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Forgotten Realms Wiki

The Lower Port of Skullport was the first ward encountered by mercenaries recently released from their contracts and buccaneers on furlough, making it the most unruly and chaotic of Skullport’s districts.[1]


The air in the Lower Port was thick with the pungent smells of the sea and unwashed sailors. This ward was known for its severe poverty, and the slums found here were among the most destitute in Skullport. Beggars and ragpickers wandered through the streets, rummaging through discarded refuse, while shadowy figures observed from rooftops and alleyways, searching for easy targets. Despite its disrepair, the lighting throughout the ward was sufficient, comparable to strong lantern or torchlight in most areas.[1]

Violent altercations were a frequent occurrence, with swordfights erupting hourly as onlookers placed bets on the outcomes. The dead were often left unattended, their bodies scavenged by opportunists. The businesses in the Lower Port catered to the untamed spirit of its visitors, resulting in a proliferation of inexpensive inns, rowdy taverns, and festhalls. In addition to the bustling human activity, dozens of laboring zombies were found repairing buildings, transporting trade goods, or maintaining the ward’s infrastructure by replacing cobblestones.[1]

The buildings in the Lower Port were among the most dilapidated in the city, with many structures barely rising above the level of glorified shacks. These buildings often featured sloping roofs made of tin or wooden shingles, and those with windows typically had iron grates installed for protection.[1]

The Lower Port was known for its lawlessness and neglect, making it one of the most dangerous and impoverished areas of Skullport. It was rife with criminal activity, particularly pickpocketing, which was especially prevalent around the Slavers' Market. Drunken brawls were common, and these skirmishes occasionally escalated to the point of threatening a district-wide riot. However, few of these altercations turned into full-scale bloodbaths, as such events are likely to attract the attention of the Skulls of Skullport.[1]

Notable Locations[]


Streets & Alleyways[]


Festhalls and Taverns[]

Shops & Businesses[]




  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 Joseph C. Wolf (1999). Skullport. (TSR, Inc), p. 30. ISBN 0-7869-1348-7.