Forgotten Realms Wiki
Forgotten Realms Wiki

Polyhedron Newszine #133 was released in December 1998. It contained the following articles related to the Forgotten Realms:

Elminster's Everwinking Eye: The Border Kingdoms[]

By Ed Greenwood. p. 8–9

A visit to the old town of Manywaters, which lies east of the River Rith and just southwest of the Grand Duchy of Shantal. [citation template]

City Stories: The Furrier's Guild[]

By James P. Buchanan. p. 10

Meet Vivia "Poacher's Foe" Stuyvesant, the Furrier's Guildmaster of Ravens Bluff. [citation template]

Stench Cow Recipes![]

By William James Cuffe. p. 11 [citation template]

Lower plane favorites from our family to yours. A look at Stench Kine, and how to cook them in Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd ed.

The Gentle Art of Foodomancy[]

By Kurt Samson. p. 11 [citation template]

An introduction to foodomancy: recipes for Basilisk & Bread, and Dragonblood Soup.
