Forgotten Realms Wiki
Forgotten Realms Wiki

Solid cloud was an alteration spell,[2] developed by the air elementalist Mortimer Lightfoot in the mid–14th century DR,[1] that allowed a caster to make a single cloud tangible.[2]


Upon having solid cloud cast on it, a cloud was capable of being walked on and supporting objects as if it were solid ground. When interacted with, a cloud had a cottony and soft touch. This effect was permanent.[2]


In addition to requiring somatic and verbal components, solid cloud required a material component, which took the form of the cloud that was to be used by the spell.[2]


In the mid–14th century DR, Mortimer Lightfoot and a group of other rogue elementalists known as the Circle of Four used solid cloud, alongside Mortimer's other spell cloud shape, to create a sort of cloud palace that they used to imprison their kidnapped victims.[1]



Organized Play & Licensed Adventures

Referenced only
Full Circle


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 David Samuels (January 1998). Air's Looking at You. Living City (RPGA), p. 16.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 David Samuels (January 1998). Air's Looking at You. Living City (RPGA), p. 24.