Wiki of Westeros


Wiki of Westeros
Wiki of Westeros
Wiki of Westeros

The inside of the Great Sept of Baelor, with a statue of the Father within.

Septs[1] are places of worship in the Faith of the Seven. They are traditionally decorated with seven-pointed stars and artistic depictions of the Seven, such as statues or sculptures.

In the books[]

In the A Song of Ice and Fire novels, septs are built to have seven walls, representing each aspect of the God of Seven. Each sept also houses art portraying each of the seven aspects. In rural septs, portrayals of the seven may be carved masks or even simple charcoal drawings on a wall, while in wealthy septs, such as those found in castles, there may be statues inlaid with precious metals and stones.

Worshipers light candles before the altars of the symbolizing each of the seven aspects. Ceremonies are led by the highest ranking male member of the clergy, and hymns are often sung. In the naming of a child, seven oils are used to anoint the infant. Weddings are conducted standing between the altars of the Father and the Mother. Rites of worship held in rich areas and during special occasions can feature embellishments such as choirs of seventy-seven septas.


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