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Neverwinter: Tomb of Annihilation is a campaign expansion module for the Neverwinter massive-multiplayer role-playing game. Released in July 2017, the expansion added a number of new features and new locales far away from the North and the Sword Coast.

Tomb of Annihilation starts with Sergeant Knox asking you to look into a dreadful death curse afflicting people across Faerûn. You begin your investigation in Helm's Hold, where many victims of the sickness have gathered for treatment. As you find clues, you are offered to set up an expedition, funded by a secret patron to the Jungles of Chult hoping to find a cure.
— Excerpt from the going-live announcement.[1]



When the clerics at Helm's Hold began to report that people were turning up in varying states of decay, suffering from some sort of curse that their magic could not stop, the Heroes of Sleeping Dragon Bridge went to investigate. After receiving an anonymous letter telling them that the "death curse" could be found in Chult, an expedition to the jungle land was financed by the half-orc Waterdhavian noble Morga Longlived, who was served by the scholar Tristopher Chettlebell. Joined by Minsc, Celeste, and Volothamp Geddarm, Tristopher and the heroes set sailed along the coast, and ventured south to Chult. When they arrived in the Bay of Chult, their ship was destroyed by a dragon turtle and the expedition was scattered and the heroes washed up on the shore.

Believing that the others would head for Port Nyanzaru if they survived, the heroes made their way through the jungle and were reunited with Minsc, who had already been hired by one of the city's merchant princes, Wakanga O'tamu, to fight the undead in exchange for the use of a compound in the city by the expedition. While Volo and the captain had survived as well, Minsc had seen no sign of Celeste or Tristopher. They were soon joined by Makos, who explained only that he had set up contingencies in the event of his death and was the one who sent them the letter at Helm's Hold. While aiding the Order of the Gauntlet at Camp Vengeance, the heroes learned of a crone at Mbala named Nanny Pu'pu who might have knowledge of the death curse.

Nanny Pu'pu agreed to help them, in exchange for recovering magical supplies stolen from her by the batiri of Yellyark. There they also found Celeste's dead body, but when they returned to Mbala, Nanny Pu'pu offered to help restore her to life. She demanded a sacrifice in exchange, and Makos offered up a captive batiri. Celeste rose in undeath, angry at Makos for helping bring her back in such a state. While dead, however, Celeste received a vision from Selûne about a Chosen paladin of Ubtao named Ras Nsi who had betrayed his oaths, and had now pledged himself to a great evil within the Lost City of Omu. The heroes finally uncovered the location of Ras Nsi, hidden within within a shrine of Ubtao called the House of the Crocodile.



AremagThe BellyBooCelesteDrania FlameburstDunmishEkuHedetetKarkinosKing of SpinesMakosMinscMorga LonglivedNanny Pu'puNiles BreakbonePerne SalhanaRas NsiShondraSister CyasTristopher ChettlebellVolothamp GeddarmWakanga O'tamuZe'Vana Ritzulma


arachnecrab (bigclaw, purple marsh crab) • dinosaur (allosaurus, compsognathus, deinonychus, eotyrannus, tyrannosaurus, velociraptor) • dragon turtlefish (giant puffer, giant tigerfish, irrinda, kapenta, likoto, minjiriya, mkunga, quipper, red discus, striped puffer) • giant scorpiongoblin (Batiri) • hag (green) • leatherjacketsmilodonspider (jungle tarantula) • yuan-ti


dastanazephyr armguards
Food & Drink
asa watatkilt watcrema Athkatladoro t'ibskinchekitat'ej
Materials & Substances
dark residuumpropolisspider silkwootz


Bodies of Water
Bay of CultRiver Soshenstar
House of the Crocodile
Tomb of the Nine Gods
Mist Cliffs
Camp RighteousCamp VengeanceMbalaPort Nyanzaru


death curse






External Links[]

Announcments & Developer Blogs
Announcing Neverwinter: Tomb of AnnihilationJungles of Chult CampaignStronger Enemies, Stronger EquipmentCome Visit Port Nyanzaru – Your Next Adventure Awaits!Port Nyanzaru Environment ArtTomb of Annihilation - Story OverviewTomb of the Nine Gods EnvironmentTomb of the Nine GodsCreating Soshenstar RiverMerchant Prince LockboxAnimating the T-RexNew Foes Await!Tomb of Annihilation Now Live!Hunting in ChultReap the Rewards of Chult!


  1. Julia (nitocris83) (25/07/2017). Announcing Neverwinter: Tomb of Annihilation. Arc Games. Retrieved on 08/01/2021.


Neverwinter Modules
1: Fury of the Feywild • 2: Shadowmantle • 3: Curse of Icewind Dale • 4: Tyranny of Dragons • 5: Rise of Tiamat • 6: Elemental Evil • 7: Strongholds • 8: Underdark • 9: The Maze Engine • 10: Storm King's Thunder • 11: The Cloaked Ascendancy • 12: Tomb of  Annihilation • 13: Lost City of Omu • 14: Ravenloft • 15: The Heart of Fire • 16: Undermountain • 17: Uprising • 18: Infernal Descent • 19: Avernus • 20: Sharandar • 21: Jewel of the North • 22: Dragonbone Vale • 23: Dragonslayer • 24: Northdark Reaches • 25: Menzoberranzan • 26: Demonweb Pits • 27: Spelljammer • 28: Adventures in Wildspace • 29: Mountain of Flame