The Pipes of Doom were a set of powerful magical bagpipes belonging to the lich Pomerian, who served in the army of Grintharke in Hellgate Keep in the mid-to-late 14th century DR.[1]
Non-evil beings who played the Pipes would be slowly turned evil. Creatures with magical musical ability, such as bards or korred, were immune to this alignment change. They could also use the pipes to increase the effects of their magical music.[1]
A powerful player of the Pipes could unlock even more powerful effects: they could cause mass insanity in those who heard their music, destroy objects were not naturally created, or control the weather in the area similar to the effects of the control weather spell.[1]
The Pipes could only be destroyed by great heat: contact with volcanic rock, the breath of a red dragon, or in the Elemental Plane of Fire.[1]
The Pipes of Doom were created by the former master of the balor Grintharke. They were carried by his follower Pomerian, who led a force of monsters from Hellgate Keep that invaded Llorkh and then marched on Loudwater. While the forces of Hellgate Keep rested, the Pipes were stolen from the command tent by a group of korred.[1]
The korred took the Pipes to their circle in the South Wood and used them as part of their ceremonies of dancing. Unknown to the korred, they were pursued by a party comprising Slag, Lilliana, Dammek, and Dammon sent by Pomerian to retrieve the pipes, as well as a group of heroes sent by Nanathlor Greysword.[2]
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 Kristofer Wade (March/April 1991). “The Pipes of Doom”. In Barbara G. Young ed. Dungeon #28 (TSR, Inc.) (28)., p. 9.
- ↑ Kristofer Wade (March/April 1991). “The Pipes of Doom”. In Barbara G. Young ed. Dungeon #28 (TSR, Inc.) (28)., p. 17.