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Larghauseth, known to humans as Flashfire,[1] was a red dragon that lived in the 14th century DR.[1][2]


Larghauseth was displayed many of the personality traits typical of adult red dragons, such as being greedy and self-centered. He was intelligent clever, with a love for games, especially of the cat-and-mouse variety. Yet he was also curious, subject to mood swings, and often made decisions arbitrarily.[2]


In addition to the standard abilities of an adult red dragon, when he was alive Larghauseth was capable of casting the spells charm person, detect invisible, invisibility, lightning bolt, and sleep.[2]

In his later undead form he lacked these spellcasting abilities, as well as his fear aura and dragon breath. Though he could cast the spell-like abilities affect normal fires and pyrotechnics thrice per day. And became vulnerable to holy water.[1]


Larghauseth was one of many dragons that flew south during the Flight of Dragons. After the destruction of Phlan he continued flying south, drawn by a strange compulsion. He eventually made his way to Mount Drakkor Rouge in the Thunder Peaks in 1358 DR.[note 1] Within the semi-extinct volocano he settled down in the abandoned Temple of the Dragon Oracle,[2] making his lair in the back of lava caves that the temple was built upon.[3] He had been drawn there by magical statues left behind by the temple's Dracon Cultists, which acted as beacons to dragons.[3]

Larghauseth came to subjugate the gargoyles that laired within the temple, making them his minions.[2] And then went on to make the inhabitants of Volkumburgh, a village north of Mount Drakkor Rouge, aware of the temple and demanded a monthly tribute from them in the form of five sheep. Though, even when this tribute was paid his gargoyle minions would still sometimes terrorize Volkumburgh Vale,[4] stealing sheep from shepherds such as Clemon.[5]

Larghauseth came to sense that something lived within the smoke pit of his lair and it frightened him nearly senseless. He began longing to abandon his lair, wanting to escape his feelings of fear, but he couldn't manage it.[2] He eventually came to suspect that this was due to the temple somehow exerting control over him,[2] but had yet to figure out that the statues were the ones responsible, since their magic also caused him to unconsciously avoid the plaza in which they stood.[3] He also was unaware that the creature he could sense was a dragonwight.[2]

Some time after 1358 DR,[note 2] Larghauseth tried to down a dracolich potion, but was unsuccessful and died in the process.[6] When the Cult of the Dragon came to re-establish itself in the Thunder Peaks in the 1360's DR,[7] they found the previous cell's Tome of the Dragon and experimented with some of the knowledge it revealed, transforming Larghauseth's corpse into a zombie dragon. In this undead form he lacked his old intellect, operating instead on primitive instincts.[1]

He was ordered by the wight known as Karnal to attack anything that wasn't him, his skeleton dragon Oskurouh, or an entity that displayed the symbol of either Velsharoon or the Cult of the Dragon. Though sometimes, unless Karnal was around to reinforce his order, Larghauseth would sometimes attack people even if they displayed those symbols.[1]



  1. Page 16 of The Shattered Statue states that Flashfire, "...came south several years ago in the dragon invasion that destroyed the city of Phlan on the shores of the Moonsea." Describing the event known as the Flight of Dragons, which occurred in 1356 DR. However, that page also states that Flashfire only moved into the Temple of the Dragon Oracle recently. For more information on this, see Note 2.
  2. Canon material does not provide a year for the events described in The Shattered Statue, but through extensive research this wiki has estimated a date. The explanation for this date is divided into three points:
    (1) Page 16 of The Shattered Statue (February, 1988) describes the destruction of Phlan by dragons as having occurred "several years ago." Since the conflict "Dragon Run" did not exist until The Moonsea, this has to be referring to the Flight of Dragons (1356 DR), which was introduced in the Forgotten Realms Campaign Set.
    (2) The Savage Frontier (August, 1988), is set in 1358 DR and has Amelior Amanitas refer to its events in past tense.
    (3) Page 18 of The Shattered Statue describes the Cult of the Dragon as having long had no presence in Volkumburgh Vale, but TSR Jam 1999 has the cult re-establishing themselves there in 1359 DR.
    (4) In conclusion, all together this info suggests that The Shattered Statue takes place in 1358 DR.


The Shattered StatueTSR Jam 1999


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 Bryon Wischstadt (February 1999). “Vale of the Dragon Oracle”. In Julia Martin ed. TSR Jam 1999 (TSR, Inc.), p. 11. ISBN 0-7869-1445-9.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 Jennell Jaquays (February 1988). The Shattered Statue. Edited by Steve Perrin. (TSR, Inc.), p. 16. ISBN 0-88038-498-0.
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 Jennell Jaquays (February 1988). The Shattered Statue. Edited by Steve Perrin. (TSR, Inc.), p. 18. ISBN 0-88038-498-0.
  4. Jennell Jaquays (February 1988). The Shattered Statue. Edited by Steve Perrin. (TSR, Inc.), p. 6. ISBN 0-88038-498-0.
  5. Jennell Jaquays (February 1988). The Shattered Statue. Edited by Steve Perrin. (TSR, Inc.), p. 10. ISBN 0-88038-498-0.
  6. Bryon Wischstadt (February 1999). “Vale of the Dragon Oracle”. In Julia Martin ed. TSR Jam 1999 (TSR, Inc.), p. 3. ISBN 0-7869-1445-9.
  7. Bryon Wischstadt (February 1999). “Vale of the Dragon Oracle”. In Julia Martin ed. TSR Jam 1999 (TSR, Inc.), p. 2. ISBN 0-7869-1445-9.