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Soldier's champagne was a cheap but deadly mixed alcoholic drink from the Blade Kingdoms.[1].

This—this paint stripper, this vile incendiary—this distilled sunfish urine left upon your desk!
— Luccio Irozzi[2]


Soldier's champagne was a pale pink concoction that was half-slivovitz (a type of plum brandy) and half-common table red wine.[1]


Aptly named soldier's champagne was popular for its price, especially among many military folk of the Blade Kingdoms. The drink was a common sight during the annual Festival of Blades that follows annual "white war" between disputing city-states.[1]

In 1217 DR, sheltered Princess of Sumbria, Milianna Mannicci da Sumbria, imbibed too much of soldier's champagne and far too quickly, on an empty stomach during the Festival of Blades. The young woman became rowdy and decided to show everyone how much of a sorceress she was, flinging a cantrip and causing a small brawl.[1]



The Council of Blades


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Pauli Kidd (November 1996). The Council of Blades. (TSR, Inc.), p. 115–119. ISBN 978-0786905317.
  2. Pauli Kidd (November 1996). The Council of Blades. (TSR, Inc.), p. 133. ISBN 978-0786905317.