Forgotten Realms Wiki
Forgotten Realms Wiki

Zythars were a variety of destructive, battle-hungry demon with power over abyssal fire.[1]


Zythars cared nothing for whom or what cause they served, so long as they had ample opportunities to burn other creatures alive. They also had an unending desire for combat.[1]


All of a zythar's power revolved around abyssal flame: they could release bolts of fire, lash out with tendrils, or simply slam their fiery bodies into enemies to burn them, with the possibility of setting an unlucky opponent on fire. If needed they could unleash a massive burst of flame; and when a zythar died their form exploded. The fire on their bodies was hot enough to burn any creature that stood too close, and the haze created by the heat could make them hard to hit with attacks.[1]



A fearsome flaming zythar.

Zythars were normally placed in the point position in front of balors in the demonic hordes.[1]


Zythars were native to the Abyss, where they typically served in the armies under balors and other powerful demons. Most other demons feared them, a fact which their balor masters gladly took advantage of; really, only creatures with full immunity to fire were unfazed by zythars.[1]


Zythars were originally created by a legion of balors who were trying to rebel and seize control of an abyssal layer from their lord. When the rebellion failed, the demon lord took possession of the zythars, and they subsequently spread throughout the Abyss.[1]




