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Forgotten Realms Wiki
Forgotten Realms Wiki

Kyleena's silken armor was a set of enchanted medium armor that belonged to Kyleena Moonglow, a wild elf chieftain active circa 1372 DR in the Delimbiyr Vale.[1]


This set of armor was crafted out of pieces of polished tree bark and covered in a layer of tough spidersilk from nests of the spiders that nested in the highest Chultan tree canopies. The wood of the armor was black in color and decorated with intricate etching of spiderwebs.[1]


Kyleena's silken armor possessed a +1 enchantment and made the wearer immune to poisons and the web spell.[1]


This set of armor traveled with its owner, Kyleena Moonglow, from the land of Chult and far north to the Delimbiyr Vale, after being pushed out of their forests by Chultans and encroaching civilization. The wild elf chieftain wore her silken armor in 1372 DR, as she negotiated with the Hero who represented Daggerford in the land dispute between Moonglow's tribe and local farmers.[1]



Video Games
Neverwinter Nights: Darkness over Daggerford

