Archive:Template:Staff and contractors
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Office of the Executive Director
The Wikimedia Foundation is part of a broad global network of individuals, organizations, chapters, clubs and communities who together work to create Wikipedia and many other freely used, freely edited, freely copied and freely redistributed projects; the most powerful example of volunteer collaboration and open content sharing in the world today.
Wearing Cloak of InvisibilityLisa MartinezExecutive Assistant to the Executive Director
Engineering and Product Development
Vice President of Engineering and Product Development
Wikimedia engineering and product development refers to the engineering and product team employed by the Wikimedia Foundation. Its mission is to build, improve and maintain the technical infrastructure of Wikimedia projects (software and hardware), by supporting and complementing volunteer efforts.
Executive Assistant to the Deputy Director and
Vice President of Engineering and Product Development -
Wearing Cloak of InvisibilityBryan DavisSenior Software Engineer
Wearing Cloak of InvisibilitySam ReedSoftware Engineer (International)
Wearing Cloak of InvisibilityToby NegrinDirector of Analytics
Wearing Cloak of InvisibilityAaron HalfakerResearch Analyst (Contractor)
Wearing Cloak of InvisibilityScott AnanianSoftware Engineer, Parser
Wearing Cloak of InvisibilitySteven BernardinData Center Technician, Tampa (Contractor)
Wearing Cloak of InvisibilityChris JohnsonOperations Engineer - Data Center
Wearing Cloak of InvisibilityAlexandros KosiarisOperations Engineer
Wearing Cloak of InvisibilitySean PringleOperations Engineer (Storage/DBA services) (International)
Wearing Cloak of InvisibilityMichelle GroverMobile QA (Contractor)
QA & Outreach Coordinator (Internationalization), Language Engineering team (Contractor)
Software Engineer (Internationalization), Language Engineering team (International)
Community Liaison, Product Development and Strategic Change Management (Contractor)
Community Liaison, Product Development and Strategic Change Management (Contractor)
Community Liaison, Product Development and Strategic Change Management (Contractor)
Community Liaison, Product Development and Strategic Change Management (Contractor)
Wearing Cloak of InvisibilityKenan WangProduct Manager, Mobile
MediaWiki Core
Engineering Community
Technical Operations
User Experience
Grantmaking and Program Development
The Grantmaking and Program Development team exists to provide for focused efforts to build Wikimedia's projects in places we are not yet the ubiquitous free knowledge resource. We pilot approaches ourselves and via partners (chapters, community groups, like-minded organizations, individuals) with the goal of creating scalable programs that build our editor communities and create high quality knowledge in local languages around the globe with a priority in the Global South. We seek to extend our reach to billions of people with our mobile strategy. We serve the global movement via our global education, catalyst, mobile, grants, and global learning teams.
Wearing Cloak of InvisibilityTo be announced soonBrazil Education Program, Consultant
Program Evaluation and Design
Global Education Program
Wikipedia Zero
Catalyst programs
Global Development is currently focusing on supporting growth of Wikimedia projects in the following regions: Brazil, India, and Arabic language countries. The Catalyst program model is intended to both achieve direct impact and serve to generate important lessons on ways to support growth in geographies where Wikimedia's projects are not yet achieving their full potential.
The fundraiser is turning into something that educates Wikimedia users about how our projects and movement work. Tens of millions of users click on banners and read the appeals every year. The primary mission of the Wikimedia Foundation fundraising team is now to improve that educational function. Imagine future campaigns that focus on recruiting new editors more than new donors. That's what we're trying to get to.
Wearing Cloak of InvisibilityRosie LewisDevelopment Associate
Legal and Community Advocacy
Legal and Community Advocacy (LCA) team members oversee all legal matters for the Foundation and focus on key initiatives to help support the community consistent with our Foundation goals and values. This team deals with a wide range of issues and projects, including policy drafting, trademark and copyright law, international law, employment law, litigation, fundraising and grant law, domestic and international contracts, privacy law, ethics, internet law, and non-profit corporate governance.
The team is also charged with carrying forward the Foundation’s goals of advocating for the community in new ways, including fighting for content online, facilitating community discussions about critical Wikimedia Foundation initiatives that affect the community, better supporting Wikimedia administrators and functionaries, becoming a center of knowledge for strategic change management, and providing information about legal and legislative issues that impact online content.
Wearing Cloak of InvisibilityAnna KovalCommunity Advocate
Legal interns
The Legal and Community Advocacy department runs a legal internship program to educate and train promising law students or recent law school graduates in the areas of Internet law and free knowledge organizations. The team is looking for legal interns for every summer, fall, and spring semester.
Community Advocacy
Finance and Administration
The Wikimedia Foundation is proud to be one of the most transparent non-profit organizations in the world. For updates about our program activities and our Annual Report, start at our home page.
Wearing Cloak of InvisibilityDennis PorterAP Clerk
Office IT
Human Resources
If you believe in making education and knowledge free, and you love what you do and want to bring your skills and experience to our organization, check out our job openings. If you'd like to keep up to date as new positions are posted, you can subscribe to our wikimediaannounce-l mailing list or follow our micro-blogging feed (on Twitter or on
Wearing Cloak of InvisibilitySaumya ChopraRecruiting Intern