Forgotten Realms Wiki
Forgotten Realms Wiki
Forgotten Realms Wiki

Enter the Realms of Elaine Cunningham!

For the first time in one volume, the classic Forgotten Realms tales of Elaine Cunningham are joined by three all new stories!

Travel alongside Arilyn and Danilo, Liriel and Fyodor, and a host of characters valiant and infamous as they tread the forests and cities, the castles and dungeons, of the wide world of Faerûn.


"Answered Prayers"[]

Liriel Baenre, Sharlarra Vendreth, and Thorn stop for a bite to eat at a tavern in Hlammach, Impiltur, and find more than food awaits them. A hunter seeking wolf pelts recognized Thorn as lythari and she challenges him to a duel. Liriel casts a resurrection spell on the man's dragonhide boots and a red dragon forms to carry the man away. (Year: autumn of 1371 DR [1])


Further Reading[]

