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The Mage in the Iron Mask is a novel by Brian Thomsen. It is the fourth in The Nobles series.

Mulmaster, nicknamed the "City of Danger," is the next stop on Volothamp Geddarm's research trip for his upcoming Guide to the Monsoon, and maybe his final resting place when the bailing out of a friend from the Mulmaster prison embroils Volo in a sinister plot that threatens the tenuous political stability of all Faerûn.
— [1]


Selfaril Uoumdolphin, High Blade of Mulmaster, finds a twin brother, Rassendyll, held in the Retreat, where many inconvenient nobles live in seclusion. Donal Loomis, a Thayan exile, captures Rassendyl and tries to sell him to Dmitra Flass, Tharchioness of Eltabbar and wife of Selfaril, but Melker Rickman, leader of the Hawks, captures Rassendyl, sealing him in an iron mask, throwing him in a dungeon, and wiping out the retreat.

Passepout shares the cell for a night, causing him and Volo to be hunted as potential witnesses. Volo discovers the slaughter at the retreat along with Chesslyn Onaubra, a Harper. Rassendyl escapes and meets up with Passepout, who finds Volo and Chesslyn at the estate of Honor Falstaff, a blind former Hawk leader also hosting a cloak, Mason McKern. They discover Rassendyl's identity and that McKern's brother made the mask before being killed.

They develop a plan to overthrow Selfaril and replace him with Rassendyl, infiltrating the city and removing the mask. Selfaril is assassinated by a Thayan ambassador, sent by the Thayans expecting to fail and allowed to continue by Rickman, who wanted to overthrow Selfaril. The ambassador and Rickman are captured and executed, and Rassendyl takes his brother’s place.


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BloughChesslyn OnaubraDela AlderDmitra FlassDonal LoomisHoffmanJembahbJames the FelonMcKernMelker RickmanNathorPassepoutRassendyll UoumdolphinSelfaril UoumdolphinSlaterThurndan TallwandVitrioleVolothamp GeddarmWattrous
Referenced only
BostonCatinflasCurtis BerndIdleJeremy RickmanKupferLoyola IgnatoMarissaMaster BerndMinxOlive RuskettlePercival Gallard Woodehouse Shurleen BerndSmaglerSparkyStorm SilverhandSzass TamWard T. James


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bowl-headed greenwoodcatdoppelgangerfirbolggnomehuman (Maztican)larklichmousephoenixpteramanspecter


Building & Sites
Southroad KeepThe Retreat (monastery)Seventh Dwarven AbbeySewers of MulmasterSmashed PlateTower of Arcane MightTower of the BladesTower of the WyvernTraveler's Cloak InnWave and Wink
Referenced only
Baldur's GateCormyrDalelandsDragon ReachEltabbar (tharch)HillsfarMazticaMelvauntPaths of the DoomedPhlanRiver LisSembiaShadowdaleThayUnderdarkWestgateZhentil Keep


Brotherhood of the CloakHarpersHawksRed Wizards of ThayshadowridersTyme Waterdeep Limited
Referenced only
Blades (Mulmaster)House of BerndRed PlumesStupendous Stagecraft IncorporatedZhentarim


Referenced only


static cling
Referenced only
Death Moon OrbDevouring PortalNyskar's Nightbladesritual of twin burningsRunes of ChaosSeal of RobertThakorsil's Seat


Food & Drink
aleArabellan Brandycoffeeeggfungus flambéjuiceKara Turan fate biscuitsaltspicetea
Referenced only
coalPoolsrubysulfurTime of TremorsTime of TroublesVolo's Guide to All Things Magical (in-universe)Volo's Guide to the Moonsea

