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Voir aussi : Pollard
Du moyen anglais pollard.

pollard *\Prononciation ?\ masculin

  1. Monnaie anglaise de peu de valeur.

Vocabulaire apparenté par le sens

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Mot dérivé de polle, avec le suffixe -ard.
Singulier Pluriel
A willow tree pollard.

pollard \ˈpɒl.əd\

  1. Arbre taillé, émondé.
    • Only a little pollard hedge kept us from their blood-shot eyes.
      La traduction en français de l’exemple manque. (Ajouter)
    • The road, which was sufficiently wide to allow of two carriages passing each other, generally conducted 'us along a dyke, or mount of earth raised through the flats. It was son1etÍrnes planted with elms or walnut-trees, but more frequently with pollard willows, which abound on the banks of the rivers and canals; — (Letters from France, written in the years 1803 and 1804 : including a particular account of Verdun, and the situation of the British captives in that city, James Forbes, Londres, 1806)
      La traduction en français de l’exemple manque. (Ajouter)
  2. Cerf ou daim dont on a coupé les cornes.
  3. Pollard, monnaie contrefaite.


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