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Matagar Bugo was the Duke of Daggerford for a brief period of time in 1372 DR after the apparent death of Duke Pwyll Daggerford and the Duke's sister, Bronwyn Daggerford's abduction.[1]

Daggerford has been very good to me since I arrived, my friend, and I insist that I return the favor to the town. Spread the wealth a little, so to speak, and put a smile on the little children's faces. Now, what can I do for you?
— Matagar Bugo[1]


Matagar Bugo was a large portly man. He had light brown long hair on the balding head. He always dressed in lavish expensive garb and decorated with jewelry. His face almost always had a smug grin on it.[1]


Bugo's pompous ego rivaled his body in size. He was ambitious, cutthroat, and corrupt. His charisma and ability to deceive often helped his career.[1]


Bugo's shady background included working closely with Xanathar's Thieves' Guild in his rise to significance. After he slithered into Zhentarim's good graces and became part of their sinister plan, he attempted to double-cross Xanathar.[1]


Matagar Bugo came from a wealthy family from Waterdeep, there he was a wealthy and successful merchant and businessman with some shady connections. At one point he upended his business and moved to Daggerford as a surprise to everyone, including the agents of the Lords' Alliance.[1]

Matagar Bugo's rise to power happened shortly after Duke Pwyll was presumed dead in 1372 DR. The duke disappeared during one of his hunting outings and it was rumored he was gored by a wild beast. The city's leadership was taken over by a wealthy merchant member of the city council, Matagar. Even though many thought the Duke's disappearance was highly suspicious, Bugo buttered his way to the throne with bribes and sweet words. The only other person who had a claim to the throne, Duke's sister Bronwyn Daggerford, was reportedly abducted and held hostage by an unknown party.[1]

Bugo quickly started planning Daggerford's prosperous future, which he put in writing and made sure the Golden Book, filled with propaganda, to be freely available to the masses, and guests of the Ducal Castle. Bugo promised his leadership was to lead Daggerford to become a major trade hub, rivaling even Waterdeep. He brought in a new and unknown mercenary company of the Griffons to bring law and order to the trade way and protect the merchants and citizens from recently spiked bandit activity around Daggerford.[1]

Shortly after one of the bandit attacks on an incoming trade caravan, the adventurer arrived that with the aid of Astriel Shalyn, investigated the recent unrest and the Duke's disappearance. Eventually, Bugo himself requested the aid of the adventurer in dealing with the group that abducted Bronwyn Daggerford. That mission led the heroes to a conflict with Nakoto of Xanathar's Thieves' Guild who claimed that they had nothing to do with the abduction, spiking the heroes' suspicions.[1]

Subsequently, Astriel Shalyn's group uncovered that the recent events were a part of the Zhentarim plot to take over Daggerford by installing a puppet ruler, and manipulating the public and political opinion in the new ruler's favor. The plot included the duke and his sister's abduction, the increased bandit activity perpetrated by the Zhenths was the ploy of bringing the Griffons in, who of course, were Zhenths as well. All while smuggling arms through Daggerford to the orc and tanarukka forces led by the returned Devil of Daggerford, Gorgomorz. The orc forces were to invade Daggerford, doublecrossed by Zhenths, the Griffons were to save the city, cementing Matagar Bugo's rulership.[1]

With the plot interrupted, the orc forces were stopped by the city militia led by the adventurers and Astriel Shalyn. Bugo avoided capture, only to resurface in the battle with Gorgomorz himself. The pompous man attempted to command the baatezu in his hubris and was slaughtered for that.[1]

Eventually Gorgomorz himself was banished, his forces fled, and the Griffons apprehended. Duke Pwyll and his sister were rescued from the Zhentarim and returned to the throne.[1]



Video Games
Neverwinter Nights: Darkness over Daggerford

