The Amazonians are a race of gigantic, Neanderthal-like humanoids from the Planet Amazonia.
The Amazonians appear to have existed for generations. There was once male Amazonians on the planet, but they have since went extinct, with no living female being able to recall what males were like; how the species continues to thrive with no native males around is unknown.
The Amazonians are incredibly strong and sturdy, which human barely tickle them in a physical fight.
They all worship the Femputer. When the Planet Express crew visits Amazonia, The Femputer sentences the men to execution by "snu-snu", which is the Amazonian term for sexual intercourse. Many men have met their end from crushed pelvises suffered during "snu-snu". The male population of Amazonian society went extinct many years before the Planet Express crew landed, although the cavewomen seem to be fine without men in their society, considering that men don't appear to come often to the planet, yet their society is quite large and diverse in appearance.

An Amazonian can intimidate robots like Bender.
The Amazonians use the act of "snu-snu" on men regardless of whether or not the male consents to participation and actually as a stated form of institutionalized punishment. The males are almost always depicted as not consenting, or at the very most they are depicted as being torn between wanting sex and not wanting to be horribly killed by the much larger and stronger Amazonians. As a result, "snu-snu" is therefore explicitly and unequivocally depicted as, but never described as, rape.
This concept of "snu-snu" being an obvious and institutionalized form of rape is never addressed in any of the Futurama story-lines; it is apparently considered acceptable since most of the males have a stereotypical affinity for sexual intercourse. Many men have suffered crushed pelvises and other injuries and end up being, quite literally, raped to death by the gigantic Amazonians. Although those who have survived it appeared to have enjoyed it despite needing pelvic casts.
Known Members[]
- "Brannigan, Begin Again"
- "The Lesser of Two Evils"
- "Amazon Women In The Mood"
- "The Sting"
- "Fry Am the Egg Man"
- "The Mutants Are Revolting" (dancing with Fatbot)
- "Zapp Gets Cancelled" (cameo)