Forgotten Realms Wiki
Forgotten Realms Wiki

Lashar was a friendly half-orcish merchant of various good from the town of Liam's Hold circa 1372 DR.[1]

Every customer is of importance to Lashar and it is my honor to serve.
— Lashar[1]


Lashar has a bull and intimidating physique of a half-orc, perturbing tusks, and greenish skin. This sight often unsettled his customers, to what he always said "Such is life." His pleasant attitude, smile, and eloquence made up for his intimidating appearance.[1]


Circa 1372 DR, Lashar could always be found in front of his stall in the center of Liam's Hold, happily greeting travelers and offering them his fine wares. The half-orc had a humble selection of clothes, mundane armors, several weapons, potion of healing, scroll parchment, and various knick-knacks. He did, however kept an eye out for interesting artifacts and exotic items. Once such weapons was the Sword of the Sultans from the far East. He also sold phoenix extracts and acid bombs.[1]



Video Games
Neverwinter Nights: Darkness over Daggerford

