"Peerless “Actually we started to produce guitars in 1970 and Peerless brand also was born at the same time, but we focused on OEM at that time. We have tried to concentrate on our own brand, Peerless a few years ago and do our best to make the best guitars and let people to know the Peerless name as many as. The brand is getting well-known brand in Europe, UK, US and Australia. / The factory is located in Gimhae, South Korea and the head office is in Busan, Korea. All guitars are made in Gimhae factory. "
"Originally as a subsidiary of Japanese based Fujigen, Peerless Guitars Co was set up in 1970 in Busan, South Korea as an OEM manufacturer. / The Company manufactured quality archtop, hollowbody and acoustic guitars for world-renowned top brands such as Fender, Epiphone, Gibson, Gretsch, St. Louis Music and many others. Adobe At it's maximum production, Peerless produced 30,000 pieces per month and employed over 500 employee's to meet buyer's requirements. / The Company was awarded the prestiges Korean Export Achievement Award for exports in excess of 3 million guitars. ", "SESSION MAN Co., Ltd. / 46728 부산광역시 강서구 생곡로 50 (녹산동) [46728釜山広域市江西区生谷路50 (緑山洞) / 50 Saenggok-ro (Noksan-dong), Gangseo-gu, Busan 46728]"
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