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Horns of collapsing were a variety of magical horns designed to cave-in natural or artificial ceilings.[1][4][5]


These horns were rather mundane in appearance, often made in the form of a bugle or signal horn.[5]


All horns of collapsing had a 10% of their effect misfiring, though a misfire was guaranteed if the trumpeter didn't speak the proper command word before sounding it.[1][4][5] In the hands of a proper bard, the chance of misfiring was reduced to 5%, whilst in the hands of a Dwarven chanter there was no chance of the instrument being sounded improperly.[1][6]

The intended effect when sounding a horn of collapsing was to cause a the collapse of an overhead section of roof its pointed at, measuring 20 feet (6.1 meters) by 20 ft (6.1 m), as far away as 60 feet (18 meters) from the trumpeter. During a misfire a horn of collapsing would instead cause an area of roof directly above the trumpeter to fall down, though if it occurred in an outdoor space devoid of a roof the horn would instead cause 2 to 12 fist-sized rocks to rain down upon the trumpeter.[1][4][5]


Around the year Year of Shadows, 1358 DR or so, a community of hobgoblins in the Moonsea region known simply as the Hobgoblin Kingdom had a treasure room with such magical items as a heavy crossbow of accuracy, horn of collapsing, a portable hole, a ring of feather falling, and a wand of secret door and trap location.[7][note 1]

In the mid-14th century DR, a horn of collapsing could be found on the Holy Mountain of Kus within the pedestal of a long neglected shrine to Bimasara, the Padhrasattva of Barter.[8]



  1. The timelines of the original Pool of Radiance series of video games, and the FRC series of adventure modules cannot co-exist with the canon novels. The video games and modules start in 1357-1358 DR. However, due to the release of content related to the Time of Troubles, the Pool of Radiance novel was shifted backwards to 1340 DR. This spoils the continuity for the video games that originally took place from 1358 DR to 1368 DR (which now starts in 1340 DR), and the adventure modules (Curse of the Azure Bonds took place directly after Ruins of Adventure). For this reason, the events and timelines of the Pool of Radiance video games and the FRC adventure modules are considered non-canon. However, the background information about characters, creatures, locations, and items etc, may still be documented.



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