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The War of the Returned Regent was a conflict fought for the city of Loudwater in the Delimbiyr Vale in the early 14th century DR.[2][3][4]



The Rensha family had ruled Loudwater and the Delimbiyr Vale since the Year of the Scourge, 1150 DR, and though they made the town prosperous and expanded its connections with the outside world, they exploited the Vale's natural resources and despoiled much of the pristine beauty of the area. Over time, the amoral Renshas descended into decadence and committed several atrocities in pursuit of their dark magic.[2]

Into this area came a mercenary named Nanathlor Greysword, a noble of Nimbral who'd desired to establish a realm of his own in the North, and found one that needed him.[5][6][7][8] In the Year of Spilled Blood, 1315 DR, Pasuuk commanded a band of talented mercenary hunters, among them Nanathlor, to bring him the horn of a unicorn, apparently for some infernal rite. But Nanathlor stayed his hand and instead defended the unicorn—in fact an avatar of the goddess Mielikki. She made him the new Green Regent and the twelve hunters who stood with him his scions, and tasked them with overthrowing the Renshas.[2][3][4]


From then on, Nanathlor Greysword and his loyal followers were in rebellion against the rule of Pasuuk Rensha as they struggled to liberate Loudwater.[2][3][4] They were a ragtag rebel army against Pasuuk's mercenaries and infernal powers, and would see two winters and much fierce fighting before the end.[2] It was a little-known fact that Beyvan Keth, Red Wizard of Thay and master of the Ivy Enclave went against a treaty made with the Renshas to give support to Nanathlor, though his reasons for this remained his own.[1]

The war culminated in the Battle of Tanglefork in the Year of the Wandering Wyrm, 1317 DR, when Nanathlor led his ragtag band against Pasuuk and his forces[2] near Tanglefork Woods on the southern fringe of the High Forest near the River Delimbiyr.[9] Nanathlor called on Mielikki for aid, and she awakened the trees around the battlefield and set them to attack Pasuuk's forces. In response, Pasuuk summoned a coven of devils to assault the trees. Ultimately, Mielikki's servants were victorious and the devils and Pasuuk were all killed in the fighting.[2]


With the fall of the Renshas and the end of the War of the Returned Regent, Nanathlor Greysword became the new High Lord of Loudwater.[2][3][4] Nanathlor maintained relations with other lands but ended the rampant logging and strip-mining, thus restoring the ecology and fertility of the land, and in turn renewing prosperity in the Vale.[2]


