (Comic p.13). Walter Peck says: "And let's not forget that Gozer itself was an interdimensional entity."
- ↑ Prime Ghostbusters Biography (2018). IDW Comics- "Ghostbusters Crossing Over Issue #3" (2018) (Comic Dramatis Personae p.1). Line reads: "The original Ghostbusters of the Prime Dimension, who defeated Gozer by crossing the streams-seeding the multiverse with their memories and methodology, and creating Ghostbusters teams across the interdimensional landscape."
- ↑ Koza'Rai (2018). IDW Comics- "Ghostbusters Crossing Over Issue #5" (2018) (Comic p.16). Koza'Rai says: "They managed to disperse the essence of Gozer."
- ↑ 00-D Memo (2018). IDW Comics- "Ghostbusters Crossing Over Issue #7" (2018) (Comic p.21). 00-D Memo reads: "A demigod sired by Koza'Rai, father of Gozer, Rachel was instrumental in defeating her father."
- ↑ Ray Stantz (2019). IDW Comics- "Ghostbusters 35th Anniversary: Ghostbusters" (2019) (Comic p.13). Ray Stantz says: "Gozer was real."
- ↑ Kremzeek (2019). IDW Comics- "Transformers/Ghostbusters Issue #4" (2019) (Comic p.10). Kremzeek says: "I will become as powerful as the god who destroyed Cybertron!"
- ↑ Ray Stantz (2019). IDW Comics- "Transformers/Ghostbusters Issue #4" (2019) (Comic p.11). Ray Stantz says: "We know Gozer destroyed Cybertron..."
- ↑ Egon Spengler (2020). IDW Comics- "Ghostbusters Year One Issue #4" (2020) (Comic p.6). Egon Spengler says: "Even with the power cut, things would've been fine for a while if not for the massive increase of ambient psychokinetic energy brought on by Gozer's approach."
- ↑ Narrator (2016). Insight Editions- "Tobin's Spirit Guide" (2016) (Book p.21). Paragraph reads: "However, it wasn't until psychokinetic energy was at an all-time high during the arrival of the deity Gozer (see section V) that it became easier for ghosts to cross over to this plane of existence, and Ellen Gold finally manifested."
- ↑ Narrator (2016). Insight Editions- "Tobin's Spirit Guide" (2016) (Book p.38). Paragraph reads: "The entities in this section aren't at the level of gods like Gozer, who have the power to end the world."
- ↑ Narrator (2016). Insight Editions- "Tobin's Spirit Guide" (2016) (Book p.63). Paragraph reads: "This section contains basic information on the worst of the worst: some of the more powerful entities that we've faced (with the exception Gozer and his connected entities, which are so despicable they deserive a dedicated section of their own)."
- ↑ Narrator (2016). Insight Editions- "Tobin's Spirit Guide" (2016) (Book p.69). Paragraph reads: "At the height of its power, Samhain was also able to turn day into night, projecting a darkness over the city not seen since the manifestation of Gozer."
- ↑ Narrator (2016). Insight Editions- "Tobin's Spirit Guide" (2016) (Book p.78). Paragraph reads: "Section V: Gozer THE TRAVELER AND THOSE WHO FOLLOW HIM."
- ↑ Narrator (2016). Insight Editions- "Tobin's Spirit Guide" (2016) (Book p.79). Paragraph reads: "This section features information on the Sumerian god of destruction, Gozer the Gozerian, (aka Volgus Zildrohar, Lord of the Sebouillia, the Traveler, the Destructor) and those connected to him."
- ↑ Narrator (2016). Insight Editions- "Tobin's Spirit Guide" (2016) (Book p.82). Paragraph reads: "For years, Gozerian cultists anticipated the coming of Vinz Clortho and Zuul, the minions and emissaries of Gozer, who would pave the way for the Destructor's coming---and the world's end."
- ↑ Narrator (2016). Insight Editions- "Tobin's Spirit Guide" (2016) (Book p.84). Paragraph reads: "Idulnas, the third minion of Gozer, was a powerful entity."
- ↑ Narrator (2016). Insight Editions- "Tobin's Spirit Guide" (2016) (Book p.87). Paragraph reads: "He designed many buildings but ultimately only built one: the apartment tower at 55 Central Park West, upon which he erected a temple to Gozer."
- ↑ Narrator (2016). Insight Editions- "Tobin's Spirit Guide" (2016) (Book p.90). Paragraph reads: "As noted, Gozer allowed those he was about to destroy an opportunity to choose the form that this destruction would take; whatever form was chosen, no matter how bizarre, would appear and destroy the world."
- ↑ Narrator (2016). Insight Editions- "Tobin's Spirit Guide" (2016) (Book p.91). Paragraph reads: "As noted in the Idulnas entry, there was an attempt to change Gozer's destructive form to something other than Stay Puft."
- ↑ Narrator (2016). Insight Editions- "Tobin's Spirit Guide" (2016) (Book p.92). Paragraph reads: "The following information on Gozer's previous destructive forms is taken from an extended interview with Louis Tully (while possessed by the demonic presence known as Vinz Clortho, aka the Keymaster) and is presented for the sake of a more complete profile of Gozer."
- ↑ Narrator (2016). Insight Editions- "Tobin's Spirit Guide" (2016) (Book p.93). Paragraph reads: "When Gozer took the form of a sloar, those it are were burned while still alive."
- ↑ Ray Stantz; Act 1 Scene 1 cutscene after Ray flips the closed/open sign (2022). Ghostbusters: Spirits Unleashed – Ray's Occult Books (2022) (PS4/PS5/PC/Xbox One/Xbox Series X). Illfonic. Ray Stantz says: "Exiled Sumerian Gods!"
- ↑ Tobin; Tobin Page #10 (2023). Ghostbusters: Spirits Unleashed – Ghost Realm (2023) (PS4/PS5/PC/Xbox One/Xbox Series X/Nintendo Switch). Illfonic. Tobin says: "Ho ho! This is quite an interesting excerpt in that it deals with one of my least favorite topics: a living being. But this is no ordinary bloke, I assure you. Like myself he devoted himself to the study of the great beyond, but dare I say, he was willing to go even further than I. Ivo Shandor. Though we never met, his work as a, quote-unquote, surgeon became known to me. I can't endorse his faculties as a doctor, I must credit him, at least, for reaching further into realms unknown than any other... besides yours truly of course. As of the first publishing of my compendium, he had amassed quite a cult for himself. Hellbent on opening a metaphysical door to an ancient Sumerian God. Ultimately, his work outlived him. Perchance you've witnessed some of it yourself?"