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The Serpent Sibyl, or simply Sibyl, was a half-fiend yuan-ti abomination fighter and sorcerer of the mid-to-late 14th century DR who was once an avatar of Sseth, god of the yuan-ti, and desired to be so again. She commanded the cult known as the Sibyl's Chosen.[1][2][3]


She had a serpentine body that was 14 feet (4.3 meters) long with a hide of thick black scales. She had four scaled arms—she favored the upper two for spellcasting and the lower two for weaponry—and a set of wings similar to a pterodactyl's emerging from her back. Finally, her eyes glowed a malevolent crimson hue.[2]


She possessed all the unholy powers of a half-fiend and all the abilities of a yuan-ti abomination. As well as being an adept sorcerer, this provided the Serpent Sibyl with an array of spells and magical gifts.[2]

She was highly skilled in the spiked chain, and in the use of spells in combat.[2]


Sibyl's worshipers included the Se'Sehen yuan-ti tribe, which lived in south Faerûn, and Medusanna of House Mhairdaul.[4]


The Serpent Sibyl was the progeny of a yuan-ti abomination and a marilith. However, she believed herself to be a reincarnation of Sseth himself, specifically of an avatar that had reigned over Serpentes a millennium before.[2]

During the Time of Troubles in the Year of Shadows, 1358 DR, Sseth chose the Serpent Sybil as his avatar.[1] But the god's presence in her mind overwhelmed it, and she retained few memories of the experience. The Serpent Sybil remembered feeling powerful, rising high over the Lapal Sea and gazing down on the Pit of Vipers, once part of Serpentes. She also remembered battling with a reptilian monster with enormous jaws and blazing with divine power. Later, other yuan-ti told her she fought the god Ubtao, Father of the Dinosaurs, which the Serpent Sibyl accepted readily.[2]

After the god was gone, her body was left stronger, so the Serpent Sibyl believed that Sseth could return to her at any time when he next had need of her. She was also believed that Serpentes might be restored.[2]

Years later, in the Year of Wild Magic, 1372 DR, the Serpent Sybil arrived in the Scaled Halls of Varae beneath Hlondeth, the City of Serpents, in the Vilhon Reach. There, she attracted serpentfolk to a cult of Sseth, who venerated the Slitherer Supreme at the long-abandoned altar. The Sibyl's Chosen, as they were called, swiftly swelled in numbers and power, until they risked threatening the dominance of House Extaminos in Hlondeth.[1]


By 1373 DR, the Serpent Sybil plotted to unite yuan-ti holdings all over Faerûn and establish an empire akin to ancient Mhairshaulk in its heyday,[1] or even grander, with herself as its empress.[2]

She and the Sibyl's Chosen allied with another cult, the Plague-Mother's Children, in an effort to make tainted ones in shocking numbers. Unknown to them, Dediana Extaminos, fearing the Serpent Sybil's power, worked covertly to thwart them.[5]

In addition, the Serpent Sybil sent several of her yuan-ti to seize and fortify the Deepwing Portal in the Spines of Surkh.[6]


The Serpent Sibyl was inspirational to her followers, moving them with visions of ancient and glorious yuan-ti empires and driving them to revive that lost legacy. She believed fully in it herself.[2]


She was armed with a +5 flaming keen spiked chain and a +1 composite longbow that imparted incredible strength to the shot, together with a score of +1 arrows. She wore bracers of armor +5 and a ring of regeneration and a ring of protection +1. She had about 600 gp in coin on hand.[2]



House of Serpents: Venom's TasteVanity's Brood



Further Reading[]
