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Varags, also called blood chasers, were a species of feral goblinoid.[1]


Varags resembled hobgoblins with rather primitive and hairy features, as well as two horns that curved away from the skull. They also had double-jointed hind legs. Varags weighed about 320 lb (150 kg) and were 7 ft (2.1 m) tall when standing fulling upright; when crouched on all fours, as they were wont to do, they were only about 3‒4 ft (0.91‒1.2 m) tall at the shoulder.[1]


Varags were primitive, almost feral, and impulsive creatures, lacking in any ability to plan ahead. They were affectionate to hobgoblins, as they were accustomed to being fed by the more intelligent species, but showed intense devotion to anyone who fed them regularly. In combat and while hunting, varags were vicious and cunning.[1]


Varags were exceptionally fast and endurant, but required a large amount of food to maintain those traits.[1]



Varags were more than capable of stealth and preferred to sneak up on enemies wherever possible, then rushing into melee with their speed. However, they hated formation fighting and tended to scatter across battlefields to pick off routed enemies first. When faced with tough, well-organized lines of foes, they employed hit-and-run tactics, but they preferred to attack less-armored foes.[1]


Varags were not a natural species; they were specially bred by hobgoblins and were said to be the result of commingling hobgoblin and dire wolf bloodlines, though varags themselves bred true. They were used by hobgoblins as mercenaries, of sorts, serving as scouts and marauders in exchange to weapons, armor, and other treasures. However, they were difficult to control and hobgoblins warlords simply just set them loose in an area and let them cause carnage as the varag pack burned, looted, and killed its way through the region.[1]

Varags themselves behaved in a distinctly canine fashion, forming small packs and displaying unreserved affection towards hobgoblins. A varag would always protect a hobgoblin in trouble without thought for its own safety, though this devotion waned when the varag grew hungry. Hungry varags were restless and would seek out hobgoblins that could feed them; if hungry enough they would even serve goblins and orcs.[1]

Hobgoblins, for their part, did not take the dumber varags' dependence for granted, since a varag could easily flatten most hobgoblin warriors in a fight. Thus, hobgoblins always lavished praise on varags and fed them well.[1]


Wild varags were characterized by long periods of rest followed by short bouts of violence. Their driving motivation was food, as their heightened metabolisms required three times the amount of food a creature of their size would normally need, as well as spending most of their time sleeping. If one did not get enough food, their speed and endurance would wane; in hobgoblin warbands, such weakened varags died much more easily in battle and were prone to deserting in search of food. Because of this, only larger and wealthier hobgoblin warbands could keep varags.[1]

Varag females gestated for five to six months before bearing a litter of two to three children, who grew to adulthood in only eight years; they ate as much as an adult hobgoblin after only one year. Females only cared for their young for four years. On their own, varags would mate continually until their numbers overtaxed local resources. In captivity, males and females were kept separate and allowed to mate only when more varags were wanted, with a single warband in each area keeping an female-only pack.[1]

Varags understood the Goblin language but had difficulty speaking due to their primitive physiology and low intellects. Many lacked language entirely and communicated with hand gestures, howls, and shrieks amongst themselves.[1]

Varags preferred to dwell in warm, hilly environments, though they were known to live in colder areas without much difficulty. They made their lairs in underground burrows.[1]


In the 15th century DR, varags managed to established their territory across Faerûn through sheer physical might.[1]




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