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Shadow walk was an illusion spell that helped people traveling long distances.[3]


The spell enabled one to travel to the border between the Material Plane and the Plane of Shadow, and then physically wander along this zone to the desired destination, taking advantage of an effect that caused one to move much faster here than on the material plane. A destination could also be on another plane. The caster could be accompanied by others, but they were under no compulsion to follow the caster around. They could strike out on their own, but the caster could also abandon them to become potentially lost.[3]

Interestingly, the spell didn't make usage of teleportation[3] and thus was a safe way for long-range travel in the Underdark.[10]


Shadow walk used verbal and somatic components only.[3]


The spell was attributed to Netherese arcanist Shadow in −592 DR and was originally known as Shadow's walk.[1]

Notable Users[]

The sorcerers of the Jaezred Chaulssin made frequent use of this spell.[11]

The Prince of Shade Melegaunt Tanthul transported himself and his allies across the Heartlands in order to help achieve the Return.[12]




Novels & Short Stories

Organized Play & Licensed Adventures


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 slade, Jim Butler (October 1996). “The Winds of Netheril”. In Jim Butler ed. Netheril: Empire of Magic (TSR, Inc.), pp. 24, 28. ISBN 0-7869-0437-2.
  2. Rob Heinsoo, Andy Collins, James Wyatt (June 2008). Player's Handbook 4th edition. (Wizards of the Coast), p. 312. ISBN 0-7869-4867-1.
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams (July 2003). Player's Handbook v.3.5. (Wizards of the Coast), p. 277. ISBN 0-7869-2886-7.
  4. Hal Maclean (September 2004). “Seven Deadly Domains”. In Matthew Sernett ed. Dragon #323 (Paizo Publishing, LLC), p. 64.
  5. David "Zeb" Cook (August 1989). Player's Handbook (2nd edition). (TSR, Inc.), p. 186. ISBN 0-88038-716-5.
  6. Richard Baker (1996). Player's Option: Spells & Magic. (TSR, Inc), p. 184. ISBN 0-7869-0394-5.
  7. Barry A. A. Dillinger (May 1996). “The Dimensional Wizard”. In Pierce Watters ed. Dragon #229 (TSR, Inc.), pp. 50–52.
  8. Sam Witt (March 1994). The Complete Sha'ir's Handbook. Edited by Dezra D. Phillips, C. Terry Phillips. (TSR, Inc.), p. 126. ISBN 1-56076-828-2.
  9. slade, Jim Butler (October 1996). “The Winds of Netheril”. In Jim Butler ed. Netheril: Empire of Magic (TSR, Inc.), pp. 121–123. ISBN 0-7869-0437-2.
  10. Bruce R. Cordell, Gwendolyn F.M. Kestrel, Jeff Quick (October 2003). Underdark. (Wizards of the Coast), p. 49. ISBN 0-7869-3053-5.
  11. Eric L. Boyd (2007-04-25). Dragons of Faerûn, Part 3: City of Wyrmshadows (Zipped PDF). Web Enhancement for Dragons of Faerûn. Wizards of the Coast. p. 6. Archived from the original on 2016-11-01. Retrieved on 2009-10-07.
  12. Troy Denning (December 2009). “The Summoning”. Return of the Archwizards (Wizards of the Coast), p. 52. ISBN 978-0-7869-5365-3.