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Pipes of the Wheezing Dragon were famous enchanted birdpipes made out of a senile old red dragon Craum Straug.[1]


Pipes of the Wheezing Dragon were birdpipes of yellowed dragon bone tied with a surprisingly tough cord of dragon gut. They creaked and wheezed even when not in use.[1]


When used by a bard, these birdpipes produced bursts of flame that burned the bard's opponents. The pipes could produce a burst of flame similar to the burning hands spell thrice per day and Aganazzar's scorcher once per day. Because of the pipes' constant noise, they made it significantly harder for the user to perform roguish feats like pickpocketing, hiding in shadows, and silent movements.[1]


Long before the Year of the Griffon, 1312 DR, the logging camp of Hornhollow at the edge of the Wood of Sharp Teeth was visited by a senile red dragon Craum Straug who set the town aflame after its inhabitants fled in terror of the wyrm. As the fire started spreading to neighboring lands, Craum Straug perched in what was left of the town, unwilling to move. The people of Hornhollow held a lottery to see who was to negotiate with the dragon over their homes. A traveling minstrel, Aznee Fraystrings was the unlucky winner.[1]

The negotiation that followed became a famous event and Aznee's claim to fame. The minstrel discovered that Craum Straug suffered from the draconic equivalent of a bad cough and that the dragon's burning of the village was accidental due to wheezing and coughing flames as the dragon was searching for help. Aznee Fraystrings's solution was a remedy that once helped his elderly uncle – tea of maiden's milk flower, a known panacea for such ailments. Later sages speculated if the minstrel confused Maiden's Milk for bellows root or if Craum Straug drank the bubbling cauldron too fast, but the dragon vomited the concoction out in an instant, incinerating Aznee and several acres of the Wood of Sharp Teeth. After a long rampage of vomiting flames, Craum Straug collapsed dead. His geriatric wyrm body could not weather so much physical activity.[1]

The following day the loggers of Hornhollow returned and discovered the dragon's bones. The bones still carried echoes of the ancient dragon's coughing fits, and the skeleton continued to creak and wheeze. The reverberant corpse was sold to a local wizard who used it to create several enchanted music instruments called the Pipes of the Wheezing Dragon.[1]

Notable Owners[]



Video Games
Icewind Dale II

